Arreya API Reference

API Reference

Arreya offers a REST style API. Our API has accepts URL encoded data, form-encoded request bodies, JSON formatted bodies, and uses standard HTTPS responses and authentication.



Arreya’s API uses API keys to authenticate requests. Information on locating your API Key can be found at



  • [YOUR CHANNEL] – The name of the Arreya channel you want to issue alerts for, information on locating your channel name can be found at
  • [YOUR API KEY] – The API key for the channel you want to issue alerts for
  • Supports GET requests
  • Supports POST of CAP xml
  • Supports parameters as url parameters, form data, or JSON post
iconOptional, available icons –
titleTitle text
messageMessage body
colorOptional, controls the text color
backgroundOptional, uses CSS color values, can also use images with CSS url property
timeoutHow long the message stays on the display. Send a timeout of 0 to clear any active alerts.
animationOptional, animate the icon using one of the animations from
apiKeyYour channel API Key


Parameter ValueRangeDescription 
soundEffectbeepn/aThe sound effect you want to play during the alert.
soundPitch15000-10000Controls the pitch of the sound effect.
soundDelay00-100Delay the sound effect (in seconds) from when the alert is active.
soundVolume0.50.0-1.0Controls the volume of the sound effect.
soundLoopFALSETRUE/FALSEControls whether or not the sound effect loops for the duration of the alert.


soundEffecttapn/aThe sound effect you want to play during the alert.
soundPitch20000-10000Controls the pitch of the sound effect.
soundDelay00-100Delay the sound effect (in seconds) from when the alert is active.
soundVolume0.050.0-1.0Controls the volume of the sound effect.
soundLoopFALSETRUE/FALSEControls whether or not the sound effect loops for the duration of the alert.


soundEffectclickn/aThe sound effect you want to play during the alert.
soundPitch10000-10000Controls the pitch of the sound effect.
soundDelay00-100Delay the sound effect (in seconds) from when the alert is active.
soundVolume0.50.0-1.0Controls the volume of the sound effect.
soundLoopFALSETRUE/FALSEControls whether or not the sound effect loops for the duration of the alert.


soundEffectfiren/aThe sound effect you want to play during the alert.
soundPitch28500-10000Controls the pitch of the sound effect.
soundDelay00-100Delay the sound effect (in seconds) from when the alert is active.
soundVolume0.50.0-1.0Controls the volume of the sound effect.
soundLoopFALSETRUE/FALSEControls whether or not the sound effect loops for the duration of the alert.

Intermittent Tone

soundEffectintermittentTonen/aThe sound effect you want to play during the alert.
soundPitch8000-10000Controls the pitch of the sound effect.
soundDelay00-100Delay the sound effect (in seconds) from when the alert is active.
soundVolume0.50.0-1.0Controls the volume of the sound effect.
soundLoopFALSETRUE/FALSEControls whether or not the sound effect loops for the duration of the alert.

Continuous Tone

soundEffectcontinuousTonen/aThe sound effect you want to play during the alert.
soundPitch15000-10000Controls the pitch of the sound effect.
soundDelay00-100Delay the sound effect (in seconds) from when the alert is active.
soundVolume0.020.0-1.0Controls the volume of the sound effect.
soundLoopFALSETRUE/FALSEControls whether or not the sound effect loops for the duration of the alert.
soundDuration0(∞)0-100The duration of the sound effect to be played.
timeout604800(1 week)0-??The duration of the alert.


soundEffectspeechn/aThe sound effect you want to play during the alert.
soundTextThis-is-some-default-text.n/aThe text that will be spoken for the alert.
soundVoicePitch10.0-2.0Controls the pitch of the voice for text to speech
soundDelay00-100Delay the sound effect (in seconds) from when the alert is active.
soundVolume0.50.0-1.0Controls the volume of the sound effect.
soundLoopFALSETRUE/FALSEControls whether or not the sound effect loops for the duration of the alert.
soundRate10.1-10Represents the speed the text is spoken.

Audio File

soundEffectaudioFilen/aThe sound effect you want to play during the alert.
soundUrl audio file you want to play for the alert.
soundAudioVolume0.50.0-1.0Controls the volume of the sound effect.
soundLoopFALSETRUE/FALSEControls whether or not the sound effect loops for the duration of the alert.

Example request URL:

https://[YOUR CHANNEL][YOUR API KEY]&icon=exclamation-triangle&message=This%20is%20a%20test&background=red&color=white&title=ALERT%20TESTING&

You can run this simple test in your browser by inserting your API key and your channel name

Creating & Removing a Quick Alert

Managing Quick Alerts:


Creating a Quick Alert –

  1. Log in to your Arreya Manager at
  2. Click the green [+New Alert] button in the box on the left titled “Alerts”
    Digital Signage Alerts
  3. In the new box that shows up you can set your alert with different messaging, animations, colors, and icons. You can also set how long you’d like the alert to display.
    Digital Signage Quick Alerts

    1. The Title field will display in larger text.
    2. Message field is slightly smaller, intended for secondary messaging to the alert.
    3. The icon drop down has many icons you can choose from to match the type of alert you are sending out.
    4. The Animation drop down adds motion to bring attention to your alert. This will animate the icon. (Optional)
    5. The timeout option will automatically remove the alert after the set amount of time, entered in seconds. It is default set to 500 seconds.
  4. Click [Add Alert]
  5. Your alert will now cover the screen and scroll across to attract attention


Removing a Quick Alert –

  1. Log in to your Arreya Manager at
  2. Click the red [Remove Alert] button in the box on the left titled “Alerts”
    Quick Alert