
If you are live streaming events to YouTube and displaying those streams on your Arreya channel, you may want to consider making a permanent link to your stream. By default, the link will change for each new live stream, which means the link will need to be updated in the Arreya channel every time you start a new stream. However, by locating your YouTube channel ID, you can create a link that will always work when you go live.

Accessing your YouTube Channel ID

You need to navigate to YouTube advanced settings within your YouTube account to locate your channel ID. You can access the advanced settings from the link provided, or sign into your YouTube account, click your profile in the upper right hand corner, and click settings. Next, click advanced settings from the bottom menu on the right. Here, your channel ID will be displayed under the user ID. You’ll want to make sure that you use the Channel ID NOT the User ID.









Making your Live stream Public

Creating the permanent link will not work unless your live stream is made public. To set your livestream as public, navigate to the YouTube Livestream Studio. Then, under visibility, make sure public is selected.







Putting the Link Together

Once you have your channel ID and your live stream is public, you’re ready to create your permanent live stream link. The structure of your URL should look like this:

Finally, you can put that link into the Arreya livestream widget, and now, you won’t need to replace the link everytime you go live.

Inserting your Permanent YouTube Live stream Link in Arreya

After following these steps, you should have everything you need for your permanent livestream link. If this is your first time livestreaming with Arreya, you’ll also need to add the LIVESTREAM WIDGET into your presentation. After adding the widget in the Arreya creative studio, copy and paste your permanet YouTube livestream link.