
Managing Quick Alerts:


Creating a Quick Alert –

  1. Log in to your Arreya Manager at
  2. Click the green [+New Alert] button in the box on the left titled “Alerts”
    Digital Signage Alerts
  3. In the new box that shows up you can set your alert with different messaging, animations, colors, and icons. You can also set how long you’d like the alert to display.
    Digital Signage Quick Alerts

    1. The Title field will display in larger text.
    2. Message field is slightly smaller, intended for secondary messaging to the alert.
    3. The icon drop down has many icons you can choose from to match the type of alert you are sending out.
    4. The Animation drop down adds motion to bring attention to your alert. This will animate the icon. (Optional)
    5. The timeout option will automatically remove the alert after the set amount of time, entered in seconds. It is default set to 500 seconds.
  4. Click [Add Alert]
  5. Your alert will now cover the screen and scroll across to attract attention


Removing a Quick Alert –

  1. Log in to your Arreya Manager at
  2. Click the red [Remove Alert] button in the box on the left titled “Alerts”
    Quick Alert