Digital Signage in Museums and History Displays

Digital Signage in Museums and History Displays


Museums and history displays tell important stories about influential people who helped shape history. They are faced with the challenge of getting people interested and keeping them engaged when they are onsite. Museums, cultural centers, and art galleries are using digital signage to provide a more modern, engaging, and entertaining viewing experience.

Touchscreen Digital Displays

Touchscreens are a great way to get people more engaged with exhibits. Museums use touchscreen digital signage to create more controllable experiences. Visitors use touchscreens to view timelines, and browse through videos, images, and text. They can trigger animations, or even haptic feedback by using a tablet or kiosk.

The Arreya team helped create custom digital signage content for an aquarium with a water feature, designed to spray water at visitors as an animated shark crashes into the screen.

Digital Timelines

Timelines are great tools for putting historical events into perspective. Digital timelines are excellent tools for museums and history displays, because they add an interactive element to history. Visitors navigate through years of history on touchscreens, or with a keyboard and mouse. Anyone with permission can access timelines, giving museums more reach outside of their four walls. Content can be made public for everyone to view, or access can be limited according to each organization’s discretion. Some museums prefer to make content private because they want to prevent intellectual theft.

Digital Wayfinding

Digital Signage wayfinding history musemIt’s easy to get lost in massive museums with multiple floors and countless exhibits.

Digital wayfinding is an excellent tool museums use to help visitors find their way around. Visitors can clearly see where they are currently located, and they can browse through various exhibits on screen to find one that interests them.

Digital wayfinding can include 3-D maps, directories, and even touchscreen interactions for each area of the building or campus.

Many museums add high resolution videos and images, along with a short summary, to each exhibit. Visitors tap on an image they’re interested in learning more about, and all the information they need is available.

Digital Signage is cost effective installation for museum exhibits. Using software like Arreya, easily change the digital content for revolving exhibits and new interactions during different months, days or even different times of day, depending on the audience.

Immersive Digital Experiences

Digital signage software is capable of more than just display and sound. Museums, aquariums, and national parks are using digital signage to create unique experiences.

Digital signage software interacts with motion detecting technology, like (company who sent us the test device.) Digital signage content changes as soon as motion sensors are triggered, creating an immersive experience. Museums use props with motion detecting tags on them and allow visitors to pick them up. When visitors pick up a prop, the corresponding digital signage content displays on screen, explaining the significance of the item the visitor is holding.

An old typewriter that Arreya digital signage programmed to work with a digital display, became the keyboard for the exhibit.

Increase Engagement and Entertainment

Overall, museums and cultural centers strive to entertain and teach new visitors. Digital signage is an excellent tool for them, because it allows them to customize their messaging and tell their stories with pictures, videos, and digital timelines. Visitors engage with exhibits through touchscreens, keyboards, and even typewriters. Digital signage software creates excitement, and modernizes exhibits.

How to Use Digital Signage for Manufacturing Operations

How to Use Digital Signage for Manufacturing Operations

Efficiency is key to success in the manufacturing industry. Everything from employee schedules, training and onboarding, equipment location and maintenance, and energy usage needs to be tracked and planned carefully. Manufacturing organizations are using digital signage to streamline communication, and to make operations more efficient. 

Monitoring Plant Energy Usage

manufacturing digital signage statisticsOrganizations are being pushed to be more energy efficient and environmentally, now more than ever before. Energy and material usage not only affects the global environment, but bottom lines as well.  Digital signage is an excellent tool for manufacturing organizations to monitor their usage of water, electricity, natural gas, or any other material of value. Making data on energy consumption more transparent helps to inform decisions.


Improve Employee Communications

manufacturing digital signage PWAManufacturing firms need a way to organize and display complex scheduling information across multiple shifts and departments. AppSheet combined with a powerful digital signage software, creates customizable scheduling applications for individual manufacturers needs. AppSheet creates the schedule and its structure, and digital signage software makes it accessible to any permitted person with stable internet access.  Arreya integrates with AppSheet and other Google products for easy, automated updates.

Learn more about using digital signage to improve employee communications. 

Display Safety Protocols and Metrics

warehouse safety digital signageSafety of employees and visitors is of utmost importance for manufacturers. Safety guidelines and industry standards must be followed at all times to prevent liability and injury.

Manufacturers use digital signage software to regularly update their safety videos and procedures. Employees can clearly see safety requirements at all times, whether they are on location, or permitted to view content from their own devices. Rules and regulations change from state to state, so large manufacturers spanning several states or countries may use separate channels of digital signage content in order to keep regulations current and accurate based on location. 


Company-Wide Scalability

Manufacturing organizations need tools that allow them to display information on thousands of screens, nationwide, and all across the globe in some instances. Channel-based digital signage pricing allows them to play one monthly fee to display the same content on unlimited screens. Channel-based pricing makes digital signage much more scalable for manufacturers than per-screen pricing. 

Inventory Management

digital signage manufacturing industry equipmentIt’s critical to the success of a business to have all the inventory and equipment they need to be fully operational. Manufacturing firms are using digital signage to display real time inventory data. They even set up alerts to notify them when they are running low on inventory. They use this data to place orders, and they also use it to set proper expectations for clients and vendors.

For more information on using digital signage for inventory management, click here.


Streamline Operations with Digital Signage

manufacturing digital signageGetting the right people, equipment, and resources to the right place at the right time is tough. Manufacturing organizations need to plan with precision to operate with optimal efficiency. Digital signage is a valuable tool for manufacturers to keep on top of inventory, equipment maintenance and staffing. Communication and accurate data are vital for success in manufacturing. Digital signage presents realtime data to everyone who needs it, without compromising security.


Digital Wayfinding for Universities and Campuses

Digital Wayfinding for Universities and Campuses

Colleges and universities can be overwhelming to navigate, even for the most seasoned students. To make campuses more accessible and user-friendly, many colleges and universities have implemented digital signage software as a wayfinding solution. As a result, they have seen positive impacts on student life, including improved safety,  easier navigation, and more engagement.

Interactive Wayfinding 

Digital signage software allows users to create an interactive experience with detailed directions around campus. Digital maps have several advantages compared to their traditional paper counterparts. They are updateable, more sustainable, and easier to view. Also, digital wayfinding provides an interactive element that isn’t possible with traditional maps. Digital wayfinding kiosks are controlled by touchscreens, cell phones, or a mouse and keyboard. Screens display animations, videos, and campus news, and events alongside navigation.  Users interact with signage to find the information, directions, or content they’re most interested in viewing.

Campus Safety

Digital wayfinding systems are not only convenient for students and staff, they help provide safety for everyone on campus as well. The digital signage software powering wayfinding kiosks throughout campus integrates with alerting software like Alertus and Singlewire. 

These alerting software products allow campus security to deploy emergency messaging with one click. Evacuation routes and directions to storm shelters are quickly and reliably displayed on all screens when necessary. Providing directions and context to dangerous situations is critical. Digital signage software is one of the best tools to distribute this information.

Every student or staff member has access to the campus information through the Arreya PWA feature.  This allows the school to apply their Arreya channel as an app to devices without going through the Google Play Store or Apple Store.  PWA or Progressive Web Apps are the future of true communications.

Customizable Messaging 

Digital wayfinding solutions for colleges and universities are incredibly customizable, much more customizable than traditional signs and maps.

Digital wayfinding content can be scheduled in advance down to the minute. This means that if there is construction, an event, or a change of any kind, the change can display on screen in realtime, or it can be scheduled to change when it’s appropriate. This creates a more proactive approach to wayfinding.

Learn more about digital signage scheduling. 

Better Experiences on Campus 

Overall, digital wayfinding systems are an efficient and effective tool for navigating college campuses. They make the campus experience easier and safer for everyone. With advanced digital signage software, colleges and universities can implement powerful navigation solutions that provide students and staff with clear direction. 

If you need more guidance on implementing digital signage to your campus, click here.




October 2022 – FREE Digital Signage Resources for Your Arreya Channel

October 2022 – FREE Digital Signage Resources for Your Arreya Channel

Videos • Images • GIFs

ALSO! 500+ TEMPLATES! Click HERE to check them out.

Background Videos

Fall Arreya Digital Signage VideoNational Cat Day VideoHalloween Video
Download the FREE video at this link Click to DownloadDownload the FREE video at this link Click to DownloadDownload the FREE video at this link Click to Download



Fall Arreya Digital Signage GraphicFall Arreya Digital Signage GraphicFall Arreya Digital Signage Graphic
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Breast Cancer Awareness Month Arreya Digital Signage GraphicBreast Cancer Awareness Month Arreya Digital Signage GraphicBreast Cancer Awareness Month Arreya Digital Signage Graphic
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Breast Cancer Awareness Month Arreya Digital Signage GraphicCoffee Day October 1 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicNational Taco Day October 4 Arreya Digital Signage Graphic
Click to download, then upload to your Arreya Media LibraryClick to download, then upload to your Arreya Media LibraryClick to download, then upload to your Arreya Media Library


Columbus Day October 10 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicColumbus Day October 10 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicIndigenous Peoples' Day October 10 Arreya Digital Signage Graphic
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Indigenous Peoples' Day October 10 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicPasta Day October 17 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicPasta Day October 17 Arreya Digital Signage Graphic
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National Cat Day October 29 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicNational Cat Day October 29 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicHalloween October 31 Arreya Digital Signage Graphic
Click to download, then upload to your Arreya Media LibraryClick to download, then upload to your Arreya Media LibraryClick to download, then upload to your Arreya Media Library


Halloween October 31 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicHalloween October 31 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicHalloween October 31 Arreya Digital Signage Graphic
Click to download, then upload to your Arreya Media LibraryClick to download, then upload to your Arreya Media LibraryClick to download, then upload to your Arreya Media Library


Animated Gifs

Fall Arreya Digital Signage GraphicCoffee Day October 1 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicNational Taco Day October 4 Arreya Digital Signage Graphic
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Indigenous Peoples' Day October 10 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicNational Cat Day October 29 Arreya Digital Signage GraphicHalloween October 31 Arreya Digital Signage Graphic
Right Click and Save As, then upload to your Arreya Media LibraryRight Click and Save As, then upload to your Arreya Media LibraryRight Click and Save As, then upload to your Arreya Media Library


Improving Customer Experiences with Digital Signage

Improving Customer Experiences with Digital Signage

Everytime someone interacts with your business, you want them to have the best experience possible. You want to leave them feeling relieved and thankful that they chose to work with you. That’s why the customer experience needs to be as convenient and stress free as possible. There are simple tactics for improving customer experiences with digital signage.

The COVID 19 pandemic accelerated the need and desire to work or make purchases from home. Businesses have had to adapt to make themselves present digitally.  Digital signage has played a huge role in improving customer experiences. Making it more enjoyable to engage with a business whether in person, from home, or anywhere with an internet connection. 

Make Waiting Less Painful

wait time queue digital displayWe all have to wait in lines, and some of us can tolerate it better than others. As a business owner, whenever you have the opportunity to reduce wait time for your customers, you try your best to seize that opportunity. Digital signage can ease waiting. 

One great way to reduce wait times is to get customers the information they need without having to find someone to ask. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) pages are a great way to achieve this goal. You simply compile a list of common questions and answer them on your site. You can use digital signage software to display these answers along with directions, or any other information that might speed things up for you and your customers. Another way you can save time is by displaying current inventory with your signs. This gives customers the ability to see what’s available without having to physically check throughout the store. 

For many businesses, wait times are unavoidable, at least to some extent. While business owners and staff have already done everything they can to make processes as efficient as possible, customers will still need to be patient and wait their turns. Why not give them something interesting to look at while they wait? You can add YouTube videos to your displays, news, weather, and live feeds to your social media. The signs can be used to update customers on upcoming sales or events as well. This is an opportunity with a captive audience, so if possible, display something that can strengthen brand reputation. You can show testimonials, past projects, or just some information about your staff to make things more personal and relatable for the customer. 

Increase Customer Engagement

interactive digital kioskInteractive digital signs are an awesome way for customers to interact with businesses, and there are so many different ways to use them. Customers can use touchscreens to navigate through a timeline or a slideshow about company history and values. This is a great method to tell customers your story. It allows them to connect with your brand on a much deeper level. You can display Twitter feeds and customers can see what they tweet using your hashtag,  and you can allow them to post reviews from their phone right to your signs in real time.

Digital signage software can also be used to place orders, or hold a customer’s place in line. They can tap the screen to check in, and see an estimated amount of time remaining before it’s their turn. All of these are great options for building value with your customers. These tools are great for managing customer expectations, and they give customers increased control over their experiences. 

Intuitive Wayfinding

digital signage kiosk wayfinding arreyaBeing lost is the worst, and many customers will prefer not to find someone to ask where to go. Businesses are using digital signage software to solve this problem, saving customers time, but also saving their employees from constantly directing traffic. Signs can be used to display maps and hours of operation, and when using touchscreen displays, customers can tap on the map to see where they need to go. They can navigate through the maps provided to different buildings or floors, and the maps can be updated as needed. Updates can be pushed out instantaneously, and it’s easy to make the changes. CLICK HERE for more information on how digital signage can be used for wayfinding.

Keeping Everyone Safe

alerts digital signage arreyaIt’s so critical for businesses to have a plan in place to keep everyone safe, especially in the event of an emergency. Of course every business is required to have fire alarms and illuminated exit signs, but some of them have complicated buildings that can be hard to navigate.

Digital signage software can eliminate confusion with clear displays on how to get out of the building, or where to go if there is impending dangerous weather or a security breach. The signs can be used to display weather forecasts and breaking news as well, so if something dangerous happens nearby, everyone can be made aware as soon as possible. 

Rebirth of QR Codes

qr code digital signage software

There is a time and place for business cards and brochures, but a lot of customers end up throwing them away as soon as they walk out the door, even if the information is pertinent. Using QR codes allows businesses to share exactly what they want with customers without adding another business card to their overfilled wallets.

Many restaurants have adopted the usage of QR codes instead of paper menus because of the COVID 19 pandemic. This was done to reduce the spread of germs primarily, but it also made things a lot more convenient. Customers simply scan the QR code and get the menu, url, image, video, or whatever content they need right on their phone, no paper needed. Updates are made to menus or other content as needed with no additional cost or waste.  LEARN MORE about the impact QR codes are having on commerce globally.

A Vital Part of Business

It’s vital that businesses focus on what their customers are experiencing and what pain points exist. If possible, we want to remove or mitigate those pain points. Digital signage software can save time and headaches, like displaying live inventory, showing customer’s their place in line, and providing them with QR codes so they can get information they need on their own devices.

Digital signage can be used to build brand awareness and entertain customers while they wait. These are all great tools for businesses that want to increase engagement and make the customer experience more enjoyable, convenient, and interactive.