Artistic Displays for School Recognition

Artistic Displays for School Recognition

Schools are often looking for new and creative ways to recognize students, staff, and alumni. Artistic displays featuring logos, school colors, and mascots are effective and creative tools for schools to create excitement. Displays often feature school mission statements, values, and achievements. They often create artistic history walls to give viewers a sense of the school’s legacy, donor walls to recognize generous gifts from the community, and student recognition walls to acknowledge exceptional students and alumni.

Inspiring Donors for School Expansions

theater digital signage donor campaignInspiring donors to give to a school campaign can be difficult.  Extra curriculum facilities are seen as a luxury and not a necessity in education. There are many ways to ask for donations and after the campaign is successful, recognition can create more donations for future projects.

Theaters, gymnasiums, aquatic centers and other facilities may not receive support from tax dollars, but require outside funding.  Encouraging donors is the key to any successful campaign. Learn more about planning your donor wall for your next project.  TEN TIPS TO DONOR WALL PLANNING

The use of digital signage to inspire donations is easy. Creating donor story videos and let students and faculty shine a light on the needs of the school. READ MORE Once the project is complete, the digital signage can continue to inform and recognize donors and visitors.

endowment donor wall schoolRecognition walls can inspire large donations or create endowments from large benefactors. Many donors want to be publicly recognized and thanked. It is easy and important to acknowledge givers. Recognition walls visually tell donors what their funds have accomplished.  SEE MORE EXAMPLES

Celebrating School History and Pride

history school display digital signageMany schools have rich histories and traditions.  Digital signage and static exhibits can expand pride in a school and a community. Private schools and boarding schools need to celebrate their heritage to promote more enrollment.

School history can motivate supporters to donate to programs and motivate students. Public locations where visitors can see the display will give the strongest impact. Digital history walls can be easily updated. New information can be added with little expense or additional space planning.

school history display digital signage arreyaSchool athletic programs have a tradition of promoting their athletes.

Pride in their wins can be an achievement for many students and alumni.

Trophies, ribbons, photos and other memorability are an added highlight.   They add depth and interest to a school history or recognition wall.  Museum or casework can be easily changed with new items as new achievements happen. A part time curator would be helpful in keeping up the display and making sure it doesn’t become dated.

Expanding a School’s Branding

school mascot donor wallSymbols, mascots and colors are an easy way to show support for school programs. Added directly to a recognition wall, it will stand for years to come.

Whether donor recognition or mission and vision statement. There are many opportunities to celebrate a school.

Interactive Digital Signage: Benefits of the Touchscreen Experience

Interactive Digital Signage: Benefits of the Touchscreen Experience

digital signage touchscreen wayfinding kioskAs digital signage becomes increasingly more common in businesses and cities across the globe, many companies have made the switch from paper to digital. Digital displays have many benefits, so much so that it would take a separate blog post to cover all of them, but the topic we will be discussing in this blog is the benefits of using an interactive display vs non-interactive. To explain the difference simply, interactive displays allow users to control the content of the screen by touch while non-interactive displays do not respond to touch. Should you make your digital sign interactive? Let’s go over interactive digital signage and the benefits of the touchscreen experience.

Digital Feedback and Analytics

digital signage feedback analyticsIn many cases, businesses use interactive signs to get feedback from customers. How so? Let’s say you own an apparel/shoes company that advertises your products on a digital display, allowing customers to touch any product they want to see details about. After a month’s time, you notice that 80% of interactions on the display are for apparel and only 20% of interactions are for shoes. With this information, you would then be able to adjust advertisements based on your target audience which in this case would be for apparel.Another one of the many ways to get customer feedback is by displaying frequently asked questions with answers on your display. You could then track the questions that are interacted with the most and produce solutions to make it more clear to customers in the future.

Companies that utilize digital signage see a 47% increase in brand awareness (LEARN MORE) and can pinpoint messaging to better engage customers and employees. Digital signage also gives you the freedom to instantly change or highlight important information across multiple locations or offices. With the special progressive web app (PWA) feature, information can also be viewed on remote devices.

Ease of Use

pwa phone digital signageWith the COVID pandemic changing the way the world operates as we know it, reducing person to person contact and the spread of germs has become crucial to returning to a pre-2020 world. With interactive displays, you are able to use any mobile device to interact with the same content as your businesses display. The most common example of this is restaurants using mobile devices to share their menus. To use my previous example of an apparel/shoe store, let’s say the capacity for customers is 20 due to the pandemic. While customers wait in line to enter, they would be able to browse via their mobile device.

Not only does mobile use help with the spread of germs, but it can also provide a better experience for customers and employees. Having a catalog/menu in your pocket means you can order and shop from anywhere. Along with that, employees’ jobs are made a lot easier as some questions may already be answered through the digital signage on customers’ phones.

Ways to Use Interactive Digital Displays

After going over just a few of the benefits of touchscreen experience through interactive digital signage, let’s get into some real world use cases that are being implemented today. One word that may often come up in your search for digital signage is wayfinding. Wayfinding is the process of determining directions to a location based on your current location. Think of it like gps on your phone. You may have seen things like this in a mall where they display a map of the mall and your location. With digital signage it makes it easier to select a certain location you want to get to and displays the directions to get there. 

digital signage history kiosk interactive airportDonor recognition displays are another popular use case for digital signage. Many organizations use donor recognition displays to celebrate donors and encourage more donations. Updates to traditional donor walls can be expensive, but interactive digital donor walls reduce the cost of updates. Digital donor walls are easy to update with instant deployment and Google integrations from Sheets. With an interactive display it gives users the ability to search through the list of donors, and also apply to donate themselves. (LEARN MORE)

Schools around the world have also started to implement interactive signage. Students can view the lunch menu, sign into class, view sporting events and much more. Some schools have even started implementing face recognition to count the number of students coming in and out of classrooms to keep track of attendance. 

Digital history walls have also become a popular way to use interactive content. The timelines can contain spotlighted information, videos can be activated with a touch and new content can be added easily.

The biggest take away is that interactive digital signs have a use case for almost any business. Adding the functionality of being able to interact with the signage adds to the experience and leads to better feedback in general. Interactive digital signage brings users the dynamic benefits of the touchscreen experience.