Monthly Free Graphics – Nov 2024

Monthly graphics and content to use in your Arreya presentation

Included are image files we have created and selected free for you to use in your Arreya presentations. Click on the links to download this month’s backgrounds, holidays and events. 

Themes, Backgrounds, and Graphics

A solid yellow background with a clipart icon of a white flip day calendar floats on the left. The calendar has white pages, teal header, and two light gray rings at the top. It reads ‘November 03’ in bold, black, all-caps, sans letters. On the right says ‘Reminder this Sunday is Daylight Saving Time’ in the same bold, black font, with a thin white outline.
Nov 3 - Daylight Saving
A digital watercolor painting of orange, tan, and gray fall leaves on a solid white background fills the image. A white circle with an orange outline creates a clock in the center. The clock has dark blue arms, and orange number dashes. Across the top edge reads, ‘Reminder this Sunday’, and the bottom edge reads, ‘is daylight saving time’. The words use a dark blue, all-caps, handwritten, sans font.
Nov 3 - Daylight Saving
Seasonal Background
Coming frome small, black megaphone icon, in the bottom left, is a large, rectangular. Black outlined speech bubble reading, ‘Let your voice be heard! Vote’. The words in the bubble use a bold, all-caps, sans font that had a black outline and thick black drop shadow. The letters themselves are the same color as the background of the speech bubble and image; light blue. Across the bottom edge using a smaller, black, all-caps, handwritten, sans font are the words ‘Please register and plan to vote on November 5, 2024.’
Nov 5 - Election Day
A solid white background with primary red and blue icons overlapping each other in the center of the image. Both icons are a hand dropping a piece of paper with a checkmark on them into a ballot box. At the top left is the word ‘VOTE!’. Stacked starting on the top right is the word ‘NOV.’, ‘05’, and then ‘2024’. All the words are large, bold, black, slab, sans letters.
Nov 5 - Election Day
Three blocks of color fill the image. A vertical teal-green rectangle on the left is filled with four stacked pale yellow triangles pointing up. The bottom edge has a primary blue rectangle filled with five of the same triangles pointing left. On top of the blue rectangle is a red rectangle with the white words ‘This November We Celebrate National American Indian Heritage Month’. ‘This November we Celebrate’ uses a thin, spaced apart, small, all-caps, sans font. ‘National American Indian Heritage Month’ uses a large, bold, sans font.
Native American Heritage Month
A pale yellow background with four goldenrod line drawings of leaves fill the right edge. Two drawings of one branch of leaves also sit in the top and bottom left corners. In between the leaves are the words ‘November is’ ‘Native American Heritage Month’ in thin, brown, script letters.
Native American Heritage Month
A dark blue radial shaped background with a clip art image of the American flag waving against the bottom edge. Centered above reads ‘Veterans Day’ in large, bold letters and ‘Honoring All Who Served’ in small, thin letters below. ‘Veterans Day’ has a thin horizontal line above and below it. Arched at the very top of the image are five white stars. An all-caps, sans font was used for all the words.
Nov 11 - Veterans Day
A photo of the sky with fluffy white clouds. The top of a flagpole sits just to the right of the center of the image. An American flag is attached to it. The right of the flag transparent sans and solid serif words are stacked alternately on top of each other. First the transparent words read ‘Navy, Marines, Air Force, Army, Coast Guard’. The serif words are ‘Honoring All, the Men and Women, Who Have Selflessly, Served Our Country, Veterans Day’. All the words are white in color.
Nov 11 - Veterans Day
A piece of old, tan textured paper fills the background of the image. The words ‘No Shave November’ sits centered, right in the image in bright red, bold, retro curved, sans font. To the left is a duotone gray image of an electric razor with a red circle with a diagonal line through it on top. A small red oval sits below the words in the bottom right. It says ‘FOR MENS HEALTH’ in thin, white, sans letters.
No Shave November
Diagonal orange and off white stripes fill the image. A solid off white rectangle with rounded corners is centered in the image. Inside the rectangle are words and an image. At the top in an orange pill shape reads ‘This Month is’ in small, off-white, thin, serif letters. Below that are larger black words in the same font reading ‘No Shave November’. On the left side says ‘Let it Grow! For Men’s Health’ in the same black letters but smaller. Lastly on the right is the illustration of two men, torso up, are standing and looking to the left. One man is wearing a teal and gold color blocked shirt and has brown hair and beard. The second man is wearing a tan shirt and has blond hair and a beard.
No Shave November
A digital drawing of a woman sitting down and teaching her students sitting in front of her. The teacher is holding and pointing to an open book on her lap. The classroom behind the people is all in shades of pink. Overtop the students across the bottom edge are bold white sans letters with a dark pink outline saying ‘NATIONAL EDUCATION WEEK’.
Nov 18–22 - National Education Week
A solid teal background with an illustration of a girl happily walking and carrying a stack of books and papers in her arms. Sheets of white papers float behind her. The girl is wearing black flats, a teal pleated skirt, and a pale yellow sweater. To the right if the girl reads ‘Happy National Education Week’, a thin horizontal white line, and then ‘Honoring everyone from bus drivers, to classroom teachers, and everyone in between.’ ‘Happy National Education Week’ is in large letters white the rest of the message small. A white, round sans font was used for all the words.
Nov 18–22 - National Education Week
Light brown and tan rhombuses create an argyle pattern filling the image.
Seasonal Background
A digital landscape illustration of faded round blue hills in the background, a light pink sky, rolling tan and gold hills in the mid ground and a black branch in the foreground. The branch has two dark red leaves and one gold leaf still attached. Two small blue birds with orange bellies also sit on the branch. On top the image to the left of the branch says ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ in large, black, thin, script letters. Above that reads ‘We’re grateful for you all year long and especially now..’ in small, thin, black, sans letters.
Nov 28 - Thanksgiving
A digital illustration of a birds eye view of a thanksgiving meal using pastel orange, green, yellow, peach, and blue colors. Tilted overtop the illustration are the words ‘Have a Great Thanksgiving’ in large, orange, script letters with a white outline.
Nov 28 - Thanksgiving
Watercolor paintings of pumpkins and fall eaves fill the image against a dark teal background. The image also has a thin brown border.
Seasonal Background
Transparent white circles float around the light gray and white gradient background. Vertical text on the left edge reads ‘SUPER SALE’. Next to are large words reading ‘BLACK FRIDAY’ stacked on top of eachother. ‘Super sale’ and ‘Friday’ are in bold black sans letters. ‘Black’ is in the same font but is filled with a red to black gradient.
Nov 29 - Black Friday
A solid black rhombus shape is centered in the image. Inset across its outside edge of the shape is a white dashed line border. In the very center are the stacked words, “BLACK FRIDAY SALE’ in solid, thick, white sans letters. Between the words ‘Friday’ and ‘sale’ is a thin horizontal white line. Behind the rhombus are a black and white swirled lines.
Nov 29 - Black Friday
The words ‘SHOP LOCAL’ ‘SHOP SMALL’ alternate repeatedly and fill the image on top of a light mint green crinkled background. The words use a bold sans font that is half filled with color and half outlined. Each word alternates either a peach or a dark green color. On top of the left side is an image of a coral colored ribbon as if it was wrapped around a present. To the right is a light tan circle with the words ‘November 30 Small Business Saturday’ in all-caps, dark green, sans letters, except for ‘30’ which uses a serif font. More words, in coral, are arched across the edges of the circle. On top read ‘SHOP SMALL’ and the bottom reads ‘SUPPORT LOCAL’.
Nov 30 - Small Business Saturday
Three thick vertical stripes of colors fill the image. Bright lime green stripes are on each edge, and then a soft yellow stripe in the center. Centered in the image of the large words ‘SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY’ and ‘NOVEMBER 30’. Between the sets of words is a thin, small rounded end line. The font used is a bold, thick, sans font. Across the bottom edge in small, thin, gray, sans letters read ‘SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY BY SHOPPING SMALL’.
Nov 30 - Small Business Saturday

Animated Graphics

One hand holds a black alarm clock white the other hand moves the clock arms to a different time. The words ‘Set Your Clock Back’ grow out of the center of the image and then disappear. The ‘o’ in the clock is not included, instead the alarm clock represents the ‘o’. The gif has a solid dark purple background, and the words are thick white letters.
A solid black background with the word ‘Vote’ stacked three times in the gif. ‘Vote’ appears letter by letter and changes between red, blue, or red. Once the whole word appears the colors stop changing. The top vote is blue, middle red, and bottom white. Then the words disappear.
A white background with the human figures standing at the bottom of the gif. Front and center is a man wearing a navy colored uniform and hat. He is facing to the left with his right hand over his heart. Behind the man are two more people lin gray. On the left is a man wearing the same style of hat, and his right hand raised, saluting, by his forehead. To the right is a woman facing forward, her right and is over her heart, and her hair is up in a bun. The words 'Happy Veterans Day' float at the top of the gif. They are in a navy, serif font. Three light gray hearts float above the man in the back. Thick and thin red and blue lines weave left to right around the people.
A solid coral background with an off white circle in the center if it. An illustration of a cooked thanksgiving turkey on a platter sits in the center of the gif. Steam and white stars float off of the turkey, and fall leaves and acorns move slightly around the platter. Above the circle, in the same off white color, reads ‘Grateful For Food On Our Table’ in a thin cursive, script font.
A solid black background with ‘Black’ in white neon letters and ‘FRIDAY’ in red neon letters scroll in and out of the gif.
A gold background with a red diamond shape in the middle. Two horizontal gold lines wavy on top of the top and bottom of the red shape. White serif letters in the center read ‘Shop Small’. Two smiley faces jitter on at the bottom right of the red shape. One face is blue and the other green.

Video Files

Nov 5 – Election Day

Nov 28 - Thanksgiving

Native American Heritage Month