10 Benefits of Hospital Digital Signage

10 Benefits of Hospital Digital Signage

Hospitals need to distribute information quickly and efficiently. Not only do they need to care for patients, they also need to direct everyone to the right place at the right time. Hospital digital signage is being used in many aspects of patient interactions. Using digital signage for wayfinding, check-ins, and waiting rooms. Since it provides a better experience for patients, and helps staff stay organized and up to date, digital signage is an essential tool for hospitals and clinics.  The COVID19 pandemic brought questions about touchscreens and along with it new innovations in touch free and touchless interactions.

1. Wayfinding

Finding your way around can be difficult, especially in larger hospitals. When urgency is the key, obstacles like navigation can increase stress and anxiety in visitors and patients. Hospitals are using digital signage for wayfinding, and they’re experiencing some excellent benefits as a result.

Digital signs display virtual maps, and by using voice assistants, patients simply ask where they need to go and get answers instantly. Voice assistants answer questions through speakers built into the interactive digital signage. Patients also use touch screens and tablets to navigate maps. Hospital administrators can easily update maps, unlike paper counterparts which need to be thrown away and reprinted. Using digital signage for wayfinding allows hospitals to cut back on waste, improve patient experience, and save time. LEARN MORE about using digital wayfinding for hospitals.

2. Checking In 

Hospitals are using digital signage for check-ins now more than ever. This is mainly due to the pandemic, aiming for less contact and therefore less risk of spreading COVID19, but there are also other benefits of using digital signage for hospital check-ins. Patients type in their names or phone numbers and check in through their phones or on a touch screen, eliminating the need to have a dedicated staff member waiting to check everyone in. Once patients have checked in, staff are notified through an email, a display alert, or an audio alert. Patients are able to see estimated wait times and their place in line on digital signage as well as their phones.

Remember, at Arreya, digital signage is any device with a screen. So your wayfinding can be seen on tablets, phones and computers. Beyond the traditional one screen digital signage.

3. Waiting Room Entertainment 

Patients and family members will inevitably spend some time in the waiting room. Hospitals are using digital signage in waiting rooms to entertain people with an array of different content. Digital signs display sports scores and updates, weather, healthy tips, and breaking news. Patients select what they want to view by navigating through presentations on touchscreens and tablets by using digital signage until they find what they want to view.

4. Digital Donor Recognition 

Digital donor recognition is an excellent solution for hospitals. Many hospitals would not be able to execute their life saving work without generous donors.

Hospitals use digital signage to recognize past and present donors, displaying names and donation amounts on screens throughout the hospital. Digital signage software makes it seamless and easy to update or remove names from lists, and updates are deployed instantly. Not only are current donors recognized, but new people are encouraged to donate as well.

Celebrate specific donor stories with video content.  Publish a calendar of events for donors and add a point-of-sale portal for donations at the kiosk.

Digital donor recognition also allow the foundation to extend their reach beyond the typical borders of their donors.  Because the content is viewable on any device from anywhere

5. Call Lights and Room Service

Patients often need to stay in their beds for most of the day when recovering. Nurses answer call lights, bringing medicine, food, or water to patients throughout the day. Hospitals use digital signage to notify nurses when help is being requested, and patients make requests from buttons or tablets located within reach of their beds. Nurses and patients view vitals on screens in real-time by using blood pressure cuffs, heart monitors, and other vital tracking devices in conjunction with digital signs. Nurses and doctors are instantly notified with alarms if a patient’s vitals reach dangerous levels.

Another option is to make one of the TV channels in the patient rooms an information channel. Information specific to patients including cafeteria menus, visiting hours, hospital regulations and special events can be seen by each patient. As easy as turning on the television.

6. Hospital Information

Digital Signage for hospitalsHospital marketing is a perfect fit for digital signage. Welcome visitors with calendar of events, cafeteria menus, promotion videos, weather and much more.

Digital signage is an excellent tool for hospitals to keep up with events throughout the year. Hospital admins schedule content in advance, loading up presentations with holiday specials and countdowns to the date. Content takes minimal time and effort to set up and update, yet it’s so enticing to look at the dynamic media. All screens connected to the specific Arreya channel will display holiday content throughout the hospital simultaneously, in the waiting room, in the cafeteria, and even in different branches or buildings.  Spread the cheer with current information.

7. Health and Wellness Information 

digital signage kiosk wayfinding arreyaHospitals use digital signage for displaying population health data, like vaccine rates. This application is heavily used, particularly since the onset of the COVID19 pandemic.

Hospitals display infection statistics, which are updated automatically. QR codes and links are also displayed on digital signage, so patients and visitors can access information from the CDC, FDA, or other health authorities from their phones.

Kiosks can include hand sanitizer and other sanitation products in an effort to keep germs under control. Vulnerable patients can feel at ease coming to appointments.

8. Cafeteria Menus 

Corporate Digital SignageHospitals need a way to display changing cafeteria menus, and the menus need to be clear and easy to read. Digital signage is an excellent tool for hospital cafeterias, because updates are easy to make, schedule and deploy instantly.

The font is adjustable, and the screens are bright and precise. Content is made ADA compliant, and hospitals no longer need to waste time, money, and material on paper menus. With digital cafeteria menus, visitors and patients can view throughout the hospital. Pushing more people to eat in the hospital.

9. Recognizing Hospital Workers

Digital Signage for HospitalsHospital workers are vital to our society. This is extremely apparent in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses and doctors work around the clock, risking illness, especially during early 2020 when personal protective equipment was scarce.

Hospitals are using digital signage to recognize their hard workers. Patient testimonials are displayed on digital signs as well as recognition programs throughout the year. Celebrate wins and successes to motivate employees to continue their efforts.

LEARN MORE about how healthcare workers are being recognized with digital signage.

10. Healthcare Employee Communication 

Behind the scenes, communication is vital to any business, but perhaps it’s even more critical for hospitals and health systems. Patients need the right medication and the right dosage, and timing is critical as well.

Digital signage continues to improve communications within the healthcare industry today. Medical charts are updated and displayed instantly, keeping nurses and doctors up to date on patient status and medical records. Digital signage is displayed throughout hospital break rooms and offices, keeping everyone up to date on events and announcements.

LEARN MORE about the benefits of digital signage for healthcare employees.

Improving Patient and Employee Experience 

Digital signage is the ultimate tool for hospital communication. Both internal and patient communications are streamlined and more effective through the use of digital signage. Doctors and nurses view critical, up to date medical information, while patients view entertaining content in the waiting room. The number of screens and channels of content are customizable, making digital signage scalable for hospitals of all sizes.

Digital signage is improving the experience of patients and healthcare workers today, and future applications will only make it more valuable for hospitals in the future.

Interactive Digital Signage: Benefits of the Touchscreen Experience

Interactive Digital Signage: Benefits of the Touchscreen Experience

digital signage touchscreen wayfinding kioskAs digital signage becomes increasingly more common in businesses and cities across the globe, many companies have made the switch from paper to digital. Digital displays have many benefits, so much so that it would take a separate blog post to cover all of them, but the topic we will be discussing in this blog is the benefits of using an interactive display vs non-interactive. To explain the difference simply, interactive displays allow users to control the content of the screen by touch while non-interactive displays do not respond to touch. Should you make your digital sign interactive? Let’s go over interactive digital signage and the benefits of the touchscreen experience.

Digital Feedback and Analytics

digital signage feedback analyticsIn many cases, businesses use interactive signs to get feedback from customers. How so? Let’s say you own an apparel/shoes company that advertises your products on a digital display, allowing customers to touch any product they want to see details about. After a month’s time, you notice that 80% of interactions on the display are for apparel and only 20% of interactions are for shoes. With this information, you would then be able to adjust advertisements based on your target audience which in this case would be for apparel.Another one of the many ways to get customer feedback is by displaying frequently asked questions with answers on your display. You could then track the questions that are interacted with the most and produce solutions to make it more clear to customers in the future.

Companies that utilize digital signage see a 47% increase in brand awareness (LEARN MORE) and can pinpoint messaging to better engage customers and employees. Digital signage also gives you the freedom to instantly change or highlight important information across multiple locations or offices. With the special progressive web app (PWA) feature, information can also be viewed on remote devices.

Ease of Use

pwa phone digital signageWith the COVID pandemic changing the way the world operates as we know it, reducing person to person contact and the spread of germs has become crucial to returning to a pre-2020 world. With interactive displays, you are able to use any mobile device to interact with the same content as your businesses display. The most common example of this is restaurants using mobile devices to share their menus. To use my previous example of an apparel/shoe store, let’s say the capacity for customers is 20 due to the pandemic. While customers wait in line to enter, they would be able to browse via their mobile device.

Not only does mobile use help with the spread of germs, but it can also provide a better experience for customers and employees. Having a catalog/menu in your pocket means you can order and shop from anywhere. Along with that, employees’ jobs are made a lot easier as some questions may already be answered through the digital signage on customers’ phones.

Ways to Use Interactive Digital Displays

After going over just a few of the benefits of touchscreen experience through interactive digital signage, let’s get into some real world use cases that are being implemented today. One word that may often come up in your search for digital signage is wayfinding. Wayfinding is the process of determining directions to a location based on your current location. Think of it like gps on your phone. You may have seen things like this in a mall where they display a map of the mall and your location. With digital signage it makes it easier to select a certain location you want to get to and displays the directions to get there. 

digital signage history kiosk interactive airportDonor recognition displays are another popular use case for digital signage. Many organizations use donor recognition displays to celebrate donors and encourage more donations. Updates to traditional donor walls can be expensive, but interactive digital donor walls reduce the cost of updates. Digital donor walls are easy to update with instant deployment and Google integrations from Sheets. With an interactive display it gives users the ability to search through the list of donors, and also apply to donate themselves. (LEARN MORE)

Schools around the world have also started to implement interactive signage. Students can view the lunch menu, sign into class, view sporting events and much more. Some schools have even started implementing face recognition to count the number of students coming in and out of classrooms to keep track of attendance. 

Digital history walls have also become a popular way to use interactive content. The timelines can contain spotlighted information, videos can be activated with a touch and new content can be added easily.

The biggest take away is that interactive digital signs have a use case for almost any business. Adding the functionality of being able to interact with the signage adds to the experience and leads to better feedback in general. Interactive digital signage brings users the dynamic benefits of the touchscreen experience.