Improving Corporate Communications with Digital Signage

Improving Corporate Communications with Digital Signage

In today’s fast-paced business world, communication is key. Effective corporate communication is critical to the success of any organization. It ensures that everyone within the company is on the same page and working towards common goals. Although traditional communication methods like email, meetings, and bulletin boards are still in use, more and more companies are turning to digital signage to enhance their corporate communication. In this blog post, we will explore the role of digital signage in modern corporate communication.  DOWNLOAD OUR Corporate Digital Signage Isometric Flowchart

Enhance Visual Corporate Communication

employee digital signage kioskVisual communication is an essential aspect of corporate communication. Using digital signage can help organizations present information in a more visually appealing way. Visual communication is also easier to remember, making it great for showcasing company goals, achievements, and other important messages. Dynamic and vivid displays used in digital signage can engage and impress employees, thereby increasing their interest and promoting better understanding and recall.

Learn more about improving visual communication and employee satisfaction.

Improve Employee Engagement

employee digital signage engagement arreyaKeeping employees informed and engaged is vital for any organization’s success. Digital signage can help organizations create visually stimulating content that communicates key messages to employees. Digital signage enhances corporate communication by increasing employee engagement and improving empathy. By using digital signage, companies can keep their employees informed about everything from company news to upcoming events, promotions, and other critical updates that might impact their work. Thus, Digital Signage creates deeper bonds between employees and the company.

To learn more about using digital signage to improve employee engagement, click here.

Build a Collaborative Culture

cafeteria digital menu corporate digital signage arreyaCollaboration is essential in today’s modern corporate world. Digital signage can help create a culture of collaboration within organizations by fostering an environment where people share ideas, exchange feedback, and collaborate on projects. Companies can use digital signage to share best practices, work progress, and project outcomes. By sharing data and progress in real-time, digital signage can help employees feel more engaged and invested in the successes of the department and company as a whole.

Increases Efficiency

Efficiency is key in any business. Digital signage can help organizations save time, cut costs and ensure that all staff and departments are on the same page. For example, if a company uses digital signage to display meeting schedules and conference room reservations, it can eliminate the need for printed schedules or spreadsheets, which can take time to update and distribute. Digital signage can also be used for training and onboarding of new employees. Thus, Digital Signage makes everyone more effective in their roles.

Provide Real-time Feedback

corporate digital signage employee manufacturing arreyaDigital signage can be used to provide real-time feedback to employees. It can be used to measure employee satisfaction and engagement through interactive feedback systems. Companies can get real-time feedback from employees can pick up on issues earlier, and take corrective action to address them. By having this information readily accessible to management, digital signage can be used to improve employee morale and retention.

Digital signage is transforming corporate communication for the better. It enhances visual communication, builds collaboration, increases efficiency, and provides instant feedback to employees. As more and more companies adopt this technology, it is no longer a unique idea but a common infrastructure for businesses of all sizes. It will become the backbone of tomorrow’s successful companies. Companies that invest in digital signage stand to benefit significantly from better communication, employee engagement, and efficiency, making it a wise choice for any organization looking to improve its corporate communication.

Positive Impacts of Digital Signage for Manufacturing Facilities

Positive Impacts of Digital Signage for Manufacturing Facilities

Manufacturing facilities thrive on efficient practices and well organized logistics. Communication is an essential factor in keeping employees safe and effective in their roles. Digital signage is a revolutionary tool, improving operations management, and streamlining communications in the manufacturing industry.

Safety and Compliance

It’s important for manufacturing facilities to comply with local, state, and federal regulations. Part of that compliance often includes displaying mandatory safety videos and stretching routines. Operations managers are using digital signage to schedule required materials, like safety videos, to play at the appropriate times. Videos are scheduled  in advance, and changes are quick and easy to make. Displaying the right content at the right time is simplified with recurring scheduling.

Learn more about scheduling digital signage content.

It’s imperative that manufacturing organizations have emergency preparedness plans in place. Alerting software is one of the most valuable tools on the market for deploying emergency messaging quickly and efficiently. Tools like Singlewire Informacast and Alertus are trusted by manufacturers to keep their employees safe. In the event of an emergency like a fire, lockdown situation, or inclement weather, alerting software integrates with digital signage, deploying emergency messaging to all screens simultaneously with one click. Evacuation procedures and routes are displayed, and messaging updates are instantaneous. 

Increased Productivity

Digital signage has proven to increase productivity in manufacturing facilities by displaying real-time performance metrics. These displays allow employees to monitor performance in real-time, allowing quick reactions and efficient production control. Additionally, using digital signage to highlight key performance indicators (KPIs) can help motivate employees, fostering a positive and productive work environment.

For more information on displaying KPIs on digital signage, click here.

Streamlined Operations

Having a tool that can consolidate communications in a manufacturing facility can save on administrative time and resources. Digital signage eliminates the need to print, distribute and post signages, which reduces the time and labor costs. Scheduling content in advance allows leadership to be more proactive with their messaging. Employees receive updates on shift schedules, absentees, employee recognition programs, workplace policies, and much more.

Valuable Communication Tool

Digital signage is an excellent tool, used to enhance productivity, streamline operations, improve communications, and promote safety in manufacturing facilities. It is a valuable investment for companies that wish to maximize their efficiency and productivity in a competitive industry.

For more information on how digital signage can impact your manufacturing organization, click here.

Improving Retail Experiences with Digital Signage

Improving Retail Experiences with Digital Signage

Retailers are always looking for new ways to get more customers through the door. Competition is thick, and it’s about to ramp up for the season with Black Friday and Christmas shopping just around the corner. Retail digital signage draws in customers, allows retailers to advertise their offerings, improves overall customer experience, and streamlines internal communications.

Focusing on Customer Experience

Digital Signage Kiosk in a mallFocusing on customer experience and bringing a digital element into shopping ultimately allows retailers to stay modern and competitive. Interactive digital signage software gives retail customers more control over their experience. Customers view digital content from their phones after scanning QR codes, or interact with kiosks in-store to find the products or services they’re interested in purchasing. If the product they want is unavailable on location, they often place online orders through kiosks, and their items ship right to their doors.

Giving customers more control reduces the need for help locating items. This results in an improved customer experience, but it also allows employees to focus on other tasks like picking and packaging online orders or merchandising.

LEARN MORE about the benefits of the touchscreen experience. 

Greater Convenience

Consumers are looking for faster and more convenient shopping experiences, now more than ever. Many prefer not to leave their cars, or even their homes if possible. The drive for more convenient retail experiences was present before the pandemic, but convenience and zero contact shopping became dramatically more important after the onset of COVID 19. Retailers are adapting, introducing curbside pick up for merchandise, food orders, and groceries, as well as buy-online-pickup-in-store options.

Retailers use digital signage software to show customers their place in line and when their orders have been fulfilled. They offer add-on or similar products on screen as well. Experts believe digital experiences will continue to increase in importance.

LEARN MORE about digital experience and its impact on the retail industry. 

Entertaining Customers

In addition to convenience and speed, shoppers and diners are looking for more fun in their retail experiences. Retailers are introducing new rewards programs and  individualized coupons to add excitement.  Retailers use social media feeds and content feeds on digital signage to keep customers entertained and up to date as they shop. Shoppers browse through weather feeds, live sports, news feeds, and videos.

LEARN MORE about digital entertainment in the retail industry.

Task Assignment and Tracking

There is a lot of delegation and teamwork that goes into a successful retail venture. Keeping track of tasks and progress can be difficult. Teams need to be ready to unload trucks, set merchandise properly, process online orders, and of course, take care of customers who are on location. Retail managers use digital signage software to assign tasks, check for completion, and to report progress in meetings. Managers are able to schedule tasks for the week, month or year, and set up recurring tasks. Making tasks and progress more transparent leads to more accountability and, in turn, better results.

Training and Onboarding

Touchscreen Retail Digital SignageWorking in retail can be overwhelming, especially for new hires. Retailers have sophisticated training and onboarding procedures designed to show new hires the ropes and grow confidence quickly. A variety of different methods are used in the process, from E-Learnings, to buddy training. Retailers use digital signage software in the onboarding process to help new hires keep up to date with company news, current promotions, and best practices.


Advertising Applications

retail digital signage in lobbyDigital signage software gives retailers the ability to customize their advertisements by region, store, and department. Advertisers use digital signage software to stand out with custom animations, QR codes, and interactive displays. Digital signage allows retail advertisers to be more flexible and efficient, which is important because opportunities move fast in the retail industry, and goals change constantly. Updates to ads on digital signage take seconds to deploy, far easier, faster, and more environmentally friendly than traditional paper counterparts. 

Staying Modern and Relevant

While retailers still use paper advertising to some extent today, the future is digital, and customers want the ability to access coupons and retail content from their phones. Customers are going to continue to demand better experiences. That means retailers need to deliver more convenience, entertainment, speed, and simplicity. Digital signage software is and will continue to be an excellent tool to deliver better retail experiences thanks to its flexibility and end user focus. Digital signage extends from screens in store to customer cell phones, putting the user experience in the palm of each customer’s hands. Retailers will need to continue to focus on improving digital experiences if they want to stay modern and competitive moving forward. 


Using Digital Signage for Fitness

Using Digital Signage for Fitness

The fitness industry was worth around $160 billion  in 2021 and is expected to grow 171.75% by 2028. While gyms, health clubs, and other in-person fitness related businesses suffered during the pandemic, digital and online fitness organizations boomed. The digital fitness market saw revenue growth of around 40% in 2020. Although most gyms are back open today, COVID19 fundamentally changed the market. The fitness industry is using digital signage software as a tool to deliver content to customers in greater frequency, and they’re having some great results.  

LEARN MORE about the recent changes in the fitness market.

Business Critical for Digital Workouts

It’s one thing to have access to a 24 hour gym, but what if you could have access to a 24 hour trainer? Fitness organizations like HOTWORX use digital signage software to display fitness content around the clock. Hotworx is a virtually instructed exercise program where workouts take place inside an infrared sauna. There are Hotworx locations throughout the globe open 24 hours a day. Hotworx is able to give their clients the flexibility to exercise with instruction 24/7 thanks to digital signage software. 

Digital signage software with Chrome Enterprise is business critical to digital businesses.  Instead of employees, they rely on software and Chrome hardware to reliably and continually give their clients what they pay for.  With hybrid and remote work, being able to work out at any time became the new normal.  Adding staff to work 24/7 is unrealistic and keeps the business from being a reality.

Gym Staff Communications

Gym owners and staff have a lot on their plates. They have to schedule consistent cleanings for their gyms, maintain equipment, and monitor members to make sure they are being safe. They also need to check everyone in and sign up new members.

Fitness centers use digital signage software to keep employees up to date on cleaning days, events, and tasks. Digital signage software scales to any device with an internet connection, so changes to content can be made off location by managers at any time.

Digital Signage for Gym Members

Fitness centers use digital signage for a vast variety of things, like displaying upcoming events,gym closings, and infotainment for their members. Some gyms even use digital signage for member check-ins. Content feeds integrate with digital signage software to display current weather, news, and sporting events. Members use interactive digital signage to navigate through different content feeds, and they use digital signage to set timers for workouts. Timers display alarms and notify members during certain time intervals so they can switch between sets.

Marketing Applications

Digital signage is used to market to both current and potential gym members. New introductory rates are offered for potential members, while additional classes and training sessions are offered to current members. With interactive digital signage, people actually sign up on screen by entering email addresses or even credit card information. Gyms also sell merchandise, like t-shirts, jump ropes and weight-lifting belts. Digital signage software integrates with Point-of-Sale (POS) systems to process payments for merchandise and memberships. 

Digital Menu Boards

Some fitness centers have cafes on site, so members can get something healthy to eat after they exercise. Fitness centers use digital signage to display menus which are much more environmentally friendly and a lot easier to update than traditional paper menus. Digital signage displays wait times, pricing, and payment options in gym cafes.

Fitness Tracking

Technology has significantly improved the accuracy of fitness tracking metrics like heart rate, calories burned, and time elapsed throughout a workout. Gym members are using devices like FitBits, Whoop straps, and Apple watches to gauge the effectiveness of their exercise. Gyms use digital signage software to integrate with these fitness tracking devices so members can view their results on the big screen mid-workout. These fitness tracking devices along with digital signage can be used to put on competitions throughout the year.

LEARN MORE about digital signage in gyms. 

More Than a Mirror

Recently, digital signage software has integrated with “magic mirrors.” A magic mirror is essentially a screen that shows your reflection, and on screen you see yourself, but also animations or content feeds. Gym members can watch their form in these mirrors while simultaneously viewing digital signage content. The interactivity and digital nature of magic mirrors makes them perfect for fitness applications. LEARN MORE about magic mirrors.

The Future of Digital Fitness

With the exciting digital fitness integrations available today, like magic mirrors, fitness tracking devices, and virtual training, gyms will need to integrate more technology to stay modern and competitive. 

Digital signage software is being implemented by gyms around the globe, both for internal communication and member usage. Digital tools will continue to be embraced and used with great frequency in gyms, and fitness monitoring and technology will continue to improve. As fitness becomes a 24/7 tool, software and hardware has become business critical. A permanent integration into many businesses.

Improving Employee Communications with Digital Signage

Improving Employee Communications with Digital Signage

For better or worse, COVID19 changed the way work gets done fundamentally. Employees started working from home out of necessity, and since the pandemic, many work from home out of personal preference. Employers are faced with the challenge of engaging and connecting employees no matter where they are physically located.

Today, employers are improving employee communications by using digital signage software. Digital signage scales to businesses of all shapes and sizes, and it displays pertinent information to employees across the globe.

Remote Communications

Connecting with remote workers can be difficult without any face to face interaction. Employers use video conferencing tools like Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet to meet virtually. Digital signage implements these tools for improved employee communication.

Managers livestream meetings to digital signage, displaying meetings in the office and on company provided devices in remote locations. Company news and updates are displayed as well. Employees receive a clear and updated line of communication while working from the comfort of their own homes. Arreya can be deployed to digital devices as a progressive web app, just like apps on your phone.  These apps give employees quick access to the Arreya channel. Employee communications become streamlined and universal across multiple locations.

LEARN MORE  about adapting technology to remote workstyles. 

Sharing Corporate History

Many businesses have a rich corporate history that they want to share with their employees. Corporate history illustrates where a business came from, and it gives employees a greater understanding of what they are working towards.

Digital signage communicates corporate history in an engaging and satisfying way with images and videos. Employees interact with digital signage, navigating across corporate timelines on touchscreen displays or on their phones. Giving employees a better understanding of the organization’s story makes work more meaningful and fulfilling.

Corporate history also helps with hiring new employees. The foundation of a company can be a factor on people applying or accepting a position.  Digital history can be accessed from anywhere and dynamic content with timelines, photos and videos will engage more viewers.

Employee Recognition

Employee recognition programs are excellent for making employees feel valued. Businesses are using digital signage for communicating wins to employees, recognizing them in front of all their coworkers and even stakeholders in some cases. Digital signs display employee of the month programs, sales contests, and customer reviews. Displaying wins for everyone to see is a great way to boost morale. It tells employees that their work matters, and that they are valued.

LEARN MORE about improving employee communications with digital signage.

Team Building

Team building exercises are very beneficial in terms of improving employee experience and engagement. A small investment of time to allow employees to get to know eachother often leads to less turnover and higher productivity. When coworkers build healthy professional relationships, they become more invested in each other and in turn, more invested in their work.

Business owners are using digital signage to improve communication and team building by allowing them to meet with each other virtually, communicate through bulletin boards, and even play games together. Team contests are displayed on digital signs throughout the office, creating excitement and some healthy competition.    

factory digital signage

Display Key Company Metrics

It’s important that employees understand how their performance is evaluated. Businesses are using digital signage for communicating results to employees, displaying key company metrics in real time.  Pinpoint Arreya channels to specific departments or centers to personalize digital content to the audience.  Call centers can track calls answered, development can watch real time use and which devices are connected.  Posting of safety and equipment data sheets can be easily integrated for real time statistics.

Digital signage displays sales targets, customer reviews, new leads, and any other relevant key performance indicators. Displaying metrics in real time allows employees and managers to prioritize effectively and meet their goals. 

Employee Safety

Employee safety will always be a top priority, but it’s tougher to keep people safe when they’re working remotely. Companies need tools to alert remote and hybrid employees to danger when they are not in the office. Digital signage integrates with alert software to proactively warn employees of impending danger like inclement weather, fires, or security breaches. With one click, emergency messaging is deployed to all digital signage simultaneously, keeping employees safe no matter where they are physically located. Business owners set up different emergency messages designed for every dangerous scenario. Emergency messaging includes escape routes, rendezvous points, and steps to take to stay safe in the event of a natural disaster.

LEARN MORE about triggering emergency alerts on digital signage. 

Laptop working from home digital signage

Work Calendars and Schedules

Keeping track of meetings, deadlines, birthdays, work anniversaries, and employee schedules is time consuming and overwhelming. Digital signage keeps everyone up to date through integrations with calendar software like Google Calendar, iCal, and Calendly.

Businesses can display multiple calendars simultaneously, or schedule calendars to appear at different times throughout the day.

Presentations are personalized for work anniversaries and birthdays to recognize employees and make them feel valued. Managers use digital signage for communicating deadlines and meeting times on calendars, and updates to meeting times happen automatically.

Impactful Employee Communications

Employers are making more impactful connections by using digital signage for employee communications. Digital signage extends beyond the physical office, keeping remote employees in the loop no matter where they are located. Business critical information is displayed reliably, and updates are easy to make. As remote work becomes more common, and the way we do work continues to evolve, modern tools like digital signage will continue to elevate communication.