Improving Corporate Communications with Digital Signage

Improving Corporate Communications with Digital Signage

In today’s fast-paced business world, communication is key. Effective corporate communication is critical to the success of any organization. It ensures that everyone within the company is on the same page and working towards common goals. Although traditional communication methods like email, meetings, and bulletin boards are still in use, more and more companies are turning to digital signage to enhance their corporate communication. In this blog post, we will explore the role of digital signage in modern corporate communication.  DOWNLOAD OUR Corporate Digital Signage Isometric Flowchart

Enhance Visual Corporate Communication

employee digital signage kioskVisual communication is an essential aspect of corporate communication. Using digital signage can help organizations present information in a more visually appealing way. Visual communication is also easier to remember, making it great for showcasing company goals, achievements, and other important messages. Dynamic and vivid displays used in digital signage can engage and impress employees, thereby increasing their interest and promoting better understanding and recall.

Learn more about improving visual communication and employee satisfaction.

Improve Employee Engagement

employee digital signage engagement arreyaKeeping employees informed and engaged is vital for any organization’s success. Digital signage can help organizations create visually stimulating content that communicates key messages to employees. Digital signage enhances corporate communication by increasing employee engagement and improving empathy. By using digital signage, companies can keep their employees informed about everything from company news to upcoming events, promotions, and other critical updates that might impact their work. Thus, Digital Signage creates deeper bonds between employees and the company.

To learn more about using digital signage to improve employee engagement, click here.

Build a Collaborative Culture

cafeteria digital menu corporate digital signage arreyaCollaboration is essential in today’s modern corporate world. Digital signage can help create a culture of collaboration within organizations by fostering an environment where people share ideas, exchange feedback, and collaborate on projects. Companies can use digital signage to share best practices, work progress, and project outcomes. By sharing data and progress in real-time, digital signage can help employees feel more engaged and invested in the successes of the department and company as a whole.

Increases Efficiency

Efficiency is key in any business. Digital signage can help organizations save time, cut costs and ensure that all staff and departments are on the same page. For example, if a company uses digital signage to display meeting schedules and conference room reservations, it can eliminate the need for printed schedules or spreadsheets, which can take time to update and distribute. Digital signage can also be used for training and onboarding of new employees. Thus, Digital Signage makes everyone more effective in their roles.

Provide Real-time Feedback

corporate digital signage employee manufacturing arreyaDigital signage can be used to provide real-time feedback to employees. It can be used to measure employee satisfaction and engagement through interactive feedback systems. Companies can get real-time feedback from employees can pick up on issues earlier, and take corrective action to address them. By having this information readily accessible to management, digital signage can be used to improve employee morale and retention.

Digital signage is transforming corporate communication for the better. It enhances visual communication, builds collaboration, increases efficiency, and provides instant feedback to employees. As more and more companies adopt this technology, it is no longer a unique idea but a common infrastructure for businesses of all sizes. It will become the backbone of tomorrow’s successful companies. Companies that invest in digital signage stand to benefit significantly from better communication, employee engagement, and efficiency, making it a wise choice for any organization looking to improve its corporate communication.

Dynamic Digital Experiences with Butterflies and Bubbles Donor Walls

Dynamic Digital Experiences with Butterflies and Bubbles Donor Walls

Recognizing donors and employees for their valuable contributions is imperative. By recognizing donors, organizations are able to say thank you while encouraging future support for their cause. Digital donor wall displays give organizations the ability to recognize donors, make updates in a few clicks, and leave a lasting impression for everyone to see. This digital butterfly donor wall is a prime example of recognition done right:

Creating an Immersive Visual Experience

butterfly organ donor digital wall arreyaDigital signage is a great way to get someone’s attention and cost effective for updates. But how do you increase the total engagement while still maintaining your message? Start by looking at the overall space where the digital signage is located. Is there room to add a surround to the screen or turn the space into a total visual experience? Add engaging visual elements like butterflies and bubbles.

Effective Digital Donor Recognition Software

A key component to a great digital donor wall is the software powering the display. It’s important to keep donor names and information up to date and relevant. Digital donor recognition software should be intuitive, reliable, and highly customizable. The software needs to be easy and efficient to use. With powerful integrations and widgets like List-Eez, users can upload a new spreadsheet with a list of hundreds or even thousands of donors with a few clicks. Touchpoints allow organizations to easily create interactive donor walls with no code writing. Donors and visitors can navigate through different pages of content by clicking or touching the screen. Learn more about digital donor walls.

Simple Digital Surrounds

digital signage surround school arreyaFraming digital signage is a simple way to polish your presentation and it secures all the digital hardware. Adding corporate branding and mission statements to existing signage is the easiest and most cost effective way to emphasize digital signage messages.

digital signage custom surround arreya

Make Digital Signage Meaningful

bubble donor wall children hospital arreyaFor a digital experience to be meaningful, it needs to be integrated into the customer journey, rather than being applied as a layer. It should deliver relevant and meaningful content that disrupts behavior, drives engagement and, ultimately, delivers an experience that creates a personal relationship with the customer or employee.  CLICK TO LEARN MORE about the butterfly donor wall and the Arora Project.

Videos give life to a static donor wall or digital surround. The surround compliments and plays off of the digital content and vice versa. Dimensional butterflies and bubbles are a fun way to go beyond the ordinary. They give spaces and donor displays color and life.

The ease of cloud based Arreya Digital Signage software, anyone can make updates anytime and push live to devices. Keep content fresh and relevant and even pre-schedule content for specific days.

Maximize Digital Signage Impact on Donors or Employees

Let visual displays greet visitors, donors and employees. There are so many ways to make a visual impact. Celebrate corporate history, corporate branding, employee and company wins, donor recognition displays, and adding art to architectural spaces. Whether static or digital signage or a combination of both, consider specific touchpoints for the best experiences.

  1. Fresh content
    Ensure your digital signage content remains relevant and engaging by regularly updating it with fresh material. Incorporate a mix of motivational messages, wellness tips, employee and donor videos and spotlights, and announcements to cater to different preferences and interests.
  2. Optimal placement
    Place digital displays in high-traffic areas where employees, visitors and potential donors are likely to see them frequently, such as lobbies, break rooms, and common areas. Consider the flow of foot traffic when determining optimal placement to maximize visibility and impact.
  3. Interactive Features
    Introduce interactive elements such as videos, HR information, donor stories, and wayfinding to encourage engagement with your digital signage content. This captures attention and provides opportunities for employees and donors to butterfly digital signage surroundparticipate actively and feel more connected.
  4. Integrations
    Integrate digital content from Google Workspace, Canva, or Appsheet for more relevant content and communication channels. Collaboration with human resources, wellness committees, and internal communications teams ensures alignment with broader organizational objectives and enhances experience.

Dimensional Experiences

Whether adding butterflies, bubbles or paper airplanes to a donor wall or dimensional logos for a corporate history wall, the visual impact is the same. Visitors and employees are more likely to engage. The added effectiveness of digital signage brings continual fresh content to static walls for years to come.



Using Digital Displays for Advertising

Using Digital Displays for Advertising

Vying for the attention of customers has never been more difficult than it is today. Consumers have limitless choices and greater access to information than ever before. Organizations need to find creative ways to advertise their products and services. Businesses are turning to digital displays for advertising, presenting their products and services in the most professional light possible. 


Digital Advertising display in a mall next to an elevator of a woman in a red dress on the left and a wayfinding display to the right Customizable Advertising

For many organizations, advertising to their customers is not one size fits all. Many firms have complex products with multiple options and combinations. Customer demographics may vary greatly, even within the same product category. Digital signage software is a powerful tool for customizing advertising and reliably displaying ads. Combining APPSHEET with digital signage software gives users the ability to upload and display thousands of different product options. Customers navigate through product offerings with ease thanks to AppSheet, and digital signage software allows users to access from anywhere with a stable internet connection.

Businesses can easily update or add new products and services and updates take effect in real-time. LEARN MORE about using digital signage for advertising. 

man next two a digital signage display advertising for a coffee shopCustomer Interaction

The user experience must be considered throughout the entire sales process. Users are demanding more control over their experiences today, and digital signage software affords them that control. Interactive digital displays allow users to browse through full ads, or parts of ads in which they’re most interested. They can either use a mouse and keyboard, touchscreen displays, or QR codes on screen to navigate through advertisements and offers on their smartphones. Motion sensing technology integrates with digital signage software, allowing customers to pick up physical items and see detailed information on screen. For instance, a soda company could have four cans of soda, and different correlating slides in a slide show for each can. When someone picks up a can, the correct corresponding slide appears on screen.

Increased Sustainability

digital signage advertising kiosk mallPaper ads are costly, difficult or impossible to update, and less sustainable than their digital counterparts. Paper ads often need to be thrown away after use, there are material and printing costs to consider, and also labor cost associated with placing and replacing signs.

Digital signage software eliminates labor and material costs and increases sustainability. Making changes to ads is easy and fast with digital signage software, and users can schedule ads to run at certain times throughout the year. Digital signage has become increasingly popular in retail applications for this reason.

man viewing digital display advertising for a retail store on a laptop and cellphoneEasy and Scalable Advertising

Businesses with multiple locations and markets need solutions that allow them to advertise at scale. Advertisers use digital signage software to deploy targeted ads anywhere with a stable internet connection. Updates and edits are easy to make, and are displayed instantly after changes are published.

Also, because the Arreya content design software is a WYSIWYG, all the content is live. You know what is being show on your devices and with Chrome Enterprise Management, you know your devices are working.

Professional and Credible Advertisements

Digital displays add a level of professionalism to an organization. Well thought out ads, focused on getting across clear messages, resonate with customers. Professionally designed digital signage content looks great and adds to the credibility of businesses. The Minneapolis Airport recently added four large digital displays for improved messaging and advertising. LEARN MORE about the role digital signage plays in modernizing this international airport.

Modern Advertising Solutions

Overall, using digital displays for in-person advertising is an excellent way to communicate with potential customers. Digital signage software makes it easy to update and scale advertisements to any device with a stable internet connection. Digital displays modernize the user experience and add a level of professionalism and credibility to brands. Implementing technology strategically and regularly helps organizations advertise to the right audience, at the right time, with the right tone.

Integrating AppSheet with Arreya

Integrating AppSheet with Arreya

Coordinating work schedules, maintaining equipment, and managing worksite locations often becomes overwhelming. Arreya digital signage software integrates with AppSheet, creating a powerful tool that allows employees to access business critical information from virtually any device with a stable internet connection. AppSheet and Arreya make scheduling and resource allocation more manageable and scalable for both large and small businesses.

Importing Data

If you have a database with important information, like employees, contacts, equipment lists, and worksites, you can easily import that data into AppSheet to make it more visible and user friendly. Updates can be made directly to the AppSheet app after data has been imported, or users can continue to make updates to their original spreadsheets.

All changes display in Arreya in real time, no matter where the data is updated. AppSheet integrates with Google apps, but it can also integrate with other applications like Office 365 and Dropbox. This flexibility allows organizations to continue to use the software they’re comfortable with. LEARN MORE about AppSheet integrations.

Make Business Critical Data Accessible

The information employees need to properly perform their work is often sensitive and time-dependent. Organizations face the challenge of distributing this information efficiently and securely, simultaneously. AppSheet does the heavy lifting; creating an interface that’s easy to navigate, displaying large databases of information, and using industry standard security practices. Arreya takes it a step further by publishing the AppSheet in a progressive web app, so it can be sent out to users all over the world.

Scheduling Equipment Maintenance

Digital signage and AppSheet make it easy to organize and automate equipment data, like approximate mileage or hours of use. This data makes scheduling maintenance a lot easier. Instead of checking the odometer of each individual vehicle, automations can be set up to add approximate mileage based on job site distances. Employees also manually enter mileage into the app. This information helps organizations estimate operating costs more accurately, and allows them to adjust accordingly.

woman working in a factory using AppSheet and Arreya on multiple monitors

AppSheet and Digital Signage for Inventory Management

Managing inventory can be difficult, especially with thousands of products and combinations, but it’s never been easier than it is today. AppSheet captures data from barcodes, which means users can easily input data like product SKU numbers with a barcode scanner, saving time and money. Barcode technology makes inventory management far more efficient and accurate, and live inventory is displayed on all appropriate screens with Arreya. LEARN MORE about inventory management.

A tablet displaying Arreya's user management interface

Control over the Visibility of Data

Even with all of the great features of AppSheet, a tool like Arreya takes it a step further by making deployment to the field easier than ever. With sensitive and business critical data contained within AppSheet, users need a way to view everything securely and quickly. This is where Arreya comes into play. With an Arreya channel, users can set their channel’s visibility to private, protecting AppSheet data behind a secure login through Arreya. 

Accessing Multiple AppSheets from One Place

AppSheets can be embedded inside of Arreya presentations on a single page. This allows users to view multiple AppSheet projects inside one Arreya presentation. This means they can navigate between multiple projects from a phone, laptop, or tablet. Accessing multiple AppSheets from the same place is extremely beneficial for organizations with multiple departments. It allows departments to share goals, progress, tasks, and schedules in a streamlined and efficient manner.

people in a conference room looking at an AppSheet app on a large monitor

Improving your Business with Arreya and AppSheet

Modern data management applications like AppSheet make managing and distributing business critical data easier and more scalable. Arreya and AppSheet work together perfectly to create a way to manage, edit, distribute, import, and display the data businesses need to run effectively. If you’d like to learn how to display, organize, and manage your data, REACH OUT to Arreya today.

AOPEN Ace Mini Review

AOPEN Ace Mini Review

The AOpen Ace Mini is the latest offering in AOpen’s line of commercial grade media players. AOpen is a division of Acer, and a reliable hardware provider. The way the Ace Mini deviates from the previous Chrome offerings, is that it supports multiple operating systems, and is certified by Google to work with ChromeOS Flex. ChromeOS Flex brings all of the great benefits of ChromeOS and Chrome Enterprise Management to almost any device.


The AOpen Ace Mini is a great entry level media player that is perfect for single screen signage or simple interactive kiosks. Like the previous commercial grade devices from AOpen, the Ace Mini comes with a fanless enclosure that’s easy to mount for kiosks and enclosures.

The reliable, fanless AOpen Ace Mini paired with ChromeOS Flex and Google Chrome Enterprise management is the perfect combination for reliable digital signage installations that are easy to manage and will last.


CPU GPU testing on AOpen Ace Mini


We vigorously test all new products before recommending them to clients. The AOpen Ace Mini is no exception. Each time we test a device, we leave the device running for multiple weeks, 24/7, and perform multiple stress tests. Testing includes benchmarks that max out the GPU and CPU on the device to ensure clients won’t receive devices that die right out of the box.

The second battery of tests includes testing in real scenarios, using the same displays and touch screens that we recommend to our clients. This includes testing responsiveness on top of basic compatibility tests. These tests are performed to ensure that clients get the performance and reliability they need out of every device we recommend.


Interactive testing on AOpen Ace Mini


The form factor of the AOpen Ace Mini makes it a good choice for an installation with limited space. Arreya always recommends fanless devices because the reality is, nobody is going to clean the fans once the device is installed. The fanless design and the reliability of this device is perfect for kiosks or any situation where device access is difficult.

The AOpen Ace Mini is a perfect addition to AOpen’s line of commercial grade devices. The features and capabilities of the device fill the needs of our clients on multiple levels. Even though it is an entry level device, the Ace Mini is capable, and it meets Arreya’s strict requirements for client recommendation.




  • Dimensions: 4.9 x 1.38 x 4.33 inch
  • Intel® Celeron® Dual Core Processor with Intel® UHD Graphics
  • MTBF 50,000 hrs
  • Warranty: 3 Years

Improving Customer Experiences with Digital Signage

Improving Customer Experiences with Digital Signage

Everytime someone interacts with your business, you want them to have the best experience possible. You want to leave them feeling relieved and thankful that they chose to work with you. That’s why the customer experience needs to be as convenient and stress free as possible. There are simple tactics for improving customer experiences with digital signage.

The COVID 19 pandemic accelerated the need and desire to work or make purchases from home. Businesses have had to adapt to make themselves present digitally.  Digital signage has played a huge role in improving customer experiences. Making it more enjoyable to engage with a business whether in person, from home, or anywhere with an internet connection. 

Make Waiting Less Painful

wait time queue digital displayWe all have to wait in lines, and some of us can tolerate it better than others. As a business owner, whenever you have the opportunity to reduce wait time for your customers, you try your best to seize that opportunity. Digital signage can ease waiting. 

One great way to reduce wait times is to get customers the information they need without having to find someone to ask. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) pages are a great way to achieve this goal. You simply compile a list of common questions and answer them on your site. You can use digital signage software to display these answers along with directions, or any other information that might speed things up for you and your customers. Another way you can save time is by displaying current inventory with your signs. This gives customers the ability to see what’s available without having to physically check throughout the store. 

For many businesses, wait times are unavoidable, at least to some extent. While business owners and staff have already done everything they can to make processes as efficient as possible, customers will still need to be patient and wait their turns. Why not give them something interesting to look at while they wait? You can add YouTube videos to your displays, news, weather, and live feeds to your social media. The signs can be used to update customers on upcoming sales or events as well. This is an opportunity with a captive audience, so if possible, display something that can strengthen brand reputation. You can show testimonials, past projects, or just some information about your staff to make things more personal and relatable for the customer. 

Increase Customer Engagement

interactive digital kioskInteractive digital signs are an awesome way for customers to interact with businesses, and there are so many different ways to use them. Customers can use touchscreens to navigate through a timeline or a slideshow about company history and values. This is a great method to tell customers your story. It allows them to connect with your brand on a much deeper level. You can display Twitter feeds and customers can see what they tweet using your hashtag,  and you can allow them to post reviews from their phone right to your signs in real time.

Digital signage software can also be used to place orders, or hold a customer’s place in line. They can tap the screen to check in, and see an estimated amount of time remaining before it’s their turn. All of these are great options for building value with your customers. These tools are great for managing customer expectations, and they give customers increased control over their experiences. 

Intuitive Wayfinding

digital signage kiosk wayfinding arreyaBeing lost is the worst, and many customers will prefer not to find someone to ask where to go. Businesses are using digital signage software to solve this problem, saving customers time, but also saving their employees from constantly directing traffic. Signs can be used to display maps and hours of operation, and when using touchscreen displays, customers can tap on the map to see where they need to go. They can navigate through the maps provided to different buildings or floors, and the maps can be updated as needed. Updates can be pushed out instantaneously, and it’s easy to make the changes. CLICK HERE for more information on how digital signage can be used for wayfinding.

Keeping Everyone Safe

alerts digital signage arreyaIt’s so critical for businesses to have a plan in place to keep everyone safe, especially in the event of an emergency. Of course every business is required to have fire alarms and illuminated exit signs, but some of them have complicated buildings that can be hard to navigate.

Digital signage software can eliminate confusion with clear displays on how to get out of the building, or where to go if there is impending dangerous weather or a security breach. The signs can be used to display weather forecasts and breaking news as well, so if something dangerous happens nearby, everyone can be made aware as soon as possible. 

Rebirth of QR Codes

qr code digital signage software

There is a time and place for business cards and brochures, but a lot of customers end up throwing them away as soon as they walk out the door, even if the information is pertinent. Using QR codes allows businesses to share exactly what they want with customers without adding another business card to their overfilled wallets.

Many restaurants have adopted the usage of QR codes instead of paper menus because of the COVID 19 pandemic. This was done to reduce the spread of germs primarily, but it also made things a lot more convenient. Customers simply scan the QR code and get the menu, url, image, video, or whatever content they need right on their phone, no paper needed. Updates are made to menus or other content as needed with no additional cost or waste.  LEARN MORE about the impact QR codes are having on commerce globally.

A Vital Part of Business

It’s vital that businesses focus on what their customers are experiencing and what pain points exist. If possible, we want to remove or mitigate those pain points. Digital signage software can save time and headaches, like displaying live inventory, showing customer’s their place in line, and providing them with QR codes so they can get information they need on their own devices.

Digital signage can be used to build brand awareness and entertain customers while they wait. These are all great tools for businesses that want to increase engagement and make the customer experience more enjoyable, convenient, and interactive.