How do I force Chrome device display resolution?


The Google Admin console allows you to force the resolution and display scale of the internal or external display output for Chrome devices. This may be useful for hardware that doesn’t properly negotiate resolution with the Chrome device. It could also be useful in certain cases where you want to use a lower resolution than what the display is capable of displaying.

  1. After logging in to your Google Admin console, go to the Device Management section.
  2. On the left hand side navigation menu, go to Chrome > Settings > Device to access device admin display resolution
  3. Select the appropriate Organizational Unit (OU) on the left hand side that you would like to apply the settings to.
  4. Under the Device Settings tab, scroll down, or search for the Display settings heading.display resolution
    Allow user changesAllow users to overwrite predefined display settings (recommended): This allows a user to override these settings in desktop mode.
    Do not allow user changes for predefined display settings: This will not allow these settings to be changed by a user
    External resolutionAlways use native resolution: Use the auto-detected resolution
    Use custom resolution:
    Select this option if you want to force the Chromebox to output at a specified resolution for all external monitors.
    External display width (in pixels)Desired custom resolution width in pixels
    External display height (in pixels)Desired custom resolution height in pixels
    External display scale (percentage)Set a custom external display scale percentage
    Internal display scale (percentage)Set a custom internal display scale percentage


Chrome Device Manual Wireless Configuration

This article will cover manual configuration of a wireless network on a Chrome device, the pictures below show an AOpen Chromebox Mini, but the process for other devices is the same.



If your Chromebox is already powered on, press and hold the power button on the Chromebox to turn it off. The button location may vary depending on the model of Chrome device. Simply unplug the power cord if you’re working with a Chromebit.



Connect a keyboard/mouse to the Chromebox and get prepared to press the key combination: Ctrl + Alt + S. This shortcut will skip Kiosk mode and bring you to the Chrome desktop.


chrome devices


Power on the Chromebox, and press Ctrl + Alt + S when prompted at the white Arreya splash screen. If you do not press the shortcut at the correct time, the Arreya application will not be skipped.

Note: It may help to repeatedly press the shortcut after powering the Chromebox back up, until the Chrome desktop is shown. You have to press all three buttons at the same time.

Do not sign in to the Chrome device!

The first screen that appears when you enter the desktop will either be a login screen or a connection error prompting you to select a network to connect to. If the network selection screen appears, click the dropdown box, select your desired wireless network and enter the password to connect.


If the network selection screen does not appear, click the system tray in the bottom right corner of the screen.


configuration for chrome devices


Click “No network” to display available networks to connect to.


configuration for chrome devices


Click the desired network, a screen will prompt you to input your password. “Allow other users of this device to use this network” should be automatically turned to on.


manual wireless configuration


After successfully connecting to the network, power the Chrome device down with the power button. Power the Chrome device up again and allow the Arreya app to run.


The device should now be connected to the internet.

Configuring Chrome Kiosk device settings

Setting up your OU (Organization Unit) is an important step to make sure your Chrome Devices and Kiosk Device Settings are properly configured for kiosk mode.

  1. After logging in to your Admin console, go to Device Management > Chrome management.
  2. Once you are on the Chrome Management screen, click on Apps & extensions.
  3. Select the OU (Organization Unit) on the left hand side of the screen that you wish to configure. Only Chrome devices in this OU will have the settings applied.
  4. Click on the KIOSKS tab
  5. Hover your mouse on the Yellow Plus button on the bottom right corner of your screen, next click on the Chrome icon to open up the Chrome Web Store.  Search for “Arreya” and click +SELECT.
  6. Under the Kiosk Settings heading click the dropdown box under Auto-Launch Kiosk App. Select “Arreya”.
  7. After the Arreya app is selected to Auto-Launch, it is recommended to enable device health monitoring. This will give you the online and offline status of the Chrome device in your Google Admin console. Enabling device system log upload is optional, which will upload device logs every day.  Click Save in the upper right corner to confirm these settings.
  8. In the upper left, change the dropdown from Apps & extensions to Settings.  Click on DEVICE SETTINGS and scroll down to Device update settings. Under Device Update Settings, it is recommended to have Auto Update set to “Allow auto-updates” and Auto reboot after updates set to “Allow auto-reboots”
  9. Click [Save] in the upper right corner to save your changes.

Please visit Getting started with Chrome Device Management  for more information regarding Chrome Device Management.


Assigning Asset IDs in the Google Admin console

An important step in organizing your devices is assigning Asset IDs for each device so you can easily identify a device when you go to reboot or get information from it.

  1. After logging in to your Admin console, go to Devices > Chrome Devices and click a serial number to get into the individual device settings.
  2. Under Custom Fields click on the field you want to edit and it will bring up the edit screen.Assigning Asset IDs
  3. Put in your Asset ID that you want to use and put in a Location to help you remember where the device is.
    Assigning Asset IDs in the Google Admin Console
  4. Press [Save]


Please visit Getting started with Chrome Device Management  for more information regarding Chrome Device Management.


How do I see information about each Chrome device?

Need to see your Chrome Device information? Access model, chrome version, serial number and much more with device management.

  1. After logging in to your Google Admin console, go to the Device Management section.
    chrome device information and chrome management
  2. Click Chrome Devices.
    chrome devices
  3. If your Admin console was set up by Arreya, you will see your devices in the top-level organization on the left side of the admin console
  4. The right hand side of the screen has a list of the devices in that organizationchrome device information
  5. Clicking the serial number of the device will bring you into the information screen for the selected device information


Please visit Getting started with Chrome Device Management  for more information regarding Chrome Enterprise Management.