Video Encoding in your Arreya Subscription Channel

Recent updates that happened on the backend of Arreya regarding videos. Our video encoder was just increased in both available Memory and CPU to boost the speed of our encodings.

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Fastboot Videos

Additionally, we have added a feature to our encoder to play the videos on ‘fastboot’. The fastboot setting on the backend means that it sets the index of the video to the beginning of the file, by default. This setting allows all or most videos to start playing before the Chrome-box or other device needs to cache the video.

Depending on the size of the video, you might see some delays as the video will still need to load into memory to start playing.






How to Change and Existing Presentation’s Resolution

When you first create a presentation the resolution is either set, if created from a template, or chosen if you create your presentation from scratch. You may need to change the resolution of these presentations, such as if device resolution changes or you may wish to change the resolution of a template to better suit your needs. If you wish to alter the resolution of an existing presentation we recommend saving the presentation as a template and creating a new presentation from that template. Instructions on how to save an existing presentation as a template can be found here.


This will move around the existing widgets within the presentation, you will need to move and resize almost all widgets afterwards.


  1. From your Dashboard go to [Content] -> [Presentations]
  2. Click edit next to the presentation you would like to change the resolution of.
  3. To make reformatting after adjusting resolution easier, ‘Ignore Bounding’ should be enabled. To do this, click the single cog wheel titled ‘Editor Settings’ at the far right of the bottom toolbar.
  4. The new window that pops up will have a few different toggles for the editor. Click ‘Ignore Bounding’ so that it is On and click [OK] to save the setting. This will make it so that widgets can be outside of the bounds of the active screen. This will help with reformatting after the resolution is changed, especially if you reduce resolution size.
  5. In the top left click the single cog wheel icon named ‘Presentation Settings’
  6. A window will pop up. The bottom two text fields named ‘Width’ and ‘Height’ will need to be altered to create your new resolution.
  7. Click [OK] to set your new resolution.
  8. You will need to adjust your presentation back to functionality, as things will likely be out of place.
  9. When you are finished, click the green [Push Live] button to update your presentations.

How to Save a Presentation as a Template


Arreya allows for the saving of an existing presentation as a template. We highly recommend the use of this feature to enable you to quickly make new presentations in the same style without having to overwrite your existing presentations. There is no limit on number of templates or presentations you have saved in the editor so use this often!

  1. From your Dashboard go to [Content] -> [Presentations]
  2. Click edit next to the presentation you would like to save as a template.
  3. Once in the editor, in the top right, click the green Down Arrow to the right of the [Push Live] button.
  4. Click ‘Save Template’ to save your current presentation as a Template. In the window that pops up you can name your new template and give it a description.
  5. Click [OK] to save your new Template.


For information on how to make a new presentation from your new template, Click Here

How to Save a Page as a Template


Arreya allows for the saving of an existing page as a template for use in a different presentation. We highly recommend the use of this feature to enable you to quickly transfer one page to multiple presentations. There is no limit on how many templates you have saved or the number of presentations in the editor so use this often!

  1. From your Dashboard go to [Content] -> [Presentations]
  2. Click edit next to the presentation you would like to save as a template.
  3. On the left, in the page selector, find and select the page you would like to make a template. Ensure the page selected has shown up in the center editor.
  4. In the top right, click the green Down Arrow to the right of the [Push Live] button.
  5. Click ‘Save Page Template’ to save your current presentation as a Template. In the window that pops up you can name your new template and give it a description.
  6. Click [OK] to save your new Template.


For information on how to make a template from a presentation, Click Here

How to set Home Screen Timeout

This article pertains to instructions for interactive content.

  1. From your Dashboard go to [Content] -> [Presentations]
  2. Click edit next to the presentation you would like to change
  3. Click the single Cog Wheel icon titled ‘Presentation Settings’
  4. This will bring up a window with two tabs at the top. If you only see the ‘Basic’ tab, ensure that the ‘Interactive’ Checkbox is active.
  5. Click the ‘Interactive’ tab. Here, you can set how long the presentation will wait without interaction before it returns to the first page of the presentation.
  6. When you are finished click the green [Push Live] button in the top right to save your changes.