Improving Corporate Communications with Digital Signage

Improving Corporate Communications with Digital Signage

In today’s fast-paced business world, communication is key. Effective corporate communication is critical to the success of any organization. It ensures that everyone within the company is on the same page and working towards common goals. Although traditional communication methods like email, meetings, and bulletin boards are still in use, more and more companies are turning to digital signage to enhance their corporate communication. In this blog post, we will explore the role of digital signage in modern corporate communication.  DOWNLOAD OUR Corporate Digital Signage Isometric Flowchart

Enhance Visual Corporate Communication

employee digital signage kioskVisual communication is an essential aspect of corporate communication. Using digital signage can help organizations present information in a more visually appealing way. Visual communication is also easier to remember, making it great for showcasing company goals, achievements, and other important messages. Dynamic and vivid displays used in digital signage can engage and impress employees, thereby increasing their interest and promoting better understanding and recall.

Learn more about improving visual communication and employee satisfaction.

Improve Employee Engagement

employee digital signage engagement arreyaKeeping employees informed and engaged is vital for any organization’s success. Digital signage can help organizations create visually stimulating content that communicates key messages to employees. Digital signage enhances corporate communication by increasing employee engagement and improving empathy. By using digital signage, companies can keep their employees informed about everything from company news to upcoming events, promotions, and other critical updates that might impact their work. Thus, Digital Signage creates deeper bonds between employees and the company.

To learn more about using digital signage to improve employee engagement, click here.

Build a Collaborative Culture

cafeteria digital menu corporate digital signage arreyaCollaboration is essential in today’s modern corporate world. Digital signage can help create a culture of collaboration within organizations by fostering an environment where people share ideas, exchange feedback, and collaborate on projects. Companies can use digital signage to share best practices, work progress, and project outcomes. By sharing data and progress in real-time, digital signage can help employees feel more engaged and invested in the successes of the department and company as a whole.

Increases Efficiency

Efficiency is key in any business. Digital signage can help organizations save time, cut costs and ensure that all staff and departments are on the same page. For example, if a company uses digital signage to display meeting schedules and conference room reservations, it can eliminate the need for printed schedules or spreadsheets, which can take time to update and distribute. Digital signage can also be used for training and onboarding of new employees. Thus, Digital Signage makes everyone more effective in their roles.

Provide Real-time Feedback

corporate digital signage employee manufacturing arreyaDigital signage can be used to provide real-time feedback to employees. It can be used to measure employee satisfaction and engagement through interactive feedback systems. Companies can get real-time feedback from employees can pick up on issues earlier, and take corrective action to address them. By having this information readily accessible to management, digital signage can be used to improve employee morale and retention.

Digital signage is transforming corporate communication for the better. It enhances visual communication, builds collaboration, increases efficiency, and provides instant feedback to employees. As more and more companies adopt this technology, it is no longer a unique idea but a common infrastructure for businesses of all sizes. It will become the backbone of tomorrow’s successful companies. Companies that invest in digital signage stand to benefit significantly from better communication, employee engagement, and efficiency, making it a wise choice for any organization looking to improve its corporate communication.

Benefits of using a Video Wall for Government Buildings

Benefits of using a Video Wall for Government Buildings

Government video wall information interactive digital signage


Video walls are powerful tools for wayfinding, displaying news and updates, and presenting important real-time metrics. Government agencies, from county, to state, and federal levels, use video walls to display resource usage, upcoming events, and wayfinding for employees and citizens.

Informational Digital Signage

County, state, and federal government agencies need tools to maintain transparency and good communication. Digital signage is an excellent tool for sharing information with citizens and government employees. Digital signage is used in county and state courtrooms to display schedules,to help navigate government buildings, and to display upcoming elections and meetings. Interactive digital signage kiosks are used by citizens to fill out forms, and even to upload documents.

Government Grade Security

Chrome devices have built in security features, like verified boot, automatic updates, sandboxing,data encryption, and recovery mode. Click here to learn more about verified boot, and all of the built-in security features of Chrome devices. Chrome Enterprise Management allows digital signage with Chrome devices to lock their digital signage down in kiosk mode. Kiosk mode gives government agencies the air tight security they need. Chrome Enterprise Management allows admins to remotely reboot devices, obtain device logs, and remote desktop in addition to enabling kiosk mode. Learn more about secure government digital signage.

LEED Certification


The LEED rating system scores organizations based on their environmental stewardship. LEED certified buildings are efficient; they use less resources like natural gas, electricity, and water. Video walls display up to date metrics on water, electricity, and natural gas usage. Transparency is key when it comes to earning and maintaining LEED certification. Video walls make the positive environment impact of LEED certified buildings more visible and easy to track. For more information on LEED certification, click here

Improve Citizens’ Experiences

Most of us are not looking forward to visiting our local DMVs or courthouses to renew drivers licenses, vehicle registrations, or for some other documents or reasons. There are often long wait times at government offices, either due to low staff or high volume. Lobby video walls help reduce wait times by navigating people to the right places. Digital signage displays queues as well, so at least people know how long they need to wait. Government kiosks allow users to service themselves, reducing the need for staff, and wait times. Learn more about using digital signage in government buildings. 

Versatile Digital Communications

Video walls and digital signage software are excellent tools for government buildings because they are extremely adaptable. The versatility of digital signage software allows government agencies to tailor their digital communications however they see fit.

Some agencies only use digital signage for internal communications, whereas others only use it externally. While government buildings may use video walls to play a set of videos on repeat, they can be as creative as they want with the content on screen. They schedule videos or slideshows to play at certain times throughout the day, and they create interactive content. Citizens can interact with kiosks via touchscreens, keyboards and mice, or from their mobile devices. 

7 Common Corporate Digital Signage Mistakes

7 Common Corporate Digital Signage Mistakes

Creating the right messaging for employees, customers, or any other important stakeholders, is difficult. While digital signage is a valuable tool for corporate entities to communicate, there are some common mistakes that cause confusion, or less than optimal viewing and editing experiences.

1. Poor Quality Images or Video

Catching digital signage viewers is the key to any successful digital deployment. Even a video with excellent messaging and execution can be ruined due to poor quality. Ideally, videos and images should be uploaded in 1080p or better. Lower resolutions will cause videos and images to look fuzzy, even on the best screens.

Videos that slow, cut off or need to refresh can also ruin digital signage content. Set timing to the end of the video and make sure videos are saved correctly for dynamic digital content.

2. Outdated Content

Content rarely needs to be updated for some users. This is common for digital signage users who are displaying static content, like workplace safety rules, or company policies. Corporate digital signage users typically update content regularly throughout the year. It’s important that events, deadlines, and company information are kept up to date, otherwise digital messaging loses its effectiveness. Arreya digital signage software integrates to programs like Google Slides and Google Sheets to automate updates. Users can make an update to their document, and the update will be reflected on screen without making any edits to the presentation itself. 

An easy way to generate fresh content is divide the work load. Multiple content managers can schedule and update different content on the same presentation.

3. Too Much to Look at

Corporations need to communicate  massive amounts of information quickly. It’s easy to overload powerpoint slides, employee handbooks, and digital signage with too much content. If there are too many things to read or look at on one page, viewers are often overwhelmed and miss the message. 

Summarize information into a quick, easy to read sentence or graphic. Viewers are more likely to take in information if they don’t have to read a paragraph.

The basics of good copy is a 4 part hierarchy.
  1. Headline
  2. Subheading
  3. Body copy
  4. Images with captions


4. Grammatical Mistakes

Grammar and spelling may seem insignificant, but they play an important role in conveying professionalism. It’s easy to make grammatical mistakes, but fortunately, it’s pretty easy to fix them within digital signage creative studios. Many digital signage software editors have built in spell check to help minimize mistakes. LEARN MORE about common digital signage grammatical errors.

5. Lack of Audience Consideration

It’s important to remember who will be viewing your digital signage content while creating presentations. Messaging will be a lot different depending on whether your audience consists of employees, potential customers, shareholders, or a combination of stakeholders. In addition, colors, imaging, and vocabulary are all factors to consider. 

It’s also important to consider whether or not your digital signage is publicly accessible. If it is publically accessible, or if there is a concern that people will try to inappropriately alter content, it’s advisable to have some sort of way to lock down your device. Devices managed in the Google Admin Console can be placed in kiosk mode. Kiosk mode prevents devices from being tampered with and prevents web browser access for unauthorized users. 

6. Inadequate Hardware

Inadequate hardware leads to a poor viewing experience no matter how well digital signage content is designed, planned, and scheduled. If digital signage is going to be outside, waterproof and weather resistant devices are recommended. However, these devices are typically heavier and more expensive than their indoor counterparts. 

Screen resolution is another important consideration. If you plan on uploading high definition images and videos, 1080p, 4k, or even 8k resolution screens would be best. While these screens are more expensive, their image quality is superior.

LEARN MORE about digital signage displays.

7. Inputting Everything Manually

Many corporate digital signage users display calendars, menus, events, and other content that changes frequently. Inputting all of those updates manually is tedious and time consuming. Earlier, we mentioned that Arreya digital signage software integrates with tools like iCal, Calendly, Google Calendar, Google Slides, and Google sheets to automate data entry and changes. Users simply make a change to their original document, like a date in Google Calendar for instance, and the changes take effect immediately on screen, no additional steps required.

Effective Corporate Digital Signage

Digital signage is at its most effective when assets are uploaded with the highest possible resolution, content is up to date, and the audience is taken into consideration while the content is being designed. Grammar and spelling are important too, especially for corporations with public facing digital signage.  Misspellings and grammatical errors make messaging look unprofessional and careless. If possible, adding automation into digital signage is ideal, because it drastically reduces the amount of time it takes to make updates. These recommendations will help you present professional, effective digital signage content without spending countless hours.


Digital Signage for Transportation

Digital Signage for Transportation

The transportation industry and logistics are vital to the global economy, getting people where they need to be in a timely manner all across the world. Transportation methods change a lot over time, and technology is an important factor in terms of getting people to their destinations more safely and comfortably than ever before. The transportation industry is implementing digital signage software into buses, trains, and airplanes to help people navigate to wherever they need to go seamlessly, and to make the journey more comfortable and entertaining. 

LEARN MORE about the implementation of digital signage in the transportation industry.

Digital Wayfinding in the Transportation Industry

Trying to navigate through an unfamiliar city is often stressful and difficult. Public transportation organizations use digital signage software as a powerful tool to help with wayfinding. Customers use digital signage to see exactly where they are currently, and exactly where they need to go next in complex subway systems, bus stops, and airports. Interactive digital signage allows travelers to touch screens or use a mouse and keyboard to navigate through content. Travelers view different routes and estimated arrival times.



Realtime Travel Information

Buses, trains, and airplanes implement digital signage into their cabins to display real time travel information. Digital signage displays points of interest as travelers pass by, like historical or locally relevant locations. Estimated time of arrival, distance traveled, and current speed are displayed as well. The age old question, are we there yet, now has a very specific, constant, and accurate answer. 




Interactive Travel Experiences

Digital signage software allows travelers to have more interactive experiences on the go. They can navigate through touchscreen digital signage, or access content from their cell phones. Digital signage software integrates with content feeds from providers like Screenfeed and Datacall. These content feeds allow travelers to view news, sports, entertainment, weather, and more on digital displays, or on their mobile devices.

Building Excitement on the Journey

When travelers are on their way to a concert, or a sporting event, excitement tends to wane throughout the journey. Transportation firms are using digital signage software to tailor experiences to individual travelers. When they are headed to a baseball game on the train for instance, digital signs display statistics, videos, previous games, and team history. When travelers are on their way to a concert, music videos, playlists, and interviews with musicians are displayed. Users even connect bluetooth headphones to digital signage for a better auditory experience. 



Traveler Safety

Unfortunately, the transportation industry is a target for bad actors. Employees need to remain vigilant, and they need to be equipped with the right tools in case of emergency. The transportation industry uses digital signage to display emergency alerts, deploying critical information to thousands of screens simultaneously with the push of a button. Updates are easy to make, and travelers get clear instructions on what to do to stay safe in the event of a lockdown situation or a natural disaster. Updates to routes and closures due to inclement weather are displayed using emergency messaging integrations as well.

LEARN MORE about emergency alerts.

Modernizing Travel

Traditional paper maps and brochures are still used in subway stations and airports, but these products are difficult to update and unpopular. Most people don’t want to carry around maps and brochures now that they can access information on their mobile devices.

Digital signage clearly displays information for travelers, and updates are seamless and instant. The transportation industry uses QR codes in conjunction with digital signage to allow travelers to take information with them as they go. Digital displays make bus stops, subway stations, and airports look and feel more modern.

LEARN MORE about digital signage in the transportation industry.

Revolutionizing the Modern Office with Digital Signage

Revolutionizing the Modern Office with Digital Signage

Technology has accelerated the rate at which information is exchanged at unimaginable rates over the last two decades. Today, corporations are revolutionizing the modern office with digital signage, making the distribution of information even more seamless, automated, and instantaneous than ever before. Organizations are using digital signage software today to deploy content throughout the office and beyond, bringing content to stakeholders and employees located anywhere in the world with an internet connection. 

Intrigue Employees

Office Digital SignageDaily life in the office becomes monotonous and boring for many employees. Businesses are turning to digital signage to bring excitement and interactivity to the office. Employees view news and events, and managers use digital signage to recognize them for their hard work.

Signs display work anniversaries, birthdays, and recognition programs throughout the year to celebrate employees. Interactive digital signage allows employees to share vital information throughout the office, like deadlines or pertinent questions about upcoming projects. Information that can be lost in emails or printed materials is spotlighted in one location for all employees. Using Chrome Enterprise digital signage, different departments can get exclusive pinpointed feeds.

Employees Access Content Anywhere

Office Digital SignageThe need to access information instantaneously and from any location has increased significantly. This is in large part due to the COVID19 pandemic, which forced a large shift in where employees work. Employees are now working in the office, from home, and in hybrid roles. Digital signage software brings vital content to employees around the world, whether they are in the office, at home, or even on a different continent.

Employees can access content from phones and laptops as it’s simultaneously being displayed across thousands of screens company-wide. The scalability of digital signage software allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to display content in the office and beyond, even sharing content with shareholders when appropriate.

Drive Productivity

Corporate Digital SignageMany companies have multiple branches or buildings, and they are looking for a way to streamline communication across all locations.

Announcements and news are deployed to digital signage to every office location simultaneously. Employees get the information they need in seconds, and managers save time by scheduling content in advance. Managers make updates to the content displayed on the digital signage in the office, or on the fly from any device. Employees post updates on projects to digital signage, and managers see progress instantly. LEARN MORE about driving productivity.

Increase Employee Engagement

Making meaningful connections with employees is difficult, especially in remote environments. Wherever employees are located, digital signage software makes those connections and drives employee engagement. In the office, digital signage looks professional and inviting on big screens, and when working from home, company computers display the same content on employee desktops. Coworkers ask and answer each other’s questions using digital signage no matter where they’re located, and discussion boards are used to share and refine ideas, all in real-time. LEARN MORE about increasing employee engagement.

Employee Well-Being

Corporate Digital SignageEmployees are one of, if not the most important assets of a business. Taking care of employees and keeping them safe if vital. Digital signage in the office alerts employees to danger like fires, dangerous weather, or security breaches. Alerting softwares works synergistically with digital signage to push out visual and audio notifications to all devices with one click. 

Using content feeds, like SCREENFEED, businesses are displaying content that promotes healthy eating and habits. These gentle reminders go a long way in terms of making people aware of their health. Businesses with onsite gyms display hours and workout plans on their digital signage to further encourage their employees to stay healthy.

Display Social Media and Reviews

Corporate digital signage is used to display business Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts. Marketing departments post, and employees see what’s new right away. Reviews are displayed on digital signage throughout the office, connected through Yelp, Trip Advisor, and Google Customer Reviews, and everyone sees customer feedback in real time. Mentions are added to digital signage content, so if someone Tweets at the business, or tags the business’s Instagram handle, everyone is aware. 

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Businesses need to continually adapt to stay competitive. Communication needs to be as efficient and effective as possible, which is why businesses are implementing digital signage software into their offices across the globe. The content they display looks professional to customers and it’s practical for so many reasons. Remote employees stay up to date on the latest announcements and company news, while the same content displays on in-office digital signage. Employees collaborate across branches and continents, making for the most seamless global communication available.