How to download device logs in Google Admin Console

An important feature for troubleshooting device issues, is the ability to remotely capture and download device logs for a specific device. To get accurate logs for you device, make sure the device is connected to your network and is showing online in the Google Admin Console. 

  1. After logging in to your Admin console, go to Devices > Chrome Devices and click a serial number to get into the individual device settings.
  2. On the left side of the screen you’ll see the option to Capture Logs. Click Capture Logs to begin the download.device logs for chrome devices for digital signage
  3. Once the capture is completed it will indicate the logs are ready for download from the Details Page. This is the page you should already be on.
  4. In order to download the logs, under the center info screens, look for the category  System activity and troubleshooting. It should be near the bottom.
  5. In this category you should see System logs, click the date listed underneath it to download the logs in a zip file.
  6. Email the device logs to and we will analyze them for any issues.


Please visit Getting started with Chrome Device Management  for more information regarding Chrome Device Management.

How to capture Chrome browser logs


If you’re experiencing issues displaying your Arreya content in your desktop web browser, we may ask you to capture one or more Chrome browser logs. Below are a few types of logs, and how to capture them to send to us if our support team requests it.


Chrome Network Log

This log type will help determine if assets or hosts are being blocked from loading. This can be due to a firewall, network configuration or other upstream networking issue.

  1. Click the 3 dots, at the top-right, to open the overflow menu.
  2. Choose ‘More tools’ > ‘Developer tools’ to bring up the console.
  3. Select the ‘Network’ tab and make sure the option ‘Preserve log’ is checked.
  4. You will see a small red circle in the top-left of the console, indicating that it is recording. If the circle is black, click on it to begin recording.
  5. Reproduce the issue. You’ll see data being collected in the console window.
  6. Click the red circle to stop recording after you see the error message.
  7. Right-click in the list of entries loaded and select ‘Save as HAR with Content’ to download the ‘.har’ output file.


Chrome console log

This log type can help troubleshooting assets failing to load, content loading issues, or issues accessing or using the creative studio..

  1. Click the 3 dots, at the top-right, to open the overflow menu.
  2. Choose ‘More tools’ > ‘Developer tools’ to bring up the console.
  3. Select the ‘Console’’ tab and make sure the option ‘Preserve log’ is checked.
  4. Reproduce the issue. You’ll see data being collected in the console window.
  5. Right click on any log statement in the console window, and click Save As… to save the log file to your computer.


browser logs

Chrome OS Log (local)

This log can capture low level hardware and network issues, critical operating system issues, and kernel crashes outside of Kiosk Mode in Chrome OS.

  1. Log in to your Chrome device.
  2. Open the Chrome browser and navigate chrome://net-internals/.
  3. Click the Chrome OS section on the left hand navigation bar.
  4. Click Store System Logs, and wait for the confirmation message that the log file has been saved.
  5. The compressed log file (.tgz) will be saved in your downloads file.

chrome browser logs