Digital Signage as a Tool for Enterprise Businesses

Digital Signage as a Tool for Enterprise Businesses

Making decisions at an enterprise level certainly can be stressful and difficult. One decision often affects thousands of people, whether they are employees, shareholders, or customers. Even decisions that may seem straightforward on the surface quickly become complicated. Enterprise businesses are using digital signage software as a tool to communicate more effectively with employees and customers, helping them obtain better feedback, which they use to make better decisions.

Woman Working with Enterprise Digital Signage

Tools to Fix Complex Problems

The sheer number of workers enterprises employ is astounding. Walmart is estimated to have around 2.3 million employees. Amazon, governments and large financial institutions have multiple locations and employees working differently.

From hybrid, remote or in-person, communication becomes more important. Clear and quick information is easy with digital signage.  All the same information coming from one location. No emails to wade through or miss. 

This LIST ranks companies by number of employees. All of the top 100 enterprises have over 180,000 employees. When you’re dealing with a massive amount of people, communicating effectively and efficiently can be a real challenge.

Enterprises often have locations across the country, or even worldwide, with employees working both onsite and remotely. Digital signage software allows enterprises to distribute information to everyone simultaneously, or to specific groups of employees as needed.  

Digital Signage Content on CellphoneEnterprises are faced with a complicated problem: making sure that hundreds of thousands of people are up to date on health insurance, company news, metrics, and industry laws just to name a few. Domain based emails, time clock applications, and digital signage software are all important tools enterprises use to help employees get the information they need on a daily basis. These tools are kept fully secure, protecting employee and proprietary information.  Many enterprises use Chromebox devices for digital signage because of their various security features like kiosk mode and verified boot.

LEARN MORE about Chromebox digital signage security features. 

The way that enterprises use digital signage software is unique. No two enterprises seem to use it exactly the same way.  Some display the same content on all screens throughout all locations, whereas others have different content for each building, or even each department. Others don’t use digital signage internally at all. Instead they use it for advertising or to improve customer experience. Some companies have a larger remote presence than others, and they need to extend digital content to employees around the globe. Digital signage software is flexible, scaling to each individual enterprise’s needs and adapting when those needs change.

Enterprise Templates

Digital signage software is a great tool for enterprise business communications, but content needs to be updated. That means someone is going to need to take the time to design, edit, and update content throughout the year. Digital signage software often comes with premade TEMPLATES for different displays. For example, cafeteria signage templates are common.

The person in charge of managing an enterprise’s digital signage picks a template and then adds in custom content, like menu items for the cafeteria signs.

Digital signage software allows users to integrate spreadsheets, automating the process even further. Enterprises often create their own custom digital signage templates. They create a template for each quarter, each month, or even each week. These templates allow employees to make a few quick changes to dates and announcements, and display up to date professional content. 

Reliable Emergency Alerts

Enterprises spend a lot of time and resources on emergency planning, and rightfully so, they have a lot to lose. Even with an airtight plan, when disaster strikes, people panic. Enterprises use alerting and digital signage software together to display emergency messaging with one click. Clear instructions are displayed on digital signage throughout buildings, and instructions are also deployed to employee cell phones. Messaging is customized for each emergency. Digital signage equipped with webcams even livestreams different parts of the building during emergencies and dangerous situations. Managers use their phones or other mobile devices to take over screens and distribute instructions as needed. Digital signage software gives enterprises complete control over how they want to display emergency messaging and what devices receive those emergency messages. 

Employee Wellness

Enterprise Digital Signage on TV in CafeteriaEmployees are an enterprise’s most valuable asset. Many enterprise level businesses have onsite gyms and cafeterias with healthy food options. Many of them have mandatory group stretching as well, particularly manufacturing enterprises. Enterprises use digital signage as a tool to promote employee wellness, displaying air quality levels, health facts, healthy recipes, and other health data like COVID19 infection rates. Health related digital signage content helps employees make more health conscious decisions.

Intelligent Enterprise Solutions

Digital signage is an important communication tool in an enterprise’s toolbelt. It streamlines communication internally, and it also improves customer experience. Chrome devices are an excellent choice for enterprise digital signage because of their robust security features. Google has a list of Chrome Enterprise Recommended solutions which can be found HERESecure and streamlined communications help managers make more informed decisions and distribute vital information to employees globally and instantaneously. 

Arreya Selected by Google as a Chrome Enterprise Recommended Solution

Arreya Selected by Google as a Chrome Enterprise Recommended Solution

Chrome Enterprise Recommended is Google’s partner program for third-party solutions verified as meeting technical and support standards for Chrome OS.  Google-verified program helps organizations identify solutions that meet or exceed global standards for security, management and deployment. Arreya was chosen by Google to be a Chrome Enterprise Recommend Kiosk and Digital Signage Solution.

Making It Easy to Choose Kiosk and Digital Signage Solutions

remote work chromebook cer arreyaGoogle wants enterprises to succeed. They remove the painful trial and error that businesses go through to find reliable, secure Chrome OS communication solutions.  Google does all the work. They find, interview and test cloud softwares. Then they compile them into specific categories, like kiosks and digital signage. This saves enterprises valuable time and money.

Google has always been at the forefront of technology, looking for emerging trends and solutions for better communications. COVID-19 pandemic pushed the advancing trend of remote offices and work-from-home quickly forward. Something that was optional became mandatory overnight. Businesses scrambled to find the communication tools that would connect a remote workforce. (LEARN MORE) They encountered issues in:

  • Security
  • Deployment
  • Cost
  • Management

Businesses had to get these new tools overnight, giving no time for verification of solutions. That is where the Chrome Enterprise Kiosk and Digital Signage Solution fill the need. The verified solutions have already been tested and verified to meet the strict standards that Google set.

The Chrome Enterprise Recommended Partners (CER) grew from the need for enterprises to easily find and implement verified Chrome OS solutions for different communication platforms. 

Aligning with Google for Chrome Enterprise Solutions


From the beginning, Arreya was developed to work with the Chrome OS devices including Google phones and tablets. Along with the Chrome Enterprise Upgrade, businesses can deploy digital signage that is secure and powerful for today’s cyber world. As a Chrome Enterprise Recommended Kiosk and Digital Signage partner, Arreya makes it easy to communicate.

chrome enterprise call center remote arreyaChrome OS includes regular security updates and built-in protection. It blocks executable files and partitions operating system files so they can’t be modified. (LEARN MORE)

Chrome devices with Chrome Enterprise Upgrade can be locked into kiosk mode. Removing the temptation for anyone to access multiple apps or change digital signage to unwanted URL’s.  Arreya channels will be the only thing viewers see on screens.

“In developing Arreya in 2014, we knew we wanted our digital signage suite to be accessible by anyone, with no proprietary hardware,” said Jill Burgess, president of Arreya.  “Google Chrome devices give clients nonproprietary hardware that anyone can afford, with the reliability of Google. Our partnership has allowed Arreya to grow and give our clients the freedom to remotely manage content and hardware.” 


Chrome OS digital signage and kiosk hardware devices deploy fast with automated download of user apps.  (SOURCE)

Commercial grade Chrome OS devices from leaders in technology, are available through the Arreya online store. All devices come with the Arreya white glove service. It pre configured Chrome OS hardware with Chrome Enterprise Upgrade and the client Arreya channel. Giving a plug-n-play experience. 

All Arreya channels have the ability to be viewed and managed from anywhere as a progressive web app. The PWA feature makes it easy for enterprises to seamlessly move to remote and hybrid situations without losing communications. Apps can be installed on any Chrome OS device without going through the Google play store. Chromebooks can have the Arreya channel installed as an app for instant access. 


Chrome OS with Arreya is designed to reduce the cost of communications.  The combined reliability of Chrome Enterprise devices and the Arreya support reduce deployment, upgrade and training costs. Chrome OS devices and Arreya have automatic updates. This reduces employee downtime and IT support costs in waiting for software and firmware updates. 

Chrome Enterprise Recommended digital signage training video arreyaThe hybrid and remote distributed workforce redistributes the costs of communications. Instead of funds used for in-person information, such as posters, brochures and other printed materials, communications become electronic. The security of the Chrome OS and Arreya platform allow for all communications to be accessed by individuals through secure, cloud avenues. Human resource benefit packages, quotes and proposals, data and spreadsheets can be viewed through an Arreya channel. 

In-person training can be transitioned to training videos and with Arreya pinpoint management, specific groups can be given access for viewing at any time. Reducing the down time used for training and reviewing by field employees. 

This shift to online communications is a smart and eco-friendly investment. Reductions in waste and pollution are significant and help the planet. (LEARN MORE)


Through the cloud-based Google Admin Console, IT can configure more than 500 policies from anywhere, control device updates, take screenshots, reboot and install or manage apps from anywhere. 

Paired with Arreya Digital Signage, anyone can manage digital content and hardware remotely. Know exactly what is happening without in-person visits. Know who is watching and when.

Meeting the Chrome Enterprise Recommended Requirements

Arreya was tested by the Google team of Partner Managers and Engineers to determine if the digital signage suite meets the CER requirements. Arreya meets or exceeds all the requirements.

  1. Deployment – After configuring app in admin console, device boots successfully into kiosk mode and runs Arreya Digital Signage Suite.
  2. Online Longevity – Arreya can run in kiosk mode for 72 hours without device reboots, with an active internet connection, unattended and maintain responsiveness.
  3. Offline Longevity – After completing online longevity, run under the same conditions without an active internet connection.
  4. Online Reboot – After initial run and defined configuration, app will restore same state after device reboot.
  5. Offline Reboot – After initial run and defined configuration, app will restore same state after device reboot without an active internet connection.
  6. PWA Plan – Arreya needs to be a working PWA
  7. Fall Gracefully – If Arreya encounters a critical error, it should fall gracefully, restoring itself to an appropriate working state. 

The Rise of New Digital Experiences

The new Chrome Enterprise Recommended partnerships expand the possibilities for different types of communications and collaborations. A powerful and secure platform that is supported by the Google and Arreya team. You can literally launch anywhere. 

In kiosk and digital signage the Arreya digital experiences are endless. Beyond the monitor on a wall, digital signage is store menus, interactive displays, customer kiosks and employee kiosks-anywhere on any device you can view digital content. Within each of those categories solutions for wayfinding, concierge, ticketing, room bookings and manufacturing data kiosks are just a few of the possibilities for Arreya with Chrome Enterprise.