Artistic Displays for School Recognition

Artistic Displays for School Recognition

Schools are often looking for new and creative ways to recognize students, staff, and alumni. Artistic displays featuring logos, school colors, and mascots are effective and creative tools for schools to create excitement. Displays often feature school mission statements, values, and achievements. They often create artistic history walls to give viewers a sense of the school’s legacy, donor walls to recognize generous gifts from the community, and student recognition walls to acknowledge exceptional students and alumni.

Inspiring Donors for School Expansions

theater digital signage donor campaignInspiring donors to give to a school campaign can be difficult.  Extra curriculum facilities are seen as a luxury and not a necessity in education. There are many ways to ask for donations and after the campaign is successful, recognition can create more donations for future projects.

Theaters, gymnasiums, aquatic centers and other facilities may not receive support from tax dollars, but require outside funding.  Encouraging donors is the key to any successful campaign. Learn more about planning your donor wall for your next project.  TEN TIPS TO DONOR WALL PLANNING

The use of digital signage to inspire donations is easy. Creating donor story videos and let students and faculty shine a light on the needs of the school. READ MORE Once the project is complete, the digital signage can continue to inform and recognize donors and visitors.

endowment donor wall schoolRecognition walls can inspire large donations or create endowments from large benefactors. Many donors want to be publicly recognized and thanked. It is easy and important to acknowledge givers. Recognition walls visually tell donors what their funds have accomplished.  SEE MORE EXAMPLES

Celebrating School History and Pride

history school display digital signageMany schools have rich histories and traditions.  Digital signage and static exhibits can expand pride in a school and a community. Private schools and boarding schools need to celebrate their heritage to promote more enrollment.

School history can motivate supporters to donate to programs and motivate students. Public locations where visitors can see the display will give the strongest impact. Digital history walls can be easily updated. New information can be added with little expense or additional space planning.

school history display digital signage arreyaSchool athletic programs have a tradition of promoting their athletes.

Pride in their wins can be an achievement for many students and alumni.

Trophies, ribbons, photos and other memorability are an added highlight.   They add depth and interest to a school history or recognition wall.  Museum or casework can be easily changed with new items as new achievements happen. A part time curator would be helpful in keeping up the display and making sure it doesn’t become dated.

Expanding a School’s Branding

school mascot donor wallSymbols, mascots and colors are an easy way to show support for school programs. Added directly to a recognition wall, it will stand for years to come.

Whether donor recognition or mission and vision statement. There are many opportunities to celebrate a school.

Supporting Athletic Programs with Digital Signage

Supporting Athletic Programs with Digital Signage

Through sports leagues, public organizations like Rotary or school booster clubs there is a long tradition of giving and recognition of donations. The use of digital signage for athletic hall of fame displays and other visual experiences highlights the importance of sports and athleticism starting at a young age. Encouraging more support.

Digital Signage for Athletic Hall of Fame

hall of fame athletics digitalThe key to success of many athletic programs is spotlighting past achievements and athletes. Touch or interactive digital signage allows visitors to engage with the stories and history of a sports program. The digital content can include:

 •   Rosters
 •   Honoree videos
 •   Special AwardsTeam photos
 •   Timelines

Digital recognition can be easily updated without added expense or space. Traditional trophy cases and award displays take a lot of room.

digital yearbook touchscreen arreyaFor smaller venues and an ongoing need to support athletic programs, digital recognition makes sense. Touchscreens from 32″ up to 95″ are readily available and even video walls are a common installation.  Custom surrounds can be designed to emphasize the display and protect the digital equipment from vandalism.

Pick a high traffic public wall that will draw the most interest from the audience.

Digital Donor Recognition for Sport Venue Buildings 

Focus on supporting athletic programs has traditionally been on the older sports of football and baseball. The growing popularity of sports outside the traditional has seen a great need for more venues. Soccer and swimming has become a major part of most school and university programs. Donations to build aquatic centers and indoor soccer fields have paved the way. 

digital donor wall bubbles arreya

Celebrating donors is important for acknowledging the accomplishments but more importantly to keep donations coming in for future growth.  The push to build sports venues always sees the most donations, but an endowment will need to be made for the future upkeep.  Digital signage can help persuade visitors to give. Videos can show what has been achieved and what needs to continue.  READ MORE ABOUT: BENEFITS OF AN ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME

Inspiring Design is Foundation for Successful Project

baseball field donor recognition display arreyaWhen the players are gone and the baseball field is quiet, the donor wall is the only thing that visually inspires. Recognition displays are continually forgotten until the end. Treated as an afterthought, donor walls should be part of the overall planning process. The donor recognition should reflect the venue’s energy and future. 

Design is key in assuring the continued support for any athletic program. Even though the fabrication of the donor display is important for quality that lasts, the design is the most important piece. A poor design can visually detract from the goals of the program. It can cost more money rather than inspire giving. 

Visualizing the Athletic Program’s Achievements

Celebrate donors through visual displays that show off achievements of the athletes and the athletic program. Most donor recognition displays become the backdrop for photo opportunities at events.

Whether public or private, schools or universities donors give to programs that inspire and show longevity. If you don’t care about your donors, why should they care about your programs? Digital donor recognition tells your story even when you are not available. 

How to Uncomplicate Multi-screen Video Walls

How to Uncomplicate Multi-screen Video Walls

Video walls are a creative and dynamic way to display art, messaging or digital donor walls. They quickly grab the attention of viewers, but they have always been complicated to install and create content.  Not anymore, with the new monitor mounts, commercial screens and multi-port players, you can easily create a totally unique video wall. The addition of Arreya Creative Studio or CRM allows the user to remotely create and update content. 

6 Steps To A Successful Video Wall

There are many items that need to be considered when moving forward with a multi-screen video wall. 

arreya digital signage airport large screen1. Budget

Video walls are not an inexpensive option, and there might be a large monitor that would be a good alternative.  If the content is going to be broken up into individual screens, a video wall might not be the economically wise option. 

When considering the budget for a video wall, consider how long it will last. Cheap screens, mounts and devices will take more to look correct, and achieve the dynamic impact of digital signage and upkeep.  The vivid display should be the only thing viewers focus on. Spend the money at the beginning and build into the budget maintenance costs for the lasting effect. 

2. Software for Digital Content

Contemplate the reason for using a multi-screen video wall and what is the final intent. Pick a content team that is trusted to be responsible for updates and maintenance. Keep the content fresh and new. Video and multiple menus, lists and information can scroll across the screens. Children-hospital-digital-signage-arreya

Because of the ability of the Arreya Digital Signage smart sizing feature,  video wall content can be created without calculating each screen. 

Layout in the Arreya Creative Studio using the aspect ratio of the video wall. Deploy instantly to devices and update remotely from anywhere. Software is a critical component to consider if you want to easily create a video wall.

3. Placement

When picking a location for a video wall, there are multiple options to consider. 

High traffic is optimal for the ROI as is distance viewing, and large open spaces are ideal.  Think of video walls like movie theaters. Distance gives the viewer the ability to see the full display and understand the digital content. Space to walk toward the monitors captures the attention and allows moving traffic to gather the information on the go. 

4. Hardware

There are many good options for video walls. Consider the longevity of the display and whether it can easily be maintained. Arreya can help replace worn devices and hardware for current updates.

hospital video wall kiosk arreyaScreens that are commercial grade meant for 24/7 are the most effective option. Small bezels, or the frame of the screen, make viewing more seamless to the eye. Screens do have color variations, and to avoid the hassle of going through large color corrections, make sure all screens are from the same manufacturer and lot numbers.

Adjustable monitor mounts are a must. They easily allow you to adjust screens in every direction so they fit perfectly. The Peerless Smartmounts allow for all the adjustments, but also pull out for maintenance.

Media players are the last hardware element for a successful video wall. There are many options depending on the video wall layout. Portrait, landscape, stacked or straight line and random are all different configurations. There is specific hardware depending on the configuration chosen and what you are doing with the digital content.  The Arreya team will help decide on which device fits particular needs and reduce the cost of using individual devices for each screen.  CHECK OUT KEYWEST AQUARIUM VIDEO

5. Installation

Hire an experienced and insured installer. Multi-screen video walls require special handling and navigation of the hardware. Installers that don’t understand how to handle screens can easily damage or drop devices.

6. Updating

 Digital signage content is a living display that needs constant updates to be fresh and for the best ROI. The content team should care about the display, have experience in publishing content, and have a schedule of deployment. 

The Power of Video Walls

A well planned, well placed video wall will increase efficiency and increase awareness, that is why they are being installed in airports, schools, hospitals and attractions. Through the power of video the messaging is easily, quickly and dynamically translated. With the right tools and guidance, anyone can easily create an eye-catching video wall. 


Twitter Widget is Currently Not Working

Twitter Widget is Currently Not Working

Due to recent changes to the Twitter API, Arreya’s Twitter Widget is currently not working. Twitter has made some unprecedented changes to their API, making it impossible for services like ours to integrate and display data. We will update you with the status of the Twitter widget as we get more information.


Using Digital Displays for Advertising

Using Digital Displays for Advertising

Vying for the attention of customers has never been more difficult than it is today. Consumers have limitless choices and greater access to information than ever before. Organizations need to find creative ways to advertise their products and services. Businesses are turning to digital displays for advertising, presenting their products and services in the most professional light possible. 


Digital Advertising display in a mall next to an elevator of a woman in a red dress on the left and a wayfinding display to the right Customizable Advertising

For many organizations, advertising to their customers is not one size fits all. Many firms have complex products with multiple options and combinations. Customer demographics may vary greatly, even within the same product category. Digital signage software is a powerful tool for customizing advertising and reliably displaying ads. Combining APPSHEET with digital signage software gives users the ability to upload and display thousands of different product options. Customers navigate through product offerings with ease thanks to AppSheet, and digital signage software allows users to access from anywhere with a stable internet connection.

Businesses can easily update or add new products and services and updates take effect in real-time. LEARN MORE about using digital signage for advertising. 

man next two a digital signage display advertising for a coffee shopCustomer Interaction

The user experience must be considered throughout the entire sales process. Users are demanding more control over their experiences today, and digital signage software affords them that control. Interactive digital displays allow users to browse through full ads, or parts of ads in which they’re most interested. They can either use a mouse and keyboard, touchscreen displays, or QR codes on screen to navigate through advertisements and offers on their smartphones. Motion sensing technology integrates with digital signage software, allowing customers to pick up physical items and see detailed information on screen. For instance, a soda company could have four cans of soda, and different correlating slides in a slide show for each can. When someone picks up a can, the correct corresponding slide appears on screen.

Increased Sustainability

digital signage advertising kiosk mallPaper ads are costly, difficult or impossible to update, and less sustainable than their digital counterparts. Paper ads often need to be thrown away after use, there are material and printing costs to consider, and also labor cost associated with placing and replacing signs.

Digital signage software eliminates labor and material costs and increases sustainability. Making changes to ads is easy and fast with digital signage software, and users can schedule ads to run at certain times throughout the year. Digital signage has become increasingly popular in retail applications for this reason.

man viewing digital display advertising for a retail store on a laptop and cellphoneEasy and Scalable Advertising

Businesses with multiple locations and markets need solutions that allow them to advertise at scale. Advertisers use digital signage software to deploy targeted ads anywhere with a stable internet connection. Updates and edits are easy to make, and are displayed instantly after changes are published.

Also, because the Arreya content design software is a WYSIWYG, all the content is live. You know what is being show on your devices and with Chrome Enterprise Management, you know your devices are working.

Professional and Credible Advertisements

Digital displays add a level of professionalism to an organization. Well thought out ads, focused on getting across clear messages, resonate with customers. Professionally designed digital signage content looks great and adds to the credibility of businesses. The Minneapolis Airport recently added four large digital displays for improved messaging and advertising. LEARN MORE about the role digital signage plays in modernizing this international airport.

Modern Advertising Solutions

Overall, using digital displays for in-person advertising is an excellent way to communicate with potential customers. Digital signage software makes it easy to update and scale advertisements to any device with a stable internet connection. Digital displays modernize the user experience and add a level of professionalism and credibility to brands. Implementing technology strategically and regularly helps organizations advertise to the right audience, at the right time, with the right tone.