Dynamic Digital Experiences with Butterflies and Bubbles Donor Walls

Dynamic Digital Experiences with Butterflies and Bubbles Donor Walls

Recognizing donors and employees for their valuable contributions is imperative. By recognizing donors, organizations are able to say thank you while encouraging future support for their cause. Digital donor wall displays give organizations the ability to recognize donors, make updates in a few clicks, and leave a lasting impression for everyone to see. This digital butterfly donor wall is a prime example of recognition done right:

Creating an Immersive Visual Experience

butterfly organ donor digital wall arreyaDigital signage is a great way to get someone’s attention and cost effective for updates. But how do you increase the total engagement while still maintaining your message? Start by looking at the overall space where the digital signage is located. Is there room to add a surround to the screen or turn the space into a total visual experience? Add engaging visual elements like butterflies and bubbles.

Effective Digital Donor Recognition Software

A key component to a great digital donor wall is the software powering the display. It’s important to keep donor names and information up to date and relevant. Digital donor recognition software should be intuitive, reliable, and highly customizable. The software needs to be easy and efficient to use. With powerful integrations and widgets like List-Eez, users can upload a new spreadsheet with a list of hundreds or even thousands of donors with a few clicks. Touchpoints allow organizations to easily create interactive donor walls with no code writing. Donors and visitors can navigate through different pages of content by clicking or touching the screen. Learn more about digital donor walls.

Simple Digital Surrounds

digital signage surround school arreyaFraming digital signage is a simple way to polish your presentation and it secures all the digital hardware. Adding corporate branding and mission statements to existing signage is the easiest and most cost effective way to emphasize digital signage messages.

digital signage custom surround arreya

Make Digital Signage Meaningful

bubble donor wall children hospital arreyaFor a digital experience to be meaningful, it needs to be integrated into the customer journey, rather than being applied as a layer. It should deliver relevant and meaningful content that disrupts behavior, drives engagement and, ultimately, delivers an experience that creates a personal relationship with the customer or employee.  CLICK TO LEARN MORE about the butterfly donor wall and the Arora Project.

Videos give life to a static donor wall or digital surround. The surround compliments and plays off of the digital content and vice versa. Dimensional butterflies and bubbles are a fun way to go beyond the ordinary. They give spaces and donor displays color and life.

The ease of cloud based Arreya Digital Signage software, anyone can make updates anytime and push live to devices. Keep content fresh and relevant and even pre-schedule content for specific days.

Maximize Digital Signage Impact on Donors or Employees

Let visual displays greet visitors, donors and employees. There are so many ways to make a visual impact. Celebrate corporate history, corporate branding, employee and company wins, donor recognition displays, and adding art to architectural spaces. Whether static or digital signage or a combination of both, consider specific touchpoints for the best experiences.

  1. Fresh content
    Ensure your digital signage content remains relevant and engaging by regularly updating it with fresh material. Incorporate a mix of motivational messages, wellness tips, employee and donor videos and spotlights, and announcements to cater to different preferences and interests.
  2. Optimal placement
    Place digital displays in high-traffic areas where employees, visitors and potential donors are likely to see them frequently, such as lobbies, break rooms, and common areas. Consider the flow of foot traffic when determining optimal placement to maximize visibility and impact.
  3. Interactive Features
    Introduce interactive elements such as videos, HR information, donor stories, and wayfinding to encourage engagement with your digital signage content. This captures attention and provides opportunities for employees and donors to butterfly digital signage surroundparticipate actively and feel more connected.
  4. Integrations
    Integrate digital content from Google Workspace, Canva, or Appsheet for more relevant content and communication channels. Collaboration with human resources, wellness committees, and internal communications teams ensures alignment with broader organizational objectives and enhances experience.

Dimensional Experiences

Whether adding butterflies, bubbles or paper airplanes to a donor wall or dimensional logos for a corporate history wall, the visual impact is the same. Visitors and employees are more likely to engage. The added effectiveness of digital signage brings continual fresh content to static walls for years to come.



10 Benefits of Hospital Digital Signage

10 Benefits of Hospital Digital Signage

Hospitals need to distribute information quickly and efficiently. Not only do they need to care for patients, they also need to direct everyone to the right place at the right time. Hospital digital signage is being used in many aspects of patient interactions. Using digital signage for wayfinding, check-ins, and waiting rooms. Since it provides a better experience for patients, and helps staff stay organized and up to date, digital signage is an essential tool for hospitals and clinics.  The COVID19 pandemic brought questions about touchscreens and along with it new innovations in touch free and touchless interactions.

1. Wayfinding

Finding your way around can be difficult, especially in larger hospitals. When urgency is the key, obstacles like navigation can increase stress and anxiety in visitors and patients. Hospitals are using digital signage for wayfinding, and they’re experiencing some excellent benefits as a result.

Digital signs display virtual maps, and by using voice assistants, patients simply ask where they need to go and get answers instantly. Voice assistants answer questions through speakers built into the interactive digital signage. Patients also use touch screens and tablets to navigate maps. Hospital administrators can easily update maps, unlike paper counterparts which need to be thrown away and reprinted. Using digital signage for wayfinding allows hospitals to cut back on waste, improve patient experience, and save time. LEARN MORE about using digital wayfinding for hospitals.

2. Checking In 

Hospitals are using digital signage for check-ins now more than ever. This is mainly due to the pandemic, aiming for less contact and therefore less risk of spreading COVID19, but there are also other benefits of using digital signage for hospital check-ins. Patients type in their names or phone numbers and check in through their phones or on a touch screen, eliminating the need to have a dedicated staff member waiting to check everyone in. Once patients have checked in, staff are notified through an email, a display alert, or an audio alert. Patients are able to see estimated wait times and their place in line on digital signage as well as their phones.

Remember, at Arreya, digital signage is any device with a screen. So your wayfinding can be seen on tablets, phones and computers. Beyond the traditional one screen digital signage.

3. Waiting Room Entertainment 

Patients and family members will inevitably spend some time in the waiting room. Hospitals are using digital signage in waiting rooms to entertain people with an array of different content. Digital signs display sports scores and updates, weather, healthy tips, and breaking news. Patients select what they want to view by navigating through presentations on touchscreens and tablets by using digital signage until they find what they want to view.

4. Digital Donor Recognition 

Digital donor recognition is an excellent solution for hospitals. Many hospitals would not be able to execute their life saving work without generous donors.

Hospitals use digital signage to recognize past and present donors, displaying names and donation amounts on screens throughout the hospital. Digital signage software makes it seamless and easy to update or remove names from lists, and updates are deployed instantly. Not only are current donors recognized, but new people are encouraged to donate as well.

Celebrate specific donor stories with video content.  Publish a calendar of events for donors and add a point-of-sale portal for donations at the kiosk.

Digital donor recognition also allow the foundation to extend their reach beyond the typical borders of their donors.  Because the content is viewable on any device from anywhere

5. Call Lights and Room Service

Patients often need to stay in their beds for most of the day when recovering. Nurses answer call lights, bringing medicine, food, or water to patients throughout the day. Hospitals use digital signage to notify nurses when help is being requested, and patients make requests from buttons or tablets located within reach of their beds. Nurses and patients view vitals on screens in real-time by using blood pressure cuffs, heart monitors, and other vital tracking devices in conjunction with digital signs. Nurses and doctors are instantly notified with alarms if a patient’s vitals reach dangerous levels.

Another option is to make one of the TV channels in the patient rooms an information channel. Information specific to patients including cafeteria menus, visiting hours, hospital regulations and special events can be seen by each patient. As easy as turning on the television.

6. Hospital Information

Digital Signage for hospitalsHospital marketing is a perfect fit for digital signage. Welcome visitors with calendar of events, cafeteria menus, promotion videos, weather and much more.

Digital signage is an excellent tool for hospitals to keep up with events throughout the year. Hospital admins schedule content in advance, loading up presentations with holiday specials and countdowns to the date. Content takes minimal time and effort to set up and update, yet it’s so enticing to look at the dynamic media. All screens connected to the specific Arreya channel will display holiday content throughout the hospital simultaneously, in the waiting room, in the cafeteria, and even in different branches or buildings.  Spread the cheer with current information.

7. Health and Wellness Information 

digital signage kiosk wayfinding arreyaHospitals use digital signage for displaying population health data, like vaccine rates. This application is heavily used, particularly since the onset of the COVID19 pandemic.

Hospitals display infection statistics, which are updated automatically. QR codes and links are also displayed on digital signage, so patients and visitors can access information from the CDC, FDA, or other health authorities from their phones.

Kiosks can include hand sanitizer and other sanitation products in an effort to keep germs under control. Vulnerable patients can feel at ease coming to appointments.

8. Cafeteria Menus 

Corporate Digital SignageHospitals need a way to display changing cafeteria menus, and the menus need to be clear and easy to read. Digital signage is an excellent tool for hospital cafeterias, because updates are easy to make, schedule and deploy instantly.

The font is adjustable, and the screens are bright and precise. Content is made ADA compliant, and hospitals no longer need to waste time, money, and material on paper menus. With digital cafeteria menus, visitors and patients can view throughout the hospital. Pushing more people to eat in the hospital.

9. Recognizing Hospital Workers

Digital Signage for HospitalsHospital workers are vital to our society. This is extremely apparent in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses and doctors work around the clock, risking illness, especially during early 2020 when personal protective equipment was scarce.

Hospitals are using digital signage to recognize their hard workers. Patient testimonials are displayed on digital signs as well as recognition programs throughout the year. Celebrate wins and successes to motivate employees to continue their efforts.

LEARN MORE about how healthcare workers are being recognized with digital signage.

10. Healthcare Employee Communication 

Behind the scenes, communication is vital to any business, but perhaps it’s even more critical for hospitals and health systems. Patients need the right medication and the right dosage, and timing is critical as well.

Digital signage continues to improve communications within the healthcare industry today. Medical charts are updated and displayed instantly, keeping nurses and doctors up to date on patient status and medical records. Digital signage is displayed throughout hospital break rooms and offices, keeping everyone up to date on events and announcements.

LEARN MORE about the benefits of digital signage for healthcare employees.

Improving Patient and Employee Experience 

Digital signage is the ultimate tool for hospital communication. Both internal and patient communications are streamlined and more effective through the use of digital signage. Doctors and nurses view critical, up to date medical information, while patients view entertaining content in the waiting room. The number of screens and channels of content are customizable, making digital signage scalable for hospitals of all sizes.

Digital signage is improving the experience of patients and healthcare workers today, and future applications will only make it more valuable for hospitals in the future.

Interactive Digital Signage: Benefits of the Touchscreen Experience

Interactive Digital Signage: Benefits of the Touchscreen Experience

digital signage touchscreen wayfinding kioskAs digital signage becomes increasingly more common in businesses and cities across the globe, many companies have made the switch from paper to digital. Digital displays have many benefits, so much so that it would take a separate blog post to cover all of them, but the topic we will be discussing in this blog is the benefits of using an interactive display vs non-interactive. To explain the difference simply, interactive displays allow users to control the content of the screen by touch while non-interactive displays do not respond to touch. Should you make your digital sign interactive? Let’s go over interactive digital signage and the benefits of the touchscreen experience.

Digital Feedback and Analytics

digital signage feedback analyticsIn many cases, businesses use interactive signs to get feedback from customers. How so? Let’s say you own an apparel/shoes company that advertises your products on a digital display, allowing customers to touch any product they want to see details about. After a month’s time, you notice that 80% of interactions on the display are for apparel and only 20% of interactions are for shoes. With this information, you would then be able to adjust advertisements based on your target audience which in this case would be for apparel.Another one of the many ways to get customer feedback is by displaying frequently asked questions with answers on your display. You could then track the questions that are interacted with the most and produce solutions to make it more clear to customers in the future.

Companies that utilize digital signage see a 47% increase in brand awareness (LEARN MORE) and can pinpoint messaging to better engage customers and employees. Digital signage also gives you the freedom to instantly change or highlight important information across multiple locations or offices. With the special progressive web app (PWA) feature, information can also be viewed on remote devices.

Ease of Use

pwa phone digital signageWith the COVID pandemic changing the way the world operates as we know it, reducing person to person contact and the spread of germs has become crucial to returning to a pre-2020 world. With interactive displays, you are able to use any mobile device to interact with the same content as your businesses display. The most common example of this is restaurants using mobile devices to share their menus. To use my previous example of an apparel/shoe store, let’s say the capacity for customers is 20 due to the pandemic. While customers wait in line to enter, they would be able to browse via their mobile device.

Not only does mobile use help with the spread of germs, but it can also provide a better experience for customers and employees. Having a catalog/menu in your pocket means you can order and shop from anywhere. Along with that, employees’ jobs are made a lot easier as some questions may already be answered through the digital signage on customers’ phones.

Ways to Use Interactive Digital Displays

After going over just a few of the benefits of touchscreen experience through interactive digital signage, let’s get into some real world use cases that are being implemented today. One word that may often come up in your search for digital signage is wayfinding. Wayfinding is the process of determining directions to a location based on your current location. Think of it like gps on your phone. You may have seen things like this in a mall where they display a map of the mall and your location. With digital signage it makes it easier to select a certain location you want to get to and displays the directions to get there. 

digital signage history kiosk interactive airportDonor recognition displays are another popular use case for digital signage. Many organizations use donor recognition displays to celebrate donors and encourage more donations. Updates to traditional donor walls can be expensive, but interactive digital donor walls reduce the cost of updates. Digital donor walls are easy to update with instant deployment and Google integrations from Sheets. With an interactive display it gives users the ability to search through the list of donors, and also apply to donate themselves. (LEARN MORE)

Schools around the world have also started to implement interactive signage. Students can view the lunch menu, sign into class, view sporting events and much more. Some schools have even started implementing face recognition to count the number of students coming in and out of classrooms to keep track of attendance. 

Digital history walls have also become a popular way to use interactive content. The timelines can contain spotlighted information, videos can be activated with a touch and new content can be added easily.

The biggest take away is that interactive digital signs have a use case for almost any business. Adding the functionality of being able to interact with the signage adds to the experience and leads to better feedback in general. Interactive digital signage brings users the dynamic benefits of the touchscreen experience.

9 Reasons to Upgrade to Digital Signage

9 Reasons to Upgrade to Digital Signage

Upgrade to Digital Signage with Digital Signage Kiosks

For years digital signage has been a growing force in advertising, branding, and digital communications. Every industry is upgrading to intuitive digital displays; government, healthcare, education, retail, and more. The benefits of digital signage lead to improved visitor experiences through prompting users to take action. These actions could include learning about events, providing information, and many other options. Also these displays provide unified branding and many use cases for industries that adopt it.

One of the biggest pain points that is stopping people from upgrading to digital signage is resisting change. The resistant for change comes from both sides of a company. Business owners fear that customers will not understand newer technology, and that it will lead to a decrease in sales. Moreover, owners themselves fear moving to a new system, when their current system is working.

The digital signage industry is expected to grow into a $45.30 billion market by 2030. The demand for signage is growing, and as demands increases, the products improve. Digital signage has already become faster, more secure, and easier to learn than ever. In addition, these digital signs increase sales with more views, improve customer satisfaction, and even have touch and touch-free options. Owners no longer have to worry about customers understanding or engaging with a technology, as they are surrounded by digital screens everyday.

Digital signage can do so much to improve on outdated methods of advertising, branding, and communications. Just because something is currently working, does not meant that is cannot be improved on. The smart decision is to embrace this digital option rather than resist it. Get ahead of the curve by learning about the benefits of making the upgrade to digital signage from outdated methods and technologies.


1. Upgrade to Interact with Audiences

For years companies have struggled creating a useful and meaningful customer experience. While posters, flyers, and welcome desks can provide some interaction, they often take a lot of time, money, and resources to maintain. Likewise, posters and flyers are extremely passive, and lead to a lack of customer engagement and education. Often these forms of communication are lost on walls full of other advertising, leading to an overall muddled experience. Welcome desks also come with their fair share of problems; bad first impressions, time consuming processes, and a lack of visitor independence.

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Free up your staff to work elsewhere besides waiting at a desk or spending time on physical advertising that may not be noticed. Digital signage allows visitors to get where they need to, check-in, learn about your organization, and read about company values on their own. It also provides an option to access maps and information on their phones, rather than having an employee spend time walking them through processes.

Digital signage is a professional method of displaying information. Link to different menus, display time and weather, include instructions, all in one place and without losing anything in the clutter. Displays have a 400% higher rate of being seen and engaged with, which alone makes the upgrade to digital signage worth it.


2. Upgrade to Target Specific Audiences with Scheduling

Not only does digital signage prompt visitors to interact, but it also delivers catered messages to visitors at different times of day. Currently many companies put up posters, flyers, and other temporary signage to try to engage with users. This often leads to a wall full of unprofessional advertising and announcements that never truly reach the end user. Moreover this method does not have a targeted customer experience, meaning every customer has the same user journey.

In contrast some companies have switched to putting advertisements on a TV for information to scroll through. While these displays might be more engaging, they still do not lead to a meaningful user experience. Maintaining these displays can also be a hassle, as many lack the option for remote management. Both current options waste time, money, and resources and do not get the correct message to the right person.

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Target Audience and Scheduling        Target Audience with Scheduling on Digital Signage

With digital signage, content can easily be updated, and multiple presentations can be created. This means that content can be scheduled to play on displays at different times of the day, week, month, or year. Unlike their paper counterparts, this allows you to target specific audiences, leading to a better return on investment. Maintaining digital signage content is also quite easy. Updates can be easily made, and schedules can be put together months in advance. No more constant working on designing, printing, and hanging up one-off paper advertising. Simply create the content, and push it live to screens everywhere for your audience for immediate engagement.


3. Upgrade to Update Content Quickly

Posters, flyers, and brochures are beginning to largely be a promotional tool of the past. These temporary methods are clumsily pasted on a wall or crammed on a bulletin board where their messages will be lost. Not only is this not professional, but it is a large waste of resources and time. People constantly spend time creating new simple paper signage for events, promotions, health notices, and more.

Once designs are haphazardly put together, they all need to be printed, with whatever resources are available. Finally, every poster or flier needs to be manually hung up and taken down at each location where the announcement is needed. With content being created by a variety of people and departments, brand cohesion is often completely missing. This leads to a lot of time being put into messages that are hardly noticed and often left up past their time of relevance.

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Update Content Quickly       

With digital signage it is easy to update content instantly from anywhere that has internet. Simply make the changes to your content or add a new batch of content, and then push it live. This is done without the need to visit individual locations to take down and hang up signage. No more missing the window to display time sensitive content, when updates are done with the push of a button. Additionally, making new digital content does not require any added time or money to be fed into printing and material costs. Digital signage is friendlier to the environment, and friendlier to your company’s budget.


4. Upgrade to Easily Promote Sales or Demo Products

Companies rely on newspaper ads, website ads, coupons, and in-store signage to inform visitors about products and upcoming sales. Sharing a demonstration of your products or services can be difficult to manage in limited space with limited resources. Unless in a cooking store, a live demonstration is often not an option, and website and paper ads cannot fill this gap. Paper signage also lacks an inviting format, often not being assertive enough, or too distracting. While these methods can be effective, they should not be the only source for visitors to interact with your organization.

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Demo Products and Services       

Digital signage provides a way to bring showcases into stores rather than just having them at events or trade shows. Provide extra product information, display product showcase videos on screens, or even embed live demos. This makes explaining complex items or services simple, and gives customers an inviting learning experience. Doing this leads to higher engagement and understanding, making someone more likely to move forward with your product.

Signage software makes it is simple to create and distribute content across screens in one or many locations. Create professional sale content for customers, no more flimsy paper signage necessary. As mentioned before, easily switch digital content when new sales or promotions arrive with scheduling to cut down on paper waste.


5. Upgrade to Add Amazing Integrations

Many appliances are needed to show time, date, send alerts, display news feeds, and more. Having this many devices can make it difficult to maintain a productive work flow or a consistently branded environment. Ensuring that all devices are up to date and ready for customers or staff to use becomes tedious and time consuming.

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Add Amazing Integrations        Add Amazing Integrations with Digital Signage

An ever growing amount of intuitive integrations and dynamic widgets make digital signage the perfect tool to replace these outdated devices. Easily add simple widgets like weather, time and date, countdowns, news feeds, QR codes, and slideshows for informative content. Alternatively add complex integrations like websites, metrics, donor lists, Google Apps, Twitter feeds, and other options for a higher level of usage.


6. Upgrade to Access Unlimited Use Cases

Devices such as clocks and weather radios, and promotional material such as flyers and posters often only have one use. This leads to a cluttered work atmosphere, full of devices that take time to manage and keep up to date. For example, chalkboard or manual marquee signage are a slow and cumbersome method of executing menus. Printed office directories are temporary as constant staff and room changes are made, and because of this are usually out of date. Finally cork bulletin boards are a cluttered way to display messages and often announcements are lost in the shuffle. These many different physical options and so many more need to be managed daily to truly be effective.

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        Unlimited Use Cases of Digital Signage

In the previous section, the many integrations provided with using digital signage were mentioned. These widgets and integrations make digital signage a tool that can be molded to fit any need and use case. Use digital signage in healthcare settings, government agencies, schools, retail locations, corporate offices, and other areas. Likewise digital screens can display an unlimited number of these use cases all at once.

Digital signage can include digital menus that are easily updatable from any internet connected device. Moreover menus no longer have to remain simple for ease; with digital signage custom designs are easy to make. Easily create and update office directories and clearly display them in areas with high foot traffic to give visitors current information. Lastly, display updates in one place and even give messages their own slides so they will be seen and heard. The use cases for digital signage are truly endless, and only limited by your own ideas. Here is a list we made of 50 ways to use digital signage in your business to spark some more of those ideas.


7. Upgrade to Create Digital Directories and Wayfinding

Physical wayfinding and directories are critical for helping visitors navigate through buildings. Despite this, they are cluttered and confusing to guests, sometimes causing more harm than good. Also these types of signage cannot be easily updated when workers and locations are added. This leads to a constant flow of new signage being ordered and created, spending lots of time and money.

While welcome desks help fill that missing step for helping visitors, they can be costly to maintain due to labor costs. Furthermore these desks require stationed workers for full efficacy, preventing them from working on other tasks around the building.

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Digital Directories and Wayfinding Old Method        Digital Directories and Wayfinding with Digital Signage

Touchscreen digital signage allows for the usage of digital wayfinding and directories on screens throughout facilities. This creates a comprehensive navigation system that can be easily updated when offices or personnel change. Guests can easily access interactive digital signage and use it to locate people, departments, and locations in the building. Digital displays pair perfectly with physical wayfinding signs by adding an extra level of direction and affirmation. These displays also free up staff who would be directing traffic. This in turn reduces social interactions which is especially important in today’s COVID-19 world.

To go one step further, QR codes, beacon technology, and Progressive Web Apps allow visitors to view maps and directories on their phones. This means that companies can share directories with guests before their visit for clarity on parking, entrances, and a more streamlined wayfinding process.

A progressive web app or PWA is a website that looks and behaves like a native mobile app. It combines the features of web browsing with an app-like experience, without the barrier of visiting an app store and having to download an app.


8. Upgrade for Digital Donor Recognition

Aluminum and zinc donor plaques are a thoughtful way to recognize donors, but lack the ability to be updated. Over time these plaques begin to take up a significant amount of wall space, and look outdated. Plaques lack an actionable statement for collecting future donations as well. The displays are heavy, difficult to mount, and do not truly give donors with the recognition they deserve.

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Digital Donor Recognition        Donor Recognition with Digital Signage

Donor recognition with digital signage provides solutions for these problems as well leads the way for improving donor recognition. Unlike donor plaques, digital screens can display future donation opportunities, share donor stories, and promote what donations are used for. As these screens are interactive they lead to an increased visitor engagement helping encourage more donations. Digital integrations such as Google Sheets or List-Eez make showing full donor lists clean and easy. This allows for more frequent updates to be made from anywhere helping donors know that their donations are truly valued.

Displaying content on digital signage allows for content to be shared in more than one location, giving donors the recognition they deserve. Beautiful donor wall displays can be partnered with digital signage to provide an elevated branding opportunity and donor experience. All this reduces the wall space being taken up with plaques and saves money from being funneled into these cumbersome projects.


9. Upgrade for Unified Branding and Digital Communications

Creating posters, fliers, and even physical signage can lead to disjointed branding within companies. If your company is lucky, one team might put together all marketing materials for your location. If your company is not lucky, random members create wayfinding and posters in varying styles, leading to a lack of brand cohesion. Display boards are littered with designs, and company branding guides fall by the wayside in favor of thrown together promotional materials. This disjointed branding leads to a muddled and confusing customer experience. It is important to create a cohesive brand so customers feel heard, understand your company, and become repeat customers.

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Unified Digital Communications and Branding       

Digital signage provides a simple solution to enact unified branding across one or many locations. Digital signs can cleanly display company values, share enriching stories, and even communicate usefulness of products or services in daily usage. Show guests that they share values with your company by having a consistent digital communications network. It is proven that customers who share an emotional connection with a brand are likely to have a larger lifetime value (LTV). Encourage visitors and customers to work with you time and time again with a system they understand and appreciate.

Not only does digital signage show values and trust, but it is a way to show reliability and professionalism. Having a cohesive message to display with visitors leads to an elevated user journey. This is possible to achieve even across various locations as employees can quickly update digital content from anywhere. The ability to create templates of content makes it easy for users to maintain the rules from branding guides. Altogether digital signage offers a way to manage users and a unified brand across many locations with ease.


The Reason to Upgrade to Digital Signage

Digital signage is revolutionizing the way that advertising, branding, and digital communications are conducted. The countless integrations and features allow it to be a fit for any industry. Moreover with the versatile options digital signage offers, the limitations are only constructed by the imagination of users. Create a meaningful customer experience, maintain professionalism, and manage content remotely with ease by upgrading to digital signage today. Contact us for a digital signage demo or to learn more about the many benefits and use cases of digital signage.

Key Benefits of Using Digital Signage In Hospitals

Key Benefits of Using Digital Signage In Hospitals

hospital digital signage planClear communications are the key to positive patient experiences in hospitals and healthcare practices. Immediate welcoming visual experiences are the first impression for a patient and promote a positive environment and the organization’s brand identity.  Hospital digital signage simplifies the experience.

The real challenge is – how does a hospital quickly and effectively communicate to people who arrive already feeling anxious? In today’s tech savvy world, the best way to communicate real-time information is on displays.

Digital signage and interactive displays can do a lot for improving patient experiences.  Here are some applications and benefits of hospital digital signage:

1. Digital Wayfinding – Visually Guiding Patients

Modern hospitals can be hard to navigate, especially when a patient is arriving. Despite the best efforts to lead patients simply upon arrival, patients getting lost in a hospital can cost the organization over $220,000 a year in added labor costs. Not to mention the negative patient experience.

hospital healthcare digital interactive wayfinding kioskDigital wayfinding signage with interactive capabilities allow visitors to quickly access directions to navigate a building. It frees hospital staff from directing traffic and reduces social interactions, which are concerning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

healthcare digital wayfinding

hospital countertop digital wayfinding kiosk

With the Arreya Digital Signage platform visitors can carry the map or directories with them on their phone through beacon technology and the PWA progressive web app widget. Clinics can share the digital directories prior to the patient visit for easier access to correct parking and entrances. Shortening the distances to clinics for patients with disabilities and limited mobility issues.

A progressive web app or PWA is a website that looks and behaves like a native mobile app. It combines the features of web browsing with an intuitive app-like experience, without the barrier of needing to visit an app store and having to download an app.

Types of Digital Wayfinding Content:
  • Maps
  • Physician Directory
  • Physician Profiles
  • Clinic Specialties
  • Clinic Wait Times

2. Hospital Room Digital Signage – Personalizing Patient Care

Far from the old clipboards at the end of a patient bed, patient bedside digital signage has revolutionized patient care. It focuses patient information into real-time updates for staff. In recent years, hospitals have placed greater emphasis on patient-centered care and shared decision-making, thus improving the patient experience and reducing readmissions.

hospital patient room tv channelHospitals can adapt one of the TV channels into a patient portal. It gives every room a personal portal with care team info, vital signs and appointments. Additionally educational medical videos or at-home care can be easily added to the digital content and personalized for each patient.

Much like hospitals, senior living facilities also have patient or resident care. Specific TV channels with directed content for residents can increase socialization even during COVID-19 isolations. Content can include movies, exercise classes, information or livestream events. Engaging residents with content that keeps them active and mentally stimulated.

3. Digital Waiting Room – Reducing Waiting Room Anxiety

Waiting is not something anyone wants to do, but when you are not feeling well, time becomes more critical. Digital signage in waiting rooms can reduce the anxiety of waiting. Announcing wait times or where a patient is in surgery helps reduce the stress on waiting family members. It also removes the extra burden on staff to keep family members informed of progress. hospital waiting room digital signage information

Check-in kiosks have become a part of most modern healthcare clinics. It removes many of the direct contacts with staff, which is significant during COVID-19 pandemic, and gets the patient to care quicker.

Additionally, clinic or hospital marketing information can connect visitors to the other services and outreach that the practices provide. Promoting the foundation and branding of each facility. While it’s not a replacement for one-to-one conversations with caregivers, well-prepared on-screen content can cover common questions and allow doctor-patient visits to get to the specifics more quickly.

4. Information Signage – Communications in Real-time

The most common form of hospital digital signage is the informational displays. Typically located in entrances and public spaces, digital signage easily engages patients and visitors with events, safety announcements and wellness awareness tips. 

hospital information kiosk interactive digital signageWith the Arreya Digital Signage platform, scalability is simple and cost effective. Displays in elevators work in complete offline mode and once receive an internet connection, the digital content automatically updates.

Cafeteria digital signage content can be scheduled for daily updates from Google sheets without ever accessing the Arreya admin. Multiple managers can add relevant information from different sources and pinpoint the locations. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how important safety announcements of protocol need to be part of daily information. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated tcafeteria-digital-signage-menu-video-wall-hospitalheir safety protocols and guidelines, hospitals and clinics needed a way to quickly communicate this information with visitors and staff. Healthcare digital signage was an effective and safe solution. With Google Translate, Any language can be translated instantly for barrier-free visitor communications for everyone. With Google Dialogflow integration in Arreya Digital Signage, touchless and touchfree interactions easily become a part of non-interactive digital displays.

With digital signage, hospitals can be more strategic about what information they share, as well as when and where they share it. Information is easy to update, and system administrators can push real-time alerts in emergency situations.

5. Digital Donor Recognition – Celebrate Donors and Raise Funds

In a time when fundraising dollars are being spread across so many non-profits, it’s important that hospitals reach beyond the traditional local donors. Hospitals can expand their donor outreach with digital donor walls. Through the Arreya PWA widget, digital content can be shared with potential donors who never visit the hospital. Beyond the monitor on a wall, Arreya content channels can be viewed on tablets and phones anywhere. 

hospital digital donor interactive history wallThere are many cost benefits to digital donor recognition. Unlike static donor walls, in depth information about the hospital giving opportunities, top donor stories and the benefits of donations can be highlighted in digital content.  Different levels or campaigns can be combined and updated easily. This reduces the expenses of doing multiple donor walls and costly updates. Allowing for more frequent updates and increasing engagement.

Combining static donor walls with digital donor recognition grows the donations by visitors. Inspiring instant donations.

marshfield hospital digital donor wall and rail wall arreyadigital donor recognition kiosk arreyaArreya Digital Signage software was developed for the donor recognition industry. Intuitive tools that make interactive content easy for anyone to create and deploy. The List-eez data management widget collects data, like donor names, directly from Google sheets and sorts lists into viewable information. Making donor updates automatically. Learn more about the donor recognition displays by Presentations | Arreya

6. Employee Digital Signage – Motivate and Inform Staff

COVID-19 has been a challenging time for hospital employees. Powerful messaging about safety concerns can quickly be deployed with the Arreya alert widget to all screens.  Staff birthdays, employee events, hospital and clinic statistics can be shared through employee digital signage to help motivate and retain employees.remote employee digital hospital communication

hospital employee digital signage

Information that would in the past be shared through email or paper, can now be seen on  employee displays in break rooms, staff elevators and nurses stations. With the powerful PWA widget, staff can view employee digital content on their phones or tablets from anywhere. Celebrate the wins and keep digital content informative.

These are just some of the many ways digital signage and interactive can be utilized in hospitals and clinics.  Investing time and money into digital technology can benefit hospital staff and patients. The goal of any great digital signage is to relieve the anxiety and stress related to healthcare, reduce the cost of staffing and increase awareness.

The possibilities for digital signage are only limited by the creativity of the technology partners.