Embedding an Office 365 PowerPoint Presentation into Arreya:
- Start by opening your PowerPoint presentation.
- In the File menu, choose [Share] > [Embed]
- Click [Generate] if prompted.
- In the embed preview, check the box under the Interaction drop-down if you wish to have the slides autoadvance. Your presentation will only automatically advance through the slides if you have configured the autoadvance settings.
- In the Embed Code text field, select the URL in between the src=” and the next “ without the quotation marks. In the example below, the URL you need to copy would be https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=FDB6F77D1468518C&resid=FDB6F77D1468518C%21187&authkey=AJKqrm38QwNLfII&em=2&wdAr=1.7777777777777777&wdEaa=1
- Next, in your Arreya presentation, choose the Website widget from the Widgets drop down
- Paste the URL into the URL field of the website widget dialog box. Click OK to add the widget to your presentation.
- The widget can now be moved, resized, or edited just like any other widget