How to download device logs in Google Admin Console

An important feature for troubleshooting device issues, is the ability to remotely capture and download device logs for a specific device. To get accurate logs for you device, make sure the device is connected to your network and is showing online in the Google Admin Console. 

  1. After logging in to your Admin console, go to Devices > Chrome Devices and click a serial number to get into the individual device settings.
  2. On the left side of the screen you’ll see the option to Capture Logs. Click Capture Logs to begin the download.device logs for chrome devices for digital signage
  3. Once the capture is completed it will indicate the logs are ready for download from the Details Page. This is the page you should already be on.
  4. In order to download the logs, under the center info screens, look for the category  System activity and troubleshooting. It should be near the bottom.
  5. In this category you should see System logs, click the date listed underneath it to download the logs in a zip file.
  6. Email the device logs to and we will analyze them for any issues.


Please visit Getting started with Chrome Device Management  for more information regarding Chrome Device Management.

Rebooting a Chrome device and taking screen captures and viewing the screen remotely

An important feature for troubleshooting device issues, is the ability to remotely reboot a Chrome device or take a screenshot of the screen.

  1. After logging in to your Admin console, go to Devices > Chrome Devices and click a serial number to get into the individual device settings.
  2. On the left side of the screen you’ll see your options for Reboot, Remote Desktop, and Take a Screenshotscreen capture for digital signage troubleshooting
  3. This screen also has information regarding system information, and troubleshooting features like Remote Desktop, Capture Logs, and Move.
  4. Pressing [Reboot] will send a command to the Chrome device to reboot. You will either get a success message, or an error if the device is offline or it’s unable to communicate with the device.
  5. Pressing [Remote Desktop] will start a dialog for you to remotely view your screen in real time.
  6. Pressing [Take a Screenshot], next to Screen Capture will take a screenshot of what is currently on the screen. This can be used to determine what is showing on the screen currently.

The Screen Capture and Remote Desktop functions will return an error if a user has interacted with the Chrome device, pressed a touch screen, used a keyboard or mouse, etc. This is a security feature to prevent sensitive information from being accessed on a user’s screen.

Please visit Getting started with Chrome Device Management  for more information regarding Chrome Device Management.

Device keeps displaying a new pairing code

Pairing codes are one-time-use codes to add a device to your account.


If you are having troubles pairing a device and see a new code on the screen repeatedly, here are some possible causes –

  • Unstable internet connection – A new pairing code will be generated each time the device connects.  Try a more stable connection.
  • Content Filtering or Firewall blocking – Content filters and some firewalls can interrupt communications with Arreya, preventing the pairing process from working correctly.  Make sure you have followed the advice in our firewall article –
  • Unsupported device / Configuration errors – Some devices will not store device registration properly, please contact us if you think you are experiencing this issue.  It is also possible to configure some devices to ‘forget’ the registration data on each reboot, make sure you have not changed any settings that may affect this.
  • Device can be set to erase local user data on restart – Check the device settings in the Google Admin Console.  From there, scroll down until you see “Sign-in settings” (see screenshot) and look for the section labeled “User data”.  Make sure it says “Do not erase local user data”.
    pairing code