Using Digital Signage for Improved Engagement in Education

Using Digital Signage for Improved Engagement in Education

Paying attention is hard. Some of us may find it easier than others, but for most children and young adults in school, it can be difficult. Teachers and professors are constantly looking for new innovative ways to connect with their students, increase engagement, and make the learning experience more enjoyable for everyone. The education sector is using digital signage as a tool for increasing student engagement in the classroom, and even outside of their four walls.

More Quality Student Involvement

Learning is typically a lot more enjoyable for students when they’re able to express their own ideas and individual points of view.

Teachers use digital signage software to aid in student expression. Students create digital content, either in PowerPoint, Google Slides, Adobe Photoshop, or whatever tools they like, and then share the files with their teachers. Teachers easily upload media to digital signage software and schedule the content to play during class, or taking it a step further, they allow students to create and schedule their own digital signage content.

Learn about how the University of South Carolina brought digital signage into their classroom with a dedicated digital signage course.

Making Live Events more Accessible

Live events like concerts, graduation ceremonies, and sporting events drive excitement for students, teachers, and parents alike. However, it’s not always possible for everyone to physically attend these events. Digital signage software allows schools and universities to share their live events to anyone with a modern web browser and a stable internet connection. Live streaming events on digital signage is easy with the right software. All you need to do is copy and paste your livestream link into the appropriate field. 

Learn more about livestreaming on digital signage. 

Keeping Students and Staff Safe

It’s important for school districts, colleges, and universities to have emergency preparedness plans in place. Regular tornado and fire drills are mandatory, along with clearly marked evacuation routes. Digital signage is excellent for displaying emergency messaging, and some software even integrates with alerting programs. Schools are able to deploy emergency messages to all of their screens simultaneously with the press of a button thanks to these integrations.

Learn more about integrating alerts into your digital signage.

Increase Engagement and Student Well-Being

Overall, digital signage software is a vital tool for schools and universities. It helps improve communication, allows for remote viewing of live events, and promotes student engagement in the classroom. In addition, the integration of alerting technologies helps schools keep staff and students safe during emergency situations. Digital signage will continue to become more prominent for the education sector in the near future. Especially as we see more demand for remote learning. 

University of South Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communications and Arreya Digital Signage Service pair up for the first Digital Signage Course

University of South Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communications and Arreya Digital Signage Service pair up for the first Digital Signage Course

Arreya is pleased to work with the University of South Carolina on the first digital signage course. Digital signage is a powerful tool for advertising, corporate communications, and education. Students taking this course will learn about creating digital signage content, and how to properly target their messaging. They will also gain an understanding of analytics as they relate to digital signage, and how digital signage is used in the field.

“Arreya has given students in the class access to their digital signage software service, allowing them the opportunity for hands-on experience with all areas of digital signage, from design and creation to distribution and scheduling.” 


says J. Scott Parker, Communications Director for the College of Information and Communications at USC

Key course benefits for students:

  • Learning to target messaging for a variety of audiences.
  • Hands-on experience creating digital signage that meets industry standards.
  • Webpage of work samples available for portfolio.

The mission of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications is to improve and strengthen the societal roles of the professions of journalism and mass communications through teaching, research and service. The school has a commitment to provide students with skills and practical experience in the latest communication technologies, from social media to digital signage. 

Deploying Arreya Software to Students

Arreya’s user permissions make deployment extremely easy. The professor instructing the course uses the Arreya management owner role, giving him full access to all of the students’ channels. Students use the manager role, which allows them to access and edit content within their channel, but does not allow them to modify other channels. Students will be able to edit their content from any device with a stable internet connection. 

Making Content Visible Outside of the Classroom

Displaying content off campus is a key goal for the course. There are a variety of ways to access Arreya content that students will learn about. Using a device enrolled in the Google Admin Console is generally recommended, especially for public facing digital signage. This is because Enterprise enrolled Chrome devices can be locked in kiosk mode, preventing anyone from tampering with content.

Students will also have the option to access the content they create on any web browser with their channel URL. Students will be able share content with their classmates, family members, and even post a link to their Arreya channel on social media. 

Learning to Design Digital Signage Content

In addition to having access to their own Arreya channel, students will also have full access to the Adobe Creative Suite through the University of South Carolina. Arreya has a robust CMS built into it which students will have full access to, but Arreya’s software has been designed to be agnostic. Students can pull in creations from Adobe and upload them into the Arreya media library. Virtually any standard image file type can be uploaded. Students have no limits when it comes to the amount of images, videos, or audio files they can upload. 

“The Arreya system provides our students with a tool to create, schedule, and display all types of digital signage. Like other hands-on training, it gets them ready for careers in the rapidly-growing digital signage industry,” 

says Augie Grant, J. Rion McKissick Professor of Journalism. 

Visit the University of South Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communications website to learn more here.

Bringing Knowledge into the Workforce

This is an excellent opportunity for Arreya to expose the next generation of leaders to the digital signage industry. It’s also an excellent opportunity for students to learn more about the industry today. Students will clearly see the value of digital signage software as an advertising tool, but also as a tool to communicate with stakeholders no matter where they are located.

Learn more about how Arreya is used for education.


Using Digital Signage for Emergency Messaging

Using Digital Signage for Emergency Messaging

digital-signage-school-emergency-messagingNatural disasters, security breaches, and fires cause major damage to businesses. While not every business will experience these dangerous situations, it’s important that all are prepared for the worst.  Emergency planning and management is critical. Business owners are responsible for the safety and well-being of their employees and customers.

Businesses are using digital signage for emergency messaging, notifying everyone at a moment’s notice, saving time, and even lives. Integrating alerts into digital signage has become law in many states. Along with locking doors and limiting access to buildings, the alert systems are a natural fit to keep people safe.

Hurricanes and Other Natural Disasters

Hurricanes devastate the coastal communities, leveling buildings and causing power outages for hundreds of thousands of people. While the damage will take years to repair, and many businesses will be reeling from the impact of the hurricane, physical safety of individuals will always take precedence over property.

Digital signage is an excellent tool for emergency messaging, because it allows businesses to alert customers and employees to impending danger. Digital signage also deploys vital information after storms have hit. Employees access content from cell phones, keeping up on the latest reports of damage and company news/updates. 

Businesses and schools need a plan to keep everyone safe in the event of natural disasters, like Hurricane Ian. Once a plan is in place to keep everyone safe, the next consideration to be made in an emergency plan should be to preserve property. When it comes to weather-proofing digital signage, one key step, which may seem counterintuitive, is to leave the displays on. While we might think we should turn them off, or even unplug them, experts recommend leaving digital signage running. This is because the internal fans will continue to run, which slows the accumulation of condensation within the device.

LEARN MORE about preparing digital signage for hurricanes.

Alerting Software Integration

Digital Signage for AlertsWhen disasters strike, every second counts. Through the integration of alerting software, digital signage displays emergency messaging instantaneously. Businesses save time and headache with a one click solution, displaying alerts on thousands of screens in seconds. Emergency messaging is tailored to each business and each specific situation.

For example, a school may use digital signage to set up one emergency message for a lockdown situation, a second for inclement weather, and a third for a fire in the building. Whatever the case, emergency messaging is easily customizable and effortlessly deployed.

LEARN MORE about triggering emergency messaging  for digital signage.

Key Candidates for Digital Emergency Messaging

Having a plan in place for various emergencies is key for virtually all businesses, but it’s specifically crucial for certain industries.

For schools and hospitals, digital signage is an essential tool for emergency messaging. These types of businesses are responsible for people who are more vulnerable, considering that they work with children and elderly populations. It’s imperative that their emergency plans are air tight, and that staff are able to react quickly and calmly. With the push of a button they can deploy emergency messaging to Arreya channels, taking over the content at a moments notice. When time is critical, alerting is easy.

Digital signage displays precise instructions for emergency messaging, giving instructions on what to do, where to go, and even what parts of the building are dangerous. Staff are able to take control of emergency situations more quickly and effectively as a result.

Keeping Stakeholders Safe Outside your Four Walls 

While the safety of customers and employees on location is of great concern, it’s also important to keep them safe after they leave. Businesses have more remote employees now than ever, and they need the ability to alert them to dangerous situations during working hours.

Digital signage software deploys emergency alerts to any device with internet access, not just the screens in the office. If inclement weather like a tornado or a hurricane is impending for an area where employees are located, digital signage software integrates with alert software to automatically alert everyone.

Replacing Outdated Emergency Messaging 

While sirens are useful for alerting multiple people at once, they provide little context as to where the danger is coming from or what to do to stay safe. Digital signage brings emergency messaging up to date, giving context to dangerous situations. Instead of bringing distress and panic like traditional alarms or sirens, digital signage provides clear instructions on where to go and what to do, no matter the situation. Maps and rendezvous points are displayed in the event of a fire, and directions to basements, bathrooms, and sturdy structures are provided for tornado warnings. In the case of a hurricane, like Hurricane Ian, digital signage displays evacuation routes and doppler radar.

LEARN MORE about the future of emergency messaging.

Preparing for the Worst

While we all hope we never have to deal with an emergency situation, and maybe we’d even prefer not to think about it, emergency planning is key to avoiding disasters. By using digital signage for emergency messaging, business owners are protecting their most valuable asset: their people. Replacing damaged property is expensive and inconvenient, but generally, everything is replaceable. Investing time and resources into an emergency plan is well worth it, and digital signage is a valuable tool in any emergency plan. Digital signage provides vital information designed to save lives through emergency messaging.