Large Content Driven Presentations Best Practices

Large Content Driven Presentations Best Practices

Best Practices for Large Content Driven Presentations

Arreya lets you create presentations without page restrictions or limits on content. However, this freedom can cause unexpected experiences when dealing with large amounts of content. A large presentation gets affected by device limitations, internet speed, storage, and processing power. Yes you can create a presentation with over 200 pages and gigabytes of content but unless optimized, this content will not be easy for devices to deal with. Much like a web site there are best setups and recommendations to create it to be highly performing.

When a presentation gets really large with content, the usability gets complicated and affects both viewing and editing. A 200 page interactive presentation needs a lot of computing power, so it may not load properly, and a computer may lack the processing power to easily edit all 200 pages at once. If your internet speed is slow or lags, the entire presentation will take a long time to load, push live, and edit.

How to Optimize Large Content Driven Presentations

optimize large digital content interactivesThe good news is, with Arreya, you can still design and create a large content driven presentation by best optimizing it for performance. This optimization is achieved in Arreya by splitting up your content into multiple presentations. So now, you can divide one extremely large presentation into many smaller and more manageable sections. This multi presentation feature in Arreya is a game changer. It makes loading and organizing content much faster, and is included with every subscription. Arreya also has no limits on the number of presentations you can add and includes options to link presentations together for a seamless experience. 

Taking advantage of this Arreya feature and using our optimization recommendations below will give you the best experience with your large content driven presentation. 

Planning For Splitting Up Large Presentations 

Splitting up presentations doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming. Understanding how to best organize your presentations is key at the beginning. The number of pages we recommend is 30 pages per presentation. But don’t be worried about having a lot less, that is even better. We have even set up some presentations with just one page linking to many sub presentations. There is no specific formula or equation to splitting up your content, but thinking about how to best divide up your content before you start will result in less reworking. 

Split by Navigation Buttons

split up large digital signage presentationsOne way to split up your interactive content is to create a presentation for each navigation button.  If there is navigation on your home page to 5 categories then a simple breakdown would be to create 5 presentations, one for each of those categories. Each button would then link to the corresponding presentation. This also helps you easily organize your content to just those pages, giving you less pages to sort through so you can quickly make edits and navigate.

Split by Categories

digital signage content design tutorial


If you have lists or menus of content within a page then splitting off the listings into presentations would be best. This is a great solution for a donor listing that divides individuals’ content by an alphabetical list to choose from. So if your donor list had a section of names “A-D” the link would be to a new presentation, not to a page within the same presentation. The navigation on the “A-D” presentation would return back to the alphabetical listing on the previous presentation.

Now all your photos, content, and names can easily be added to the section they belong in. This is especially helpful for long listings, not only for donors, but also products or services can also be handled this way. Then, when you have new content to add, you can open the specific presentation for the category and make the change. This will take less time to navigate, load quicker, and make edits easy.

Split by Locations

digital signage wayfinding content designIf you are setting up wayfinding or directories, then the best practice is to split each area up into its own presentation. For campus mapping, you would split up the presentations to the buildings identified, then have all the details of each building in one presentation. If you have a hospital map you can set up a presentation for each floor or department.

Split by Content

Another best practice for large content driven presentations is to set up presentations based on the amount of content. Videos can have a lot of loading time for rendering. They are the largest content type to work with, so if you have a lot of videos, try to split them evenly onto presentations. 2-3 videos per presentation is a good target. If you have more make, sure to split them up. Images can also add up and need to be planned around. If you are having lots of gallery photos or slideshows, say for a yearbook or history wall, we recommend you split those off into presentations, then create navigation to return to the main presentation. 20 – 30 images per presentation is a good target. If you have more images split them off into additional presentations.

Setting up Multiple Presentations

interactive digital contentStart by designing your home page and top level content as a presentation. After you determine your overall design, layout, and navigation, you will want to save out pages and presentations as templates. Now you can begin additional presentations by importing template pages into the layouts. This speeds up layout time so that they will look and feel seamless. When setting your navigation you will then link your presentations together under the widget options. Make sure to change which presentation is selected as the destination, then choose the page in that presentation you want to go to, and finally name the button.

Optimizing Tips In General for Presentations

creating touch digital signageNaming Pages – When you add a page to your presentation, name it in the settings. Choose the name based on what you would title a button for this page to be called. This way when you select a page as a touch point, it will automatically name the button as the page name. This saves you from typing in a name every time, which adds up over 100+ pages of design.

Video Length – The longer the video, the larger the file size. Can the video be broken up into smaller sections? If possible, we recommend using videos under 30 seconds to keep viewers engaged with your display. Arreya has a file upload limit of 2 gigabytes, and long videos may reach this limit. 

Plan for Growth – If you know you will be adding sections or content for new events or areas, set  up navigation and additional presentations to leave room for adding future content. This will prevent having to redesign areas or all your pages in the future. Instead you can hide these links in the initial design, and in the future, make these areas visible, and link to a new presentation you can add the new content to.

That covers many of our recommendations for optimizing large content driven presentations in Arreya. We hope you now know some best practices our designers use, and understand how to best approach a large content driven presentation. We are always here to help, and can answer additional questions.

Feel free to email, or call us at (319)-294-6671. Also, check out our full Knowledge Base

Secure Government Digital Signage

Secure Government Digital Signage

government digital signage


Government agencies are using digital signage to communicate more effectively and efficiently, both internally, and with the public. Strict compliance standards are in place for government devices to protect sensitive data. Unfortunately, government agencies will always be a high value target for cyber attackers. It’s crucial that government digital signage is secure and constantly updated to prevent potential vulnerabilities.

Secure Digital Signage Hardware

Any hardware the government uses needs to be 100% locked down. Chrome devices are state-of-the-art for government digital signage use, because they allow users to lock them into kiosk mode. Kiosk mode prevents changes from being made to content displayed on digital signage, and it also prevents access to sensitive data. Compared to Android and Windows devices which don’t have kiosk mode or an equivalent, which makes them a target for hackers.

LEARN MORE about secure digital signage hardware.

Public Access

government-digital-signageWhile it’s a powerful tool for government agencies to communicate internally, digital signage benefits the public too. Waiting in line for a driver’s license or government issued ID can be both boring and time consuming. Digital signage is improving the process, allowing citizens to:

• Upload documents
• Check in
• Track their place in line
• View infotainment content like news
• Navigate the building

Data is encrypted, protecting the most vulnerable information, like social security numbers, from falling into the wrong hands.

Flexibility in Deploying Content

When we think of government digital signage, large buildings with hundreds of screens may come to mind. While digital signage software is capable of displaying content to thousands of screens simultaneously, it can also be scaled for local governments. It’s extremely easy to add new screens as needed, so local government organizations can scale digital signage as their needs grow.

LEARN MORE about the scalability of government digital signage.

In Case of Emergency

Government agencies are expected to handle security threats and protect citizens. They need to be organized, and a plan must be in place for each and every scenario. Digital signage is a powerful tool for streamlining communication and alerting people to danger immediately. Through integrations with emergency alert software like ALERTUS, digital signage proactively warns government agencies of impending danger. Doppler radar and live weather alerts are automatically deployed, and emergency plans are displayed across thousands of screens simultaneously.

Using government issued mobile devices, digital signage extends to cell phones, displaying emergency messaging to any location with an internet connection.

Government Wayfinding

Government lobby digital signageGovernment buildings can be difficult to navigate, and certain areas are likely restricted.

Digital signage provides wayfinding for citizens in courthouses, department of transportation buildings, and police stations. Meeting times and attendees are displayed outside of conference rooms. Maps clearly display where citizens need to go, and where access is restricted. Updates happen instantaneously, and content is scheduled in advance. Scheduling allows government agencies to tailor content to specific times, buildings, and days as needed.

Law Enforcement and Public Safety

Law enforcement agencies need to communicate as quickly and efficiently as possible to apprehend criminals and keep the public safe. Digital signage is an excellent tool for keeping government and law enforcement agencies up to date on missing persons and wanted criminals. Digital signage also displays current road conditions. Law enforcement agencies use the road conditions displayed on digital signage to decide which routes to take when responding to calls. Picking the best route could result in lives saved, so additional information on road conditions is critical.   

Modernizing Courtrooms

Courtrooms are one of the best use cases for government digital signage. Screens display wayfinding and are still equipped with emergency alerts, but they are tailored to the court system. Many attorneys use video and digital images as evidence in proving cases. It is easier for jurors to understand visual cues that go along with testimony. You can also displays case numbers, courtroom numbers, and what times individuals need to appear in court. Infotainment content like news and sports are often displayed on digital signage in waiting rooms throughout the court house.

Strengthening the Military

Government_Digital_Signage_Military BaseThere are many military applications for digital signage since it is secure, updates instantaneously, and informs massive groups of people. Military branches like the U.S. Navy and Air Force use digital signage for training, announcements, and even entertainment. Sports scores and Twitter feeds are displayed along with cafeteria menus. Training, classroom, and weightlifting schedules are also published so personnel know exactly where they need to be at any given time. The military runs on efficiency, which is exactly why digital signage is such a valuable tool for military branches.

Effective Government Communications

Digital signage is an excellent tool for government agencies because it saves time, money, and resources. Government agencies are using Chrome devices to lock signage down into kiosk mode, making displays tamper proof and secure. Showing current road conditions, training schedules, and emergency alerts.

Federal, state or local governments using digital signage software to display vital information helps inform government agents in real-time, so they can make better decisions during critical moments.




Revolutionizing the Modern Office with Digital Signage

Revolutionizing the Modern Office with Digital Signage

Technology has accelerated the rate at which information is exchanged at unimaginable rates over the last two decades. Today, corporations are revolutionizing the modern office with digital signage, making the distribution of information even more seamless, automated, and instantaneous than ever before. Organizations are using digital signage software today to deploy content throughout the office and beyond, bringing content to stakeholders and employees located anywhere in the world with an internet connection. 

Intrigue Employees

Office Digital SignageDaily life in the office becomes monotonous and boring for many employees. Businesses are turning to digital signage to bring excitement and interactivity to the office. Employees view news and events, and managers use digital signage to recognize them for their hard work.

Signs display work anniversaries, birthdays, and recognition programs throughout the year to celebrate employees. Interactive digital signage allows employees to share vital information throughout the office, like deadlines or pertinent questions about upcoming projects. Information that can be lost in emails or printed materials is spotlighted in one location for all employees. Using Chrome Enterprise digital signage, different departments can get exclusive pinpointed feeds.

Employees Access Content Anywhere

Office Digital SignageThe need to access information instantaneously and from any location has increased significantly. This is in large part due to the COVID19 pandemic, which forced a large shift in where employees work. Employees are now working in the office, from home, and in hybrid roles. Digital signage software brings vital content to employees around the world, whether they are in the office, at home, or even on a different continent.

Employees can access content from phones and laptops as it’s simultaneously being displayed across thousands of screens company-wide. The scalability of digital signage software allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to display content in the office and beyond, even sharing content with shareholders when appropriate.

Drive Productivity

Corporate Digital SignageMany companies have multiple branches or buildings, and they are looking for a way to streamline communication across all locations.

Announcements and news are deployed to digital signage to every office location simultaneously. Employees get the information they need in seconds, and managers save time by scheduling content in advance. Managers make updates to the content displayed on the digital signage in the office, or on the fly from any device. Employees post updates on projects to digital signage, and managers see progress instantly. LEARN MORE about driving productivity.

Increase Employee Engagement

Making meaningful connections with employees is difficult, especially in remote environments. Wherever employees are located, digital signage software makes those connections and drives employee engagement. In the office, digital signage looks professional and inviting on big screens, and when working from home, company computers display the same content on employee desktops. Coworkers ask and answer each other’s questions using digital signage no matter where they’re located, and discussion boards are used to share and refine ideas, all in real-time. LEARN MORE about increasing employee engagement.

Employee Well-Being

Corporate Digital SignageEmployees are one of, if not the most important assets of a business. Taking care of employees and keeping them safe if vital. Digital signage in the office alerts employees to danger like fires, dangerous weather, or security breaches. Alerting softwares works synergistically with digital signage to push out visual and audio notifications to all devices with one click. 

Using content feeds, like SCREENFEED, businesses are displaying content that promotes healthy eating and habits. These gentle reminders go a long way in terms of making people aware of their health. Businesses with onsite gyms display hours and workout plans on their digital signage to further encourage their employees to stay healthy.

Display Social Media and Reviews

Corporate digital signage is used to display business Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts. Marketing departments post, and employees see what’s new right away. Reviews are displayed on digital signage throughout the office, connected through Yelp, Trip Advisor, and Google Customer Reviews, and everyone sees customer feedback in real time. Mentions are added to digital signage content, so if someone Tweets at the business, or tags the business’s Instagram handle, everyone is aware. 

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Businesses need to continually adapt to stay competitive. Communication needs to be as efficient and effective as possible, which is why businesses are implementing digital signage software into their offices across the globe. The content they display looks professional to customers and it’s practical for so many reasons. Remote employees stay up to date on the latest announcements and company news, while the same content displays on in-office digital signage. Employees collaborate across branches and continents, making for the most seamless global communication available.

Tuning Into Senior Wellness Using Digital Signage

Tuning Into Senior Wellness Using Digital Signage

Senior citizens are esteemed members of our community. Seniors should be treated with the respect, care, and dignity they deserve. Senior living facilities take pride in caring for our elders, and they are tuning into senior wellness by using digital signage. Digital signage is used to display upcoming events, news, and meal options. Signs integrate with alert software, alerting everyone to dangerous situations like inclement weather or security breaches. The signage is customizable and scalable, so senior living facilities of all sizes are using it to improve communication with residents, staff, and family members. 

Entertaining Seniors With Digital Signage

Senior Living Digital SignageKeeping seniors entertained can be a real challenge. Activities need to be safe, and staff need to be vigilant, ready to step in if someone is injured or sick. It’s easy for activities to become repetitive and boring. By using digital signage, senior living facilities are creating dynamic content to entertain their residents. Content is easily updated using digital signage software, and multiple presentations are created and saved away for later, so content is always fresh. Presentations are made for each season of the year, set up with Christmas movies in December for example. Staff schedule the content in advance, and the software automatically plays the correct content for each season. Seniors find the content they want using interactive digital signage, navigating through the presentations until they find something they’re interested in viewing. LEARN MORE about how senior living facilities are entertaining seniors with digital signage.

Making Displays Accessible for All

Senior Living Digital SignageFor many seniors, moving around can be hard. Digital signage software is deployed to seniors’ mobile devices, and they enjoy content from the comfort of their beds. Signage software easily connects with any screen in the assisted living facility, and it’s viewed outside the facility as well. The scalability of digital signage software makes meaningful connections attainable for everyone, staff, seniors, and even family. Family members access the content to see upcoming events, and they interact with the signage by sending birthday wishes and loving messages to residents. This integration was particularly vital during the COVID 19 pandemic. The pandemic made it impossible to visit seniors in person, but through the utilization of digital signage software, families were able to make important connections with seniors in a time they needed it most. 

Keep Seniors Moving

Staying active becomes progressively more difficult as we age. For seniors, exercise needs to be engaging, fun, and safe. Senior living facilities use digital signage to put on fitness content throughout the week to keep seniors moving. Guided exercise is fun, and it’s an excellent way to help residents stay healthy and mobile. Staff select different workouts based on the fitness of their residents and available equipment. This is just another example of how scalable and customizable digital signage software is for senior living facilities. Whether a facility is equipped with a state of the art gym and dozens of screens, or just some resistance bands and one screen, digital signage software is scaled to provide a better experience.

Keep Seniors Safe

Safety is the number one priority and responsibility of senior living facilities. They undergo rigorous training and testing to make sure they meet the standards necessary to care for our elders. Elopement drills are conducted regularly, so staff are prepared to handle a situation where a resident exits the facility unattended. This is a pretty common occurrence, and today, senior living facilities are using digital signage software to prevent seniors from wandering into unsafe situations. Digital signage is equipped with web cameras in these instances, and the cameras capture anyone leaving or entering the facility. Staff know exactly who is currently in the building. They are notified with a sound, display alert, or an email when someone exits or enters. Staff and residents are automatically notified in the case of inclement weather, fires, or security breaches with the implementation of alerting software like Alertus. Learn more about CONFIGURING ALERTUS.

Working Smarter not Harder

senior living digital signageSenior living facilities are using digital signage software to incorporate smart home capabilities to their residents’ rooms. These incredible tools improve quality of life for residents, making it easier for them to get comfortable. Seniors are able to control the lighting and temperature of their rooms with real time feedback from the displays. Vitals can be measured with fitness trackers and displayed on screen. This means that by using blood pressure cuffs or a fitness watch, seniors’ heart rate and blood pressure are displayed for both seniors and staff to see. This is a fascinating and exciting integration which allows staff to notify nurses or doctors immediately if necessary. LEARN MORE about smart home capabilities in digital signage.

Using Digital Signage to Relax

Insomnia is common amongst seniors, and the additional confinement during the COVID 19 pandemic exacerbated restlessness. Senior living facilities are faced with the challenge of helping residents unwind. Senior living facilities use digital signage to display guided meditation videos, movies, virtual fireplaces, and live videos of the night sky to help residents relax. Calming content helps put seniors at ease so they can get some sleep. If they can’t fall asleep, at least they have something to keep them entertained throughout the night.

Promoting Senior Wellness

Digital signage promotes senior well-being by keeping seniors relaxed, entertained, connected with family and friends, up to date, and safe. Senior living facilities are using digital signs to show residents everything from movies and announcements, to fitness content and thermostat controls. Staff are notified by digital signs when residents leave the building and in the event of  security breaches or inclement weather. Digital signage is a powerful tool senior living facilities use everyday to keep their residents safe, comfortable, entertained, healthy, and happy.


Improving Customer Experiences with Digital Signage

Improving Customer Experiences with Digital Signage

Everytime someone interacts with your business, you want them to have the best experience possible. You want to leave them feeling relieved and thankful that they chose to work with you. That’s why the customer experience needs to be as convenient and stress free as possible. There are simple tactics for improving customer experiences with digital signage.

The COVID 19 pandemic accelerated the need and desire to work or make purchases from home. Businesses have had to adapt to make themselves present digitally.  Digital signage has played a huge role in improving customer experiences. Making it more enjoyable to engage with a business whether in person, from home, or anywhere with an internet connection. 

Make Waiting Less Painful

wait time queue digital displayWe all have to wait in lines, and some of us can tolerate it better than others. As a business owner, whenever you have the opportunity to reduce wait time for your customers, you try your best to seize that opportunity. Digital signage can ease waiting. 

One great way to reduce wait times is to get customers the information they need without having to find someone to ask. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) pages are a great way to achieve this goal. You simply compile a list of common questions and answer them on your site. You can use digital signage software to display these answers along with directions, or any other information that might speed things up for you and your customers. Another way you can save time is by displaying current inventory with your signs. This gives customers the ability to see what’s available without having to physically check throughout the store. 

For many businesses, wait times are unavoidable, at least to some extent. While business owners and staff have already done everything they can to make processes as efficient as possible, customers will still need to be patient and wait their turns. Why not give them something interesting to look at while they wait? You can add YouTube videos to your displays, news, weather, and live feeds to your social media. The signs can be used to update customers on upcoming sales or events as well. This is an opportunity with a captive audience, so if possible, display something that can strengthen brand reputation. You can show testimonials, past projects, or just some information about your staff to make things more personal and relatable for the customer. 

Increase Customer Engagement

interactive digital kioskInteractive digital signs are an awesome way for customers to interact with businesses, and there are so many different ways to use them. Customers can use touchscreens to navigate through a timeline or a slideshow about company history and values. This is a great method to tell customers your story. It allows them to connect with your brand on a much deeper level. You can display Twitter feeds and customers can see what they tweet using your hashtag,  and you can allow them to post reviews from their phone right to your signs in real time.

Digital signage software can also be used to place orders, or hold a customer’s place in line. They can tap the screen to check in, and see an estimated amount of time remaining before it’s their turn. All of these are great options for building value with your customers. These tools are great for managing customer expectations, and they give customers increased control over their experiences. 

Intuitive Wayfinding

digital signage kiosk wayfinding arreyaBeing lost is the worst, and many customers will prefer not to find someone to ask where to go. Businesses are using digital signage software to solve this problem, saving customers time, but also saving their employees from constantly directing traffic. Signs can be used to display maps and hours of operation, and when using touchscreen displays, customers can tap on the map to see where they need to go. They can navigate through the maps provided to different buildings or floors, and the maps can be updated as needed. Updates can be pushed out instantaneously, and it’s easy to make the changes. CLICK HERE for more information on how digital signage can be used for wayfinding.

Keeping Everyone Safe

alerts digital signage arreyaIt’s so critical for businesses to have a plan in place to keep everyone safe, especially in the event of an emergency. Of course every business is required to have fire alarms and illuminated exit signs, but some of them have complicated buildings that can be hard to navigate.

Digital signage software can eliminate confusion with clear displays on how to get out of the building, or where to go if there is impending dangerous weather or a security breach. The signs can be used to display weather forecasts and breaking news as well, so if something dangerous happens nearby, everyone can be made aware as soon as possible. 

Rebirth of QR Codes

qr code digital signage software

There is a time and place for business cards and brochures, but a lot of customers end up throwing them away as soon as they walk out the door, even if the information is pertinent. Using QR codes allows businesses to share exactly what they want with customers without adding another business card to their overfilled wallets.

Many restaurants have adopted the usage of QR codes instead of paper menus because of the COVID 19 pandemic. This was done to reduce the spread of germs primarily, but it also made things a lot more convenient. Customers simply scan the QR code and get the menu, url, image, video, or whatever content they need right on their phone, no paper needed. Updates are made to menus or other content as needed with no additional cost or waste.  LEARN MORE about the impact QR codes are having on commerce globally.

A Vital Part of Business

It’s vital that businesses focus on what their customers are experiencing and what pain points exist. If possible, we want to remove or mitigate those pain points. Digital signage software can save time and headaches, like displaying live inventory, showing customer’s their place in line, and providing them with QR codes so they can get information they need on their own devices.

Digital signage can be used to build brand awareness and entertain customers while they wait. These are all great tools for businesses that want to increase engagement and make the customer experience more enjoyable, convenient, and interactive.