Inserting a Touch Point

In this article you will learn how to create interactive touch points in the Arreya Editor. Follow the steps below, or watch the accompanying video for simple step-by-step instructions.

  1. Log in to Arreya dashboard.
  2. Click [Content] then click [Presentations].
  3. Select the presentation you’d like to edit.
  4. In the Arreya editor, click the [Touch] button on the top toolbar.
  5. In the Touch Region Widget menu, choose the presentation and page you want the widget to link to.
  6. Next, enter text, if any, to display on the widget, into the [Text] field.
  7. Use the [Events] tab to create actions, webhooks, and more using the Interactive Touch Point widget.
  8. Finally, click [OK] to add the Interactive Touch Point widget to your page.
  9. To verify that the widget is linked to the correct page, click the gray link icon below the widget to jump to the linked presentation or page.
  10. Click the purple brush icon below the widget to open the [Style Settings].
  11. If you want to adjust the widget settings after adding it to the page, click the purple gear icon below the widget to open the [Settings Menu].
  12. If you need additional Interactive Touch Point widgets, you can add additional widgets from the [Touch] button and repeat these steps.
  13. Remember to save your changes by pushing the green [Push Live] button in the top right of the editor.


Contact us, visit our website, or sign up for a demo to learn more about Arreya Digital Signage.

Connecting a touchscreen to a Chrome device


  1. Connect your USB touchscreen to the Chrome device
  2. Power on the Chrome device
  3. The touchscreen should be active at the login screen, try touching and seeing if you can select/change items


Touch Screen Troubleshooting:

  • Try using this utility to visualize touch input –
  • Try enabling “Enable touch events” in chrome://flags
  • Some touchscreens have configuration utilities.  You may need to connect the device to PC or another computer in order to configure the touch input.  Options to try are “Mouse Emulation”, “Single Touch Mode”, etc.