
  1. From your Dashboard go to [Content] -> [Presentations]
  2. Click [Widgets] near the top left and click [Google Form] from the drop-down
  3. In the Google Form you would like to use, click the [Send] button in the top right
    1. Click the tab to send by link and copy the URL
  4. Back in Arreya paste the URL for your Google Form into the URL field of the Google Forms Widget
  5. If you have copied the correct link, you should see a preview of your Google Form above the URL text box. If you have the correct preview click [OK]
  6. The new widget will appear in the middle of the presentation
  7. The widget can now be moved, resized, or edited just like any other widget
    1. Click and drag the center of the widget to move the widget. Click and drag an edge or corner to resize the widget
  8. Click the purple brush icon below the Google Form widget to open the style settings, just like any other widget
    1. In the style settings there are options for transparency, borders, shadows, and more
    2. When finished, click [Ok]
  9. If you want to adjust the Google Forms widget after adding it to the page, click the purple gear icon below the widget to open the settings menu.
  10. When you are finished, click the green [Push Live] button to update your presentations