Revolutionizing the Modern Office with Digital Signage

Revolutionizing the Modern Office with Digital Signage

Technology has accelerated the rate at which information is exchanged at unimaginable rates over the last two decades. Today, corporations are revolutionizing the modern office with digital signage, making the distribution of information even more seamless, automated, and instantaneous than ever before. Organizations are using digital signage software today to deploy content throughout the office and beyond, bringing content to stakeholders and employees located anywhere in the world with an internet connection. 

Intrigue Employees

Office Digital SignageDaily life in the office becomes monotonous and boring for many employees. Businesses are turning to digital signage to bring excitement and interactivity to the office. Employees view news and events, and managers use digital signage to recognize them for their hard work.

Signs display work anniversaries, birthdays, and recognition programs throughout the year to celebrate employees. Interactive digital signage allows employees to share vital information throughout the office, like deadlines or pertinent questions about upcoming projects. Information that can be lost in emails or printed materials is spotlighted in one location for all employees. Using Chrome Enterprise digital signage, different departments can get exclusive pinpointed feeds.

Employees Access Content Anywhere

Office Digital SignageThe need to access information instantaneously and from any location has increased significantly. This is in large part due to the COVID19 pandemic, which forced a large shift in where employees work. Employees are now working in the office, from home, and in hybrid roles. Digital signage software brings vital content to employees around the world, whether they are in the office, at home, or even on a different continent.

Employees can access content from phones and laptops as it’s simultaneously being displayed across thousands of screens company-wide. The scalability of digital signage software allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to display content in the office and beyond, even sharing content with shareholders when appropriate.

Drive Productivity

Corporate Digital SignageMany companies have multiple branches or buildings, and they are looking for a way to streamline communication across all locations.

Announcements and news are deployed to digital signage to every office location simultaneously. Employees get the information they need in seconds, and managers save time by scheduling content in advance. Managers make updates to the content displayed on the digital signage in the office, or on the fly from any device. Employees post updates on projects to digital signage, and managers see progress instantly. LEARN MORE about driving productivity.

Increase Employee Engagement

Making meaningful connections with employees is difficult, especially in remote environments. Wherever employees are located, digital signage software makes those connections and drives employee engagement. In the office, digital signage looks professional and inviting on big screens, and when working from home, company computers display the same content on employee desktops. Coworkers ask and answer each other’s questions using digital signage no matter where they’re located, and discussion boards are used to share and refine ideas, all in real-time. LEARN MORE about increasing employee engagement.

Employee Well-Being

Corporate Digital SignageEmployees are one of, if not the most important assets of a business. Taking care of employees and keeping them safe if vital. Digital signage in the office alerts employees to danger like fires, dangerous weather, or security breaches. Alerting softwares works synergistically with digital signage to push out visual and audio notifications to all devices with one click. 

Using content feeds, like SCREENFEED, businesses are displaying content that promotes healthy eating and habits. These gentle reminders go a long way in terms of making people aware of their health. Businesses with onsite gyms display hours and workout plans on their digital signage to further encourage their employees to stay healthy.

Display Social Media and Reviews

Corporate digital signage is used to display business Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts. Marketing departments post, and employees see what’s new right away. Reviews are displayed on digital signage throughout the office, connected through Yelp, Trip Advisor, and Google Customer Reviews, and everyone sees customer feedback in real time. Mentions are added to digital signage content, so if someone Tweets at the business, or tags the business’s Instagram handle, everyone is aware. 

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Businesses need to continually adapt to stay competitive. Communication needs to be as efficient and effective as possible, which is why businesses are implementing digital signage software into their offices across the globe. The content they display looks professional to customers and it’s practical for so many reasons. Remote employees stay up to date on the latest announcements and company news, while the same content displays on in-office digital signage. Employees collaborate across branches and continents, making for the most seamless global communication available.