Adding Users in Arreya

  1. Log in to your Arreya Manager at https://[yourchannel]
  2. Click grey [Channel Name] drop down at the top right of the screen
  3. In the navigation menu at the top, click [Management] then [Users]
  4. Click the green [+ New User] button to add a user
    Private Channel and Users
  5. Fill in the Name, Email, and Password
  6. If you wish to support Single Sign On for the user, check the boxes for Google or Microsoft Azure SSO depending on which you which so support.
  7. Choose the desired role for the new user.  Remember:
    1.  Owner has full access to everything
    2. Admin can change passwords, add channels, and make changes to billed features
    3. Manager has access to content and can add new viewers
    4. Viewer can only view the channel
  8. Be sure to Check the active checkbox
  9. Click the [Add User] button
  10. The new user should now appear in the list


Notice under the actions column, the user can be disabled, preventing them from being able to log in at any time

If the user is enabled, the provided email and password will be able to log into your arreya account.

If you have a private channel, you can share it with users without needing to create users for everyone.  Check the instructions here.

If your channel is public, but you’d like to make it private, check the instructions here.

Chrome OS device PWA Installation Instructions

This article will cover installing your Arreya Channel PWA on a Chrome OS device where that isn’t force installing the PWA by policy.


  1. On your Chrome OS device, open the Chrome browser.
  2. Navigate to your Arreya channel URL (https://*yourchannel* You can also send your users a link sent via an email, social media, or other method instead of manual entry.Chrome OS Device PWA 
  3. At the top right of the address bar, click the [Install +] buttonChrome OS 
  4. The application can now be found in the application launcher accessible from the bottom taskbar. You can also right click the application icon and pin it to your taskbar.Progressive Web App for Digital Signage


PWA support has been supported in Chrome since version 39. Contact us to learn more about Chrome OS Device PWA.


iOS PWA Installation Instructions

This article will cover installing your Arreya Channel’s PWA on an iOS device. The process is similar for iPhone and iPad devices.


  1. To add your Arreya Channel as a PWA on an iOS device, on your iOS device, open Safari or other browse.
  2. Navigate to your Arreya channel URL (https://*yourchannel* You can also send your users a link sent via an email, social media, or other method instead of manual entry. Progressive Web App for Digital Signage
  3. Safari on iOS will not prompt you to install the application. Click the “Share” button on the bottom toolbar, then select the “Add to Home screen” option.
    pwa on an ios device
  4. After adding it to the Home screen, you will be able to open the application using the newly created shortcut.
    Digital Signage PWA


Web apps are partially supported in iOS starting with version 11.3. You may experience odd behavior in some versions. More about mobile browser support can be found at

Android PWA Installation Instructions

This article will cover installing your Arreya Channel’s PWA on an Android device.


  1. On your Android smartphone, open Chrome or the browser installed on your smartphone.
  2. Navigate to your Arreya channel URL (https://*yourchannel* You can also send your users a link sent via an email, social media, or other method instead of manual entry. 
  3. If it’s the first time you have visited the site, you will see a popup below the address bar that prompts you to add it to your home screen. 
  4. If you have previously visited the site, or dismissed the notification, you can find the “Add to Home screen” button under the browser menu ( ⋮ ) in the upper right corner. 
  5. You may be prompted to manually add the icon to your home screen, or it may be added automatically.Android PWA
  6. After adding it to the Home screen, you can open the application using the newly created Android PWA shortcut.Progressive Web App on Android


Current versions of Chrome, Android Browser, and Firefox Mobile support adding the application to the homescreen. Please visit for more information about other mobile browsers.

How to edit PWA settings for your channel

How to edit Progressive Web App settings (PWA Settings) for your channel


Progressive Web Application Settings in Arreya Digital Signage



  1. Log into your Arreya Channel
  2. Click on your channel name in the upper right
  3. Click on Create & Manage Channels
  4. Click on Settings and go to the App Settings tab
  5. Here, you can adjust the following options to customize the PWA for your channel
    1. The Title field will change the title that displays with the PWA icon
    2. The Description field will populate the description for the PWA
    3. An icon file can be uploaded in the Icon file picker. If an icon file is not uploaded, the Arreya logo will be used by default
    4. The Brand Color field will specify the site wide theme color to be used on the PWA. This may change the address bar, and other UI elements depending on the platform the PWA is installed on.
  6. Click Ok to save your changes and update the PWA settings.