Dynamic Digital Experiences with Butterflies and Bubbles Donor Walls

Dynamic Digital Experiences with Butterflies and Bubbles Donor Walls

Recognizing donors and employees for their valuable contributions is imperative. By recognizing donors, organizations are able to say thank you while encouraging future support for their cause. Digital donor wall displays give organizations the ability to recognize donors, make updates in a few clicks, and leave a lasting impression for everyone to see. This digital butterfly donor wall is a prime example of recognition done right:

Creating an Immersive Visual Experience

butterfly organ donor digital wall arreyaDigital signage is a great way to get someone’s attention and cost effective for updates. But how do you increase the total engagement while still maintaining your message? Start by looking at the overall space where the digital signage is located. Is there room to add a surround to the screen or turn the space into a total visual experience? Add engaging visual elements like butterflies and bubbles.

Effective Digital Donor Recognition Software

A key component to a great digital donor wall is the software powering the display. It’s important to keep donor names and information up to date and relevant. Digital donor recognition software should be intuitive, reliable, and highly customizable. The software needs to be easy and efficient to use. With powerful integrations and widgets like List-Eez, users can upload a new spreadsheet with a list of hundreds or even thousands of donors with a few clicks. Touchpoints allow organizations to easily create interactive donor walls with no code writing. Donors and visitors can navigate through different pages of content by clicking or touching the screen. Learn more about digital donor walls.

Simple Digital Surrounds

digital signage surround school arreyaFraming digital signage is a simple way to polish your presentation and it secures all the digital hardware. Adding corporate branding and mission statements to existing signage is the easiest and most cost effective way to emphasize digital signage messages.

digital signage custom surround arreya

Make Digital Signage Meaningful

bubble donor wall children hospital arreyaFor a digital experience to be meaningful, it needs to be integrated into the customer journey, rather than being applied as a layer. It should deliver relevant and meaningful content that disrupts behavior, drives engagement and, ultimately, delivers an experience that creates a personal relationship with the customer or employee.  CLICK TO LEARN MORE about the butterfly donor wall and the Arora Project.

Videos give life to a static donor wall or digital surround. The surround compliments and plays off of the digital content and vice versa. Dimensional butterflies and bubbles are a fun way to go beyond the ordinary. They give spaces and donor displays color and life.

The ease of cloud based Arreya Digital Signage software, anyone can make updates anytime and push live to devices. Keep content fresh and relevant and even pre-schedule content for specific days.

Maximize Digital Signage Impact on Donors or Employees

Let visual displays greet visitors, donors and employees. There are so many ways to make a visual impact. Celebrate corporate history, corporate branding, employee and company wins, donor recognition displays, and adding art to architectural spaces. Whether static or digital signage or a combination of both, consider specific touchpoints for the best experiences.

  1. Fresh content
    Ensure your digital signage content remains relevant and engaging by regularly updating it with fresh material. Incorporate a mix of motivational messages, wellness tips, employee and donor videos and spotlights, and announcements to cater to different preferences and interests.
  2. Optimal placement
    Place digital displays in high-traffic areas where employees, visitors and potential donors are likely to see them frequently, such as lobbies, break rooms, and common areas. Consider the flow of foot traffic when determining optimal placement to maximize visibility and impact.
  3. Interactive Features
    Introduce interactive elements such as videos, HR information, donor stories, and wayfinding to encourage engagement with your digital signage content. This captures attention and provides opportunities for employees and donors to butterfly digital signage surroundparticipate actively and feel more connected.
  4. Integrations
    Integrate digital content from Google Workspace, Canva, or Appsheet for more relevant content and communication channels. Collaboration with human resources, wellness committees, and internal communications teams ensures alignment with broader organizational objectives and enhances experience.

Dimensional Experiences

Whether adding butterflies, bubbles or paper airplanes to a donor wall or dimensional logos for a corporate history wall, the visual impact is the same. Visitors and employees are more likely to engage. The added effectiveness of digital signage brings continual fresh content to static walls for years to come.



Enhance Donor Recognition with Digital Donor Walls for Non Profits

Enhance Donor Recognition with Digital Donor Walls for Non Profits

Established non profit organizations such as the SPCA, United Way, YMCA, and the Red Cross do amazing work for their communities. But the work they do wouldn’t be possible without generous donations. Digital donor walls are the best tools for non profits to recognize donors. They are also excellent for encouraging new donations.

Modern and Cost Effective Donor Recognition

interactive children digital donor displayDigital donor walls are a modern, automated method of donor recognition.  They can be used to create digital signs that recognize donors, display photos and biographies, and provide thank you messages. Digital donor walls also allow non profit organizations to keep their donors updated with news and events, as well as updates on how donations are being used. This is something that was impossible or extremely difficult to do with traditional donor recognition methods.


Digital donor walls have a number of advantages over traditional paper-based acknowledgement methods.  They are low-maintenance, easy to set up, and require minimal upfront costs. They can be updated in real time, providing the most up-to-date information on donations and programs. In addition, digital donor walls are easily accessed by donors and potential new supporters on location, and content can even be accessed on their phones.

Improving Visibility

hospital cumulative digital donor display arreyaDigital donor walls for non profits increase visibility on location, but they can be visible from anywhere. While some digital signage softwares and donor recognition programs only display on one screen, Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) can display content anywhere. PWAs allow non profit organizations to recognize donors globally. Anyone with a stable internet connection and a modern web browser can view donor content.

Learn more about displaying content on multiple screens.

Increasing Transparency

Digital donor walls also provide organizations with a platform to showcase stories from those they are helping. This can be extremely powerful in raising awareness and inspiring others to become involved with the organization’s mission.

By prominently displaying information on how donations are used, digital donor walls allow organizations to communicate directly with their supporters. As a result, digital donor walls increase overall transparency and accountability for non profits. Through this communication, donors can feel confident that their contributions are being used in the most effective and efficient manner. 

Strategic Donor Recognition

Finally, digital donor walls help to increase donations through targeted campaigns and fundraising events. Organizations use built in analytics to strategically schedule when to display their targeted campaigns and upcoming events.By engaging directly with current and prospective donors, with the right messaging at the right time, organizations can build relationships that can lead to more frequent,larger, or even new gifts. Digital donor walls allow for non profit organizations to strategically deploy campaigns, recognize donors for their generosity, and encourage new donations.

SPCA and Animal Shelter Digital Donor Wall

SPCA and Animal Shelter Digital Donor Wall

SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) came to Arreya with the vision of creating a digital donor wall. They decided to use Arreya’s creative studio to create custom content to recognize their generous donors. Arreya was proud to help make this donor wall a reality.

Recognizing Donors

SPCA animal digital signage donor recognitionSPCA and animal shelters everywhere advance the safety and quality of life for animals all across the globe. Thanks to their work, thousands of dogs, cats, horses, and other animals have been rescued. SPCA is a non profit organization, and donors are integral to their work. Because of this, they needed a modern and professional way to recognize their donors, and to encourage new donations.

Customizable Content

digital donor wall spca contentArreya’s creative studio gives organizations all the freedom they need to create custom digital donor wall content. Names and donors are easily updated. Another big benefit is that pictures and videos are now easy to replace.

Also, content is scheduled in advance for events and announcements. Overall, Arreya has the tools, hardware, and support needed to properly recognize and encourage new donors and improve digital communications.

Unlimited Devices

Since Arreya is a Progressive Web Application (PWA), it can be deployed to any screen with a modern browser and stable internet connection. For SPCA, this meant that their donor wall could be displayed anywhere. This also allows them to recognize and thank donors on a larger scale, no matter where they are physically located in addition to providing a more engaging viewing experience.

Click here to learn more about using Arreya as a PWA (Progressive Web App).

Seamless Implementation

Arreya’s white glove service made implementing SPCA’s digital donor wall effortless. The digital donor recognition wall is powered by a Chromebox device. The Chromebox was enrolled in a Google Admin Console, which allows it to be locked down in kiosk mode, and then paired to the Arreya channel.  Finally, the Arreya channel automatically pulls in the latest content and donor information from an excel spreadsheet, which means the donor wall always displays the most up-to-date information. 

A Complete Donor Recognition Solution

Arreya was able to provide the SPCA with a complete donor recognition solution. There was no lengthy onboarding process or involvement with third party companies. With support from Arreya’s team, and  also Arreya’s intuitive and robust digital signage software, SPCA was able to easily set up, manage, and display meaningful donor recognition content on their digital donor wall.