Integrating AppSheet with Arreya

Coordinating work schedules, maintaining equipment, and managing worksite locations often becomes overwhelming. Arreya digital signage software integrates with AppSheet, creating a powerful tool that allows employees to access business critical information from virtually any device with a stable internet connection. AppSheet and Arreya make scheduling and resource allocation more manageable and scalable for both large and small businesses.

Importing Data

If you have a database with important information, like employees, contacts, equipment lists, and worksites, you can easily import that data into AppSheet to make it more visible and user friendly. Updates can be made directly to the AppSheet app after data has been imported, or users can continue to make updates to their original spreadsheets.

All changes display in Arreya in real time, no matter where the data is updated. AppSheet integrates with Google apps, but it can also integrate with other applications like Office 365 and Dropbox. This flexibility allows organizations to continue to use the software they’re comfortable with. LEARN MORE about AppSheet integrations.

Make Business Critical Data Accessible

The information employees need to properly perform their work is often sensitive and time-dependent. Organizations face the challenge of distributing this information efficiently and securely, simultaneously. AppSheet does the heavy lifting; creating an interface that’s easy to navigate, displaying large databases of information, and using industry standard security practices. Arreya takes it a step further by publishing the AppSheet in a progressive web app, so it can be sent out to users all over the world.

Scheduling Equipment Maintenance

Digital signage and AppSheet make it easy to organize and automate equipment data, like approximate mileage or hours of use. This data makes scheduling maintenance a lot easier. Instead of checking the odometer of each individual vehicle, automations can be set up to add approximate mileage based on job site distances. Employees also manually enter mileage into the app. This information helps organizations estimate operating costs more accurately, and allows them to adjust accordingly.

AppSheet and Digital Signage for Inventory Management

Managing inventory can be difficult, especially with thousands of products and combinations, but it’s never been easier than it is today. AppSheet captures data from barcodes, which means users can easily input data like product SKU numbers with a barcode scanner, saving time and money. Barcode technology makes inventory management far more efficient and accurate, and live inventory is displayed on all appropriate screens with Arreya. LEARN MORE about inventory management.

Control over the Visibility of Data

Even with all of the great features of AppSheet, a tool like Arreya takes it a step further by making deployment to the field easier than ever. With sensitive and business critical data contained within AppSheet, users need a way to view everything securely and quickly. This is where Arreya comes into play. With an Arreya channel, users can set their channel’s visibility to private, protecting AppSheet data behind a secure login through Arreya.

Accessing Multiple AppSheets from One Place

AppSheets can be embedded inside of Arreya presentations on a single page. This allows users to view multiple AppSheet projects inside one Arreya presentation. This means they can navigate between multiple projects from a phone, laptop, or tablet. Accessing multiple AppSheets from the same place is extremely beneficial for organizations with multiple departments. It allows departments to share goals, progress, tasks, and schedules in a streamlined and efficient manner.

Improving your Business with Arreya and AppSheet

Modern data management applications like AppSheet make managing and distributing business critical data easier and more scalable. Arreya and AppSheet work together perfectly to create a way to manage, edit, distribute, import, and display the data businesses need to run effectively. If you’d like to learn how to display, organize, and manage your data, REACH OUT to Arreya today.