Embedding an Office 365 PowerPoint Presentation into Arreya

Embedding an Office 365 PowerPoint Presentation into Arreya:


  1. Start by opening your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. In the File menu, choose [Share] > [Embed] 
  3. Click [Generate] if prompted. 
  4. In the embed preview, check the box under the Interaction drop-down if you wish to have the slides autoadvance. Your presentation will only automatically advance through the slides if you have configured the autoadvance settings.
  5. In the Embed Code text field, select the URL in between the src=” and the next without the quotation marks. In the example below, the URL you need to copy would be https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=FDB6F77D1468518C&resid=FDB6F77D1468518C%21187&authkey=AJKqrm38QwNLfII&em=2&wdAr=1.7777777777777777&wdEaa=1

  6. Next, in your Arreya presentation, choose the Website widget from the Widgets drop down  
  7. Paste the URL into the URL field of the website widget dialog box. Click OK to add the widget to your presentation. 
  8. The widget can now be moved, resized, or edited just like any other widget
    1. Click and drag the center of the widget to move the widget
    2. Click and drag an edge or corner to resize the widget 
Using the Weather Widget in Arreya

Using the Weather Widget in Arreya

How to use the Weather Widget:

  1. From your Dashboard go to [Content] -> [Presentations]
  2. Click edit next to the presentation you would like to change
  3. Click [Widgets] and select [Weather]
  4. Arreya will automatically find your device’s location or you can enter in the location (Zip or City, State) if you just want it to pull up a set area
  5. Select the units you would like to be displayed
  6. Select Yes or No if you want to display the Current Conditions
  7. Select Yes or No if you want to display the 7-day Forecast
  8. Select Yes or No if you want your presentation to get the location of the user to display instead of the above location
  9. Click [Ok] to continue
  10. The new widget will appear in the middle of the presentation
  11. The weather widget can now be moved, resized, or edited just like any other widget
    1. Click and drag the center of the widget to move the widget
    2. Click and drag an edge or corner to resize the widget
    3. Select on the paintbrush to edit font, text color, text size, and much more
  12. To view the content horizontally, drag the right side edge to the right until the forecast content moves to the right of the current conditions
Embedding a website into Arreya

Embedding a website into Arreya

Embedding a website into Arreya:

  1. From your Dashboard go to [Content] -> [Presentations]
  2. Click edit next to the presentation you would like to change
  3. Click [Widgets] near the top left and select [Website]
  4. Enter in any URL.  Be sure URL starts with https and allows iframe embed
  5. Notice the preview area below the URL box, this is what the widget will look like
  6. Click [Ok] to continue
  7. The new website widget will appear in the middle of the presentation
  8. The website widget can now be moved, resized, or edited just like any other widget
    1. Click and drag the center of the widget to move the widget
    2. Click and drag an edge or corner to resize the widget