Monthly Free Graphics – Apr 2025

Monthly graphics and content to use in your Arreya presentation

Included are image files we have created and selected free for you to use in your Arreya presentations. Click on the links to download this month’s backgrounds, holidays and events. 

Themes, Backgrounds, and Graphics

A beige background with a drawing of a tarot card, shapes, and words in the center of the graphic. The tarot card is of the fool, who is standing near the edge of a cliff, the sun shining behind them, and a little dog by their feet. Below the card says ‘Happy April Fools Day! Inside a dark pink rectangle with jagged edges. A dark pink oval outline.
Apr 1 - April Fools Day
A photo of multi-colored pieces of paper confetti fills the graphic. The photo is covered with a neon yellow overlay. Stacked in the center are the words ‘April Fools.’ The word ‘April’ is cut out of a black, distressed rectangles for each letter like a stencil, and uses all-caps, sans letters. ‘Fools’ is written in black, cursive, but the ‘O’s are made out of swirls.
Apr 1 - April Fools Day
A digital watercolor painting of a branch with large white magnolia flowers on the branch's end.
Seasonal Background
A peachy beige background with an AI, solid shape illustration of stacks of books and a branch with leaves sit on a long shelf. The brown shelf crosses the entire graphic horizontally near the bottom. The books and branch sit on its right side. The books are pink or orange, and the branch is pink. Floating above the shelf, and left of the books, says ‘APRIL 6–12 | National Library Week.’ The date and national use a small, thick, cursive font. The date is pink, and national is orange. ‘Library Week’ is larger and below, in orange, and uses a different font. Its font is retro, italic, thick, and has elements of sans and san-serif letters.
Apr 6–12 - Library Week
A digital drawing in an art deco, cubist style fills the left side of the graphic. The drawing only uses shade of teal, a gold color, cream, and navy. It depicts a lady reading a book in a library. The lady wears a cream hat with a navy ribbon on it, a navy dress with cream polka dots, and has golden hair in a bob. The right side of the graphic is solid navy, and has condensed, cream, serif words inside it. ‘National Library Week’ is large and at the top. Then the date ‘April 6–12’ is smaller below it. A thin, horizontal gold line separates the date from national library week. In very small letters, below the date, is the sentence, “Celebrating the valuable role libraries, librarians, and library workers who help transform lives, & strengthen our communities.”
Apr 6–12 - Library Week
A beige watercolor paper background. In the bottom right corner is a watercolor painting of an open book on top of a closed, blue hard cover book.
Apr 6–12 - Library Week
A blue to white gradient fills the image. Solid white lines and circles cover the gradient and form what looks like the top of the globes latitude and longitude lines. In the center of the graphic says “World Health Day” in large letters, then “Invest Today For A Better Tomorrow” in smaller letters below. The date April 7 is in the bottom right corner. A blue, sans, bold font with a thick white outline was used. A horizontal white line separates the words ‘world health day’ and the sentence below.
Apr 7 - World Health Day
A light off-white background with light shapes of leaves coming down from the top left corner and bottom right corner. The globe in the shape of a heart is tilted on the right side of the graphic. It is surrounded by shades of green leaves. A line black stethoscope overlaps and sits below the heart. On the left are the stacked words ‘World Health Day’. A round, cursive, blue sans font was used. In small, thin, geometric, black sans letters is the date ‘April 7th’ between the word ‘day’ and the stethoscope.
Apr 7 - World Health Day
A light peach background with four clip art illustrations medical professionals high fiving each other in the center of the graphic. A nurse wearing a pink shirt and white pants, and a person in a beige and green hazmat suit are on the left. A surgeon in teal and a doctor in a white coat are on the right. Along the top edge says “World Health Day | April 7” in round, green, sans letters. ‘World health day |’ is semi-bolded, white the date is very thin.
Apr 7 - World Health Day
A digital clip art landscape of a body of water, mountains, and a coast line. The water is solid bright blue, the sky is a pale blue and has fluffy white clouds and a yellow circle sun behind the mountains. The mountains are three shades of sage green. The coast line on the right side is green with little white houses with red roofs. A little red and white sail boat is near the coast. Up close in the bottom left and right corners of the graphic are bunches of red and yellow flowers, and long green grasses.
Seasonal Background
A white background with light pink polka dots. The words ‘National Sibling Day’ are stacked in the center, left of the graphic. These words use a round, bold serif font. To the right is the date ‘April 10’ in black, handwritten, italic letters. Above and below the date and words is a horizontal, black line. Above the top line are figure drawings of people. There are six figures in total. From left to right the figure shapes are colored purple, blue, orange, yellow, pink, and purple. Thin black lines detail out each person’s details.
Apr 10 - Sibling Day
A cyan background with a thin black rectangle outline inset inside it. The rectangle has rounded corners. In the center of the image is a sticker of a drawing of two boys with their arms around each other. The boy to the left wears a long sleeved, light blue shirt and is holding a thumbs up in his right hand. The boy to the right wears a darker blue long sleeved shirt, and a rainbow baseball cap. The sticker has a thick white outline. Below reads “April 10th National Sibling Day” in thick, black, all-caps, organic sans letters.
Apr 10 - Sibling Day
The graphic background is split diagonally from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. The split is not straight, but is wavy. The left color is a muted green color, and the right is a pastel green. In the left side is a drawing of a woman kissing her bulldog on its cheek. Near the top right edge says “National Pet day” in the same green as the left side. Below, and in smaller letters, says “The road to our hearts is paved with paw prints. April 11” A serif font was used for all the words and date.
Apr 11 - Pet Day
A solid light blue background with a drawing of pets on the left side. A large tan dog sits, and a little black cat with white paws and tail tip stands in front of it. The cat is wearing a yellow bow tie. A fish bowl is in front of the cat. Inside the bowl is an orange and white striped fish. Sitting on the top edge of the fish bowl is a white and tan spotted hamster. On the right says “National Pet Day” in bold, large, white, all-caps, sans letters. The words are tilted to the left and on either side of ‘pet day’ war vertical, squiggly yellow lines. The date April 11 is below the words. Smaller, and uses the same white font. A thin white squiggly line is below the date.
Apr 11 - Pet Day
A very light, pale pink background covered in paw prints and small dots. The paw prints and dots are either pink, cyan, bright purple, or navy in color.
Apr 11 - Pet Day
A dark, dusty blue background with clipart shapes of tulips and Easter eggs along the bottom. There are four tulips that have muted red petals and alternating green or white stems. A small yellow flower sits by the two edge tulips. Three easter eggs are between the tulips. A white and yellow striped egg on the left, a blue and white polka dot egg in the middle, and a pink and white striped egg on the right.
Apr 20 - Easter
The large words ‘HAPPY EASTER’ sits in the middle of the graphic. Below says ‘EGG-CITING!’ in smaller letters. A white, bold, round, serif font with a purple outline and drop shadow was used. The background is filled with solid, multi-colored egg shapes. The colors used are pink, light purple, dark purple. Teal, yellow, light green, dark green, orange, and red.
Apr 20 - Easter
A photo of Scrabble pieces laying of white fabric and small pastel eggs scattered around. The Scrabble pieces spell out, “Happy Easter”. The eggs are either pink, yellow, blue, or white.
Apr 20 - Easter
A white background with cut out words revealing an abstract painting behind. The painting is strokes painted in shades of blues. The cut out words say, “Happy Earth Day’ in all-caps, sans letters. Below the cut out words says ‘Together for a better planet’ in small, dark blue, all-caps, sans letters. This small sentence is not cut out.
Apr 22 - Earth Day
A globe of the earth fills the center of the graphic. The land on the globe is dark green, but the water/rest of the world is transparent. The background is a light beige color with a distressed texture of pink across it. Pink, sans letters with a green outline cross on top of the Earth. The words say ‘HAPPY EARTH DAY’ in all caps, and then smaller words below say, “cherish the only planet we call home.” in sentence case. Below the words, on the right, is a solid pink heart shape. Inside the heart is the date ‘April 22’ in thin, all-caps, green, sans letters.
Apr 22 - Earth Day
A photo of bright green leaves of tree branches. One branch is up close, and branches behind that are blurred out. A bright blue sky is peaking through the branches.
Seasonal Background

Animated Graphics

A light blue background with an illustration of a man's head at the bottom of the gif. Abbe the mane says ‘BEWARE OF APRIL FOOLS JOKES’ in purple, sans letters. The man has a cream colored beard and eyebrows, bright pink skin, and is wearing a yellow beanie hat. A singular blue teardrop shade slowly falls straight down the left side of his face.
A dark brown background with a drawing of a manila card holder fills the center of the gif. The folder has a black stamp of a building and the word library by the bottom edge. A slip of lined yellow paper slides out of the folder. Various names are written on the slip in brown and blue ink. Stamps of red words in boxes pop into the paper. First the word ‘Love’, then ‘Your’, Local’, and lastly ‘Library’. A bold, worn, serif font was used for the red stamps.
A dark, evergreen background with pink words stacked the center. The word ‘HEALTH’ is the bottom word, and never changes. The top word morphs into the words ‘Your’, ‘My’, and ‘Global’. When the word global appears bright, teal, four pointed stars appear and spin next the last ‘L’ in global, and the ‘H’ in health. A bold, all-caps, sans font was used.
Two holding hands reaching down the center of the gif. The left hand is wearing pink nail polish, and a pink long sleeved shirt. The right hand has a blue longsleeved shirt and nail polish. A white cloud is above and below the hands. The top cloud says ‘HAPPY’, while the bottom says ‘SIBLINGS DAY’. The letters of each words change colors from pink to blue, yellow or maroon, pink to yellow, or blue to maroon. On either side of the hands are four pointed stars that change from a dusty pink to white. The background is a pale, light pink color.
A solid green background, where a brown hole appears in the bottom left corner. A white bunny pops out of the hole, and then jumps out and across the gif forming an arch. The bunny disappears down into another brown hole in the bottom right corner. As the bunny arches across the middle of the gif, the words ‘HAPPY EASTER’ appear. The words use a bold, white, slab sans font. The words disappear at the end of the gif.
Clip art, muted green, tropical leaves fill the edges of the gif pointing towards the center. The top layer of leaves recedes back from the center and disappears from the edges. This reveals the thin, white, all-caps, sans words “Happy Earth Day’ in the center. The background is a gradient of neon green at the top to a pine green at the bottom.

Video Files

Apr 22 - Earth Day

Apr 20 - Easter

Apr 6–12 - National Library Week