Simple SKUs. Simple Setup. Simple Sales. Equals Profits.

Resellers Sell Arreya With ZERO Roadblocks

When you sell CMS software with Arreya, get ready for a great experience, supportive team, and awesome product. We won’t slow you down with over complicated spreadsheets, meaningless SKUs, or snail’s pace quoting. Our team gets it–we’re easy to work with, want to help you close deals, and make your customers happy.

Groups of people working together on their digital signage projects at a computer.

Straightforward and Quick Onboarding

Becoming a reseller software partner is fast and easy. We’re not a pay-to-play program. If you want your team to sell Arreya or are an independent VAR looking to expand your digital signage sales, all it takes is a quick intake form then our team will be in touch to get you set up. We won’t make you jump through a bunch of hoops or meet impossible quotas to sell our solution. Why? We love our product and want to give your customers access to one of the best digital signage content creation and management solutions on the market.


Easy Sell + Low Risk = Painless CMS Sales

With the cloud-based design of the Arreya platform, bringing our software online is plug-and-play. Our solution is super reliable, requires almost no lift for IT teams to implement, and has zero impact to customer’s servers or storage. Our simple pricing starts with a competitive subscription, plus we’ll work with you to sweeten pricing to close enterprise deals.


Creativity and Control in One Complete Digital Signage Solution

Drag-and Drop UI  |  Cloud-Based  
Easy-to-Learn  |  Zero Lift for IT  |  SaaS Enterprise

Digital signage is actually more complex than hanging a screen on a wall. Customers need to create content, make edits, schedule presentations, manage players, and monitor connectivity. They need to make content quickly and easily with all the latest touch compatible features, but the biggest benefit of Arreya is we reduce complexity. Managing more than one screen and players in different locations can quickly explode the scope of a digital signage program. The SaaS design of Arreya scales to accommodate growth, but also makes scheduling presentations (to the minute) and managing enterprise digital signage programs easy–no matter where hardware and screens are located.

Our Hardware and Reseller Partners