Tuning Into Senior Wellness Using Digital Signage

Tuning Into Senior Wellness Using Digital Signage

Senior citizens are esteemed members of our community. Seniors should be treated with the respect, care, and dignity they deserve. Senior living facilities take pride in caring for our elders, and they are tuning into senior wellness by using digital signage. Digital signage is used to display upcoming events, news, and meal options. Signs integrate with alert software, alerting everyone to dangerous situations like inclement weather or security breaches. The signage is customizable and scalable, so senior living facilities of all sizes are using it to improve communication with residents, staff, and family members. 

Entertaining Seniors With Digital Signage

Senior Living Digital SignageKeeping seniors entertained can be a real challenge. Activities need to be safe, and staff need to be vigilant, ready to step in if someone is injured or sick. It’s easy for activities to become repetitive and boring. By using digital signage, senior living facilities are creating dynamic content to entertain their residents. Content is easily updated using digital signage software, and multiple presentations are created and saved away for later, so content is always fresh. Presentations are made for each season of the year, set up with Christmas movies in December for example. Staff schedule the content in advance, and the software automatically plays the correct content for each season. Seniors find the content they want using interactive digital signage, navigating through the presentations until they find something they’re interested in viewing. LEARN MORE about how senior living facilities are entertaining seniors with digital signage.

Making Displays Accessible for All

Senior Living Digital SignageFor many seniors, moving around can be hard. Digital signage software is deployed to seniors’ mobile devices, and they enjoy content from the comfort of their beds. Signage software easily connects with any screen in the assisted living facility, and it’s viewed outside the facility as well. The scalability of digital signage software makes meaningful connections attainable for everyone, staff, seniors, and even family. Family members access the content to see upcoming events, and they interact with the signage by sending birthday wishes and loving messages to residents. This integration was particularly vital during the COVID 19 pandemic. The pandemic made it impossible to visit seniors in person, but through the utilization of digital signage software, families were able to make important connections with seniors in a time they needed it most. 

Keep Seniors Moving

Staying active becomes progressively more difficult as we age. For seniors, exercise needs to be engaging, fun, and safe. Senior living facilities use digital signage to put on fitness content throughout the week to keep seniors moving. Guided exercise is fun, and it’s an excellent way to help residents stay healthy and mobile. Staff select different workouts based on the fitness of their residents and available equipment. This is just another example of how scalable and customizable digital signage software is for senior living facilities. Whether a facility is equipped with a state of the art gym and dozens of screens, or just some resistance bands and one screen, digital signage software is scaled to provide a better experience.

Keep Seniors Safe

Safety is the number one priority and responsibility of senior living facilities. They undergo rigorous training and testing to make sure they meet the standards necessary to care for our elders. Elopement drills are conducted regularly, so staff are prepared to handle a situation where a resident exits the facility unattended. This is a pretty common occurrence, and today, senior living facilities are using digital signage software to prevent seniors from wandering into unsafe situations. Digital signage is equipped with web cameras in these instances, and the cameras capture anyone leaving or entering the facility. Staff know exactly who is currently in the building. They are notified with a sound, display alert, or an email when someone exits or enters. Staff and residents are automatically notified in the case of inclement weather, fires, or security breaches with the implementation of alerting software like Alertus. Learn more about CONFIGURING ALERTUS.

Working Smarter not Harder

senior living digital signageSenior living facilities are using digital signage software to incorporate smart home capabilities to their residents’ rooms. These incredible tools improve quality of life for residents, making it easier for them to get comfortable. Seniors are able to control the lighting and temperature of their rooms with real time feedback from the displays. Vitals can be measured with fitness trackers and displayed on screen. This means that by using blood pressure cuffs or a fitness watch, seniors’ heart rate and blood pressure are displayed for both seniors and staff to see. This is a fascinating and exciting integration which allows staff to notify nurses or doctors immediately if necessary. LEARN MORE about smart home capabilities in digital signage.

Using Digital Signage to Relax

Insomnia is common amongst seniors, and the additional confinement during the COVID 19 pandemic exacerbated restlessness. Senior living facilities are faced with the challenge of helping residents unwind. Senior living facilities use digital signage to display guided meditation videos, movies, virtual fireplaces, and live videos of the night sky to help residents relax. Calming content helps put seniors at ease so they can get some sleep. If they can’t fall asleep, at least they have something to keep them entertained throughout the night.

Promoting Senior Wellness

Digital signage promotes senior well-being by keeping seniors relaxed, entertained, connected with family and friends, up to date, and safe. Senior living facilities are using digital signs to show residents everything from movies and announcements, to fitness content and thermostat controls. Staff are notified by digital signs when residents leave the building and in the event of  security breaches or inclement weather. Digital signage is a powerful tool senior living facilities use everyday to keep their residents safe, comfortable, entertained, healthy, and happy.


Best ways to Use Digital Signage for the QSR Industry

Best ways to Use Digital Signage for the QSR Industry

People have more options now than ever, especially when it comes to food. With a more segmented market, quick service restaurants (QSRs) need a way to separate themselves from the competition. Digital signage for the QSR Industry make restaurants stand above the competition with elegant displays, and we aren’t talking about just menu items. Digital signage software can display almost anything, from infotainment like news and Twitter feeds, to weather and traffic. It’s even capable of live streaming to hundreds of devices simultaneously.

Showcasing the Food

One of the best ways to get someone in the door of the restaurant is to show them food videos and slideshows along with the current menu. qsr restaurant digital signageUsing digital signage in the QSR industry to show videos or images of your food is a great way to entice some hungry customers. Videos of food being prepared could be displayed or just videos of other people enjoying it. This is where high quality images and videos are going to be vital. The clearer and sharper the images are, the better. Being delicious keeps customers coming back, but looking delicious will help get first time customers in the door. 

Weather Topics

Weather, the topic we use to make small talk with almost anyone. It’s nice to be able to look up and see the weekly forecast or see what current conditions are for your commute. restaurant qsr weather digital signageDisplaying the weather is also particularly useful for QSRs, because they can actually use the weather to sell specific items. A nice hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate sounds even better when it’s paired up with a forecast of 20 degrees and snowy, and of course an ice cold glass of lemonade sounds a lot better when it’s 90 degrees and sunny.

QSRs can make the most of these conditions by displaying relevant menu items right up with the weather, making these items even more appealing. LEARN MORE about using weather in QSR industry digital signage. 

Behind the Scenes

With constant traffic in and out of the restaurant, and rushes of customers throughout the day, communication is imperative. QSRs need to get staff the information they need quickly and efficiently. 

qsr digital signage cafe

Digital signage does this with immediate effect. They can schedule content to let staff know about upcoming events, training, and news. It can also be used to call out wins, like employee of the month, or positive customer reviews.

Soon, AI or artificial intelligence could be implemented into digital signage, and it’s smart enough to understand speech. This means people could pull up to the drive through and place an order without a person being there to take the order. This could be a huge win for restaurants who are short staffed, which appears to be the majority today. LEARN MORE about the possibilities of future applications of AI and signs in the QSR industry. 

Practicality and Safety

qsr digital signage qr codeMany restaurants are ditching paper menus, especially after the COVID19 pandemic.

Originally, the paper menus were replaced by QR codes to reduce the spread of germs, but there are other benefits as well. Previously, changing menu items, removing items, or changing prices would call for all new menus to be created and printed. With a digital menu, restaurant owners and managers can update menus in seconds. CLICK HERE  to learn more about how QR codes are changing the restaurant industry. 

 In conjunction with digital signage software, restaurants can use QR codes to let customers see the menu from where they sit, and scan the code to get the menu right on their phone. Digital signage can also be used to display which orders are ready, and estimated times remaining for orders that are being filled. There are even additional QSR solutions built right into digital signage software, like QR code generators. With a few clicks, you can create your own QR codes and add them to all of your signage. 

Enterprise digital signage is extremely scalable. It can be used to display content on one screen or thousands of screens, and it could be updated on smartphones from any location in the world with a stable internet connection. This means that restaurant managers overseeing multiple locations can update all displays at once using one device from virtually anywhere. Digital signage for the QSR industry is saving time and money for restaurants something that is always needed.



9 Reasons to Upgrade to Digital Signage

9 Reasons to Upgrade to Digital Signage

Upgrade to Digital Signage with Digital Signage Kiosks

For years digital signage has been a growing force in advertising, branding, and digital communications. Every industry is upgrading to intuitive digital displays; government, healthcare, education, retail, and more. The benefits of digital signage lead to improved visitor experiences through prompting users to take action. These actions could include learning about events, providing information, and many other options. Also these displays provide unified branding and many use cases for industries that adopt it.

One of the biggest pain points that is stopping people from upgrading to digital signage is resisting change. The resistant for change comes from both sides of a company. Business owners fear that customers will not understand newer technology, and that it will lead to a decrease in sales. Moreover, owners themselves fear moving to a new system, when their current system is working.

The digital signage industry is expected to grow into a $45.30 billion market by 2030. The demand for signage is growing, and as demands increases, the products improve. Digital signage has already become faster, more secure, and easier to learn than ever. In addition, these digital signs increase sales with more views, improve customer satisfaction, and even have touch and touch-free options. Owners no longer have to worry about customers understanding or engaging with a technology, as they are surrounded by digital screens everyday.

Digital signage can do so much to improve on outdated methods of advertising, branding, and communications. Just because something is currently working, does not meant that is cannot be improved on. The smart decision is to embrace this digital option rather than resist it. Get ahead of the curve by learning about the benefits of making the upgrade to digital signage from outdated methods and technologies.


1. Upgrade to Interact with Audiences

For years companies have struggled creating a useful and meaningful customer experience. While posters, flyers, and welcome desks can provide some interaction, they often take a lot of time, money, and resources to maintain. Likewise, posters and flyers are extremely passive, and lead to a lack of customer engagement and education. Often these forms of communication are lost on walls full of other advertising, leading to an overall muddled experience. Welcome desks also come with their fair share of problems; bad first impressions, time consuming processes, and a lack of visitor independence.

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Free up your staff to work elsewhere besides waiting at a desk or spending time on physical advertising that may not be noticed. Digital signage allows visitors to get where they need to, check-in, learn about your organization, and read about company values on their own. It also provides an option to access maps and information on their phones, rather than having an employee spend time walking them through processes.

Digital signage is a professional method of displaying information. Link to different menus, display time and weather, include instructions, all in one place and without losing anything in the clutter. Displays have a 400% higher rate of being seen and engaged with, which alone makes the upgrade to digital signage worth it.


2. Upgrade to Target Specific Audiences with Scheduling

Not only does digital signage prompt visitors to interact, but it also delivers catered messages to visitors at different times of day. Currently many companies put up posters, flyers, and other temporary signage to try to engage with users. This often leads to a wall full of unprofessional advertising and announcements that never truly reach the end user. Moreover this method does not have a targeted customer experience, meaning every customer has the same user journey.

In contrast some companies have switched to putting advertisements on a TV for information to scroll through. While these displays might be more engaging, they still do not lead to a meaningful user experience. Maintaining these displays can also be a hassle, as many lack the option for remote management. Both current options waste time, money, and resources and do not get the correct message to the right person.

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Target Audience and Scheduling        Target Audience with Scheduling on Digital Signage

With digital signage, content can easily be updated, and multiple presentations can be created. This means that content can be scheduled to play on displays at different times of the day, week, month, or year. Unlike their paper counterparts, this allows you to target specific audiences, leading to a better return on investment. Maintaining digital signage content is also quite easy. Updates can be easily made, and schedules can be put together months in advance. No more constant working on designing, printing, and hanging up one-off paper advertising. Simply create the content, and push it live to screens everywhere for your audience for immediate engagement.


3. Upgrade to Update Content Quickly

Posters, flyers, and brochures are beginning to largely be a promotional tool of the past. These temporary methods are clumsily pasted on a wall or crammed on a bulletin board where their messages will be lost. Not only is this not professional, but it is a large waste of resources and time. People constantly spend time creating new simple paper signage for events, promotions, health notices, and more.

Once designs are haphazardly put together, they all need to be printed, with whatever resources are available. Finally, every poster or flier needs to be manually hung up and taken down at each location where the announcement is needed. With content being created by a variety of people and departments, brand cohesion is often completely missing. This leads to a lot of time being put into messages that are hardly noticed and often left up past their time of relevance.

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Update Content Quickly       

With digital signage it is easy to update content instantly from anywhere that has internet. Simply make the changes to your content or add a new batch of content, and then push it live. This is done without the need to visit individual locations to take down and hang up signage. No more missing the window to display time sensitive content, when updates are done with the push of a button. Additionally, making new digital content does not require any added time or money to be fed into printing and material costs. Digital signage is friendlier to the environment, and friendlier to your company’s budget.


4. Upgrade to Easily Promote Sales or Demo Products

Companies rely on newspaper ads, website ads, coupons, and in-store signage to inform visitors about products and upcoming sales. Sharing a demonstration of your products or services can be difficult to manage in limited space with limited resources. Unless in a cooking store, a live demonstration is often not an option, and website and paper ads cannot fill this gap. Paper signage also lacks an inviting format, often not being assertive enough, or too distracting. While these methods can be effective, they should not be the only source for visitors to interact with your organization.

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Demo Products and Services       

Digital signage provides a way to bring showcases into stores rather than just having them at events or trade shows. Provide extra product information, display product showcase videos on screens, or even embed live demos. This makes explaining complex items or services simple, and gives customers an inviting learning experience. Doing this leads to higher engagement and understanding, making someone more likely to move forward with your product.

Signage software makes it is simple to create and distribute content across screens in one or many locations. Create professional sale content for customers, no more flimsy paper signage necessary. As mentioned before, easily switch digital content when new sales or promotions arrive with scheduling to cut down on paper waste.


5. Upgrade to Add Amazing Integrations

Many appliances are needed to show time, date, send alerts, display news feeds, and more. Having this many devices can make it difficult to maintain a productive work flow or a consistently branded environment. Ensuring that all devices are up to date and ready for customers or staff to use becomes tedious and time consuming.

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Add Amazing Integrations        Add Amazing Integrations with Digital Signage

An ever growing amount of intuitive integrations and dynamic widgets make digital signage the perfect tool to replace these outdated devices. Easily add simple widgets like weather, time and date, countdowns, news feeds, QR codes, and slideshows for informative content. Alternatively add complex integrations like websites, metrics, donor lists, Google Apps, Twitter feeds, and other options for a higher level of usage.


6. Upgrade to Access Unlimited Use Cases

Devices such as clocks and weather radios, and promotional material such as flyers and posters often only have one use. This leads to a cluttered work atmosphere, full of devices that take time to manage and keep up to date. For example, chalkboard or manual marquee signage are a slow and cumbersome method of executing menus. Printed office directories are temporary as constant staff and room changes are made, and because of this are usually out of date. Finally cork bulletin boards are a cluttered way to display messages and often announcements are lost in the shuffle. These many different physical options and so many more need to be managed daily to truly be effective.

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        Unlimited Use Cases of Digital Signage

In the previous section, the many integrations provided with using digital signage were mentioned. These widgets and integrations make digital signage a tool that can be molded to fit any need and use case. Use digital signage in healthcare settings, government agencies, schools, retail locations, corporate offices, and other areas. Likewise digital screens can display an unlimited number of these use cases all at once.

Digital signage can include digital menus that are easily updatable from any internet connected device. Moreover menus no longer have to remain simple for ease; with digital signage custom designs are easy to make. Easily create and update office directories and clearly display them in areas with high foot traffic to give visitors current information. Lastly, display updates in one place and even give messages their own slides so they will be seen and heard. The use cases for digital signage are truly endless, and only limited by your own ideas. Here is a list we made of 50 ways to use digital signage in your business to spark some more of those ideas.


7. Upgrade to Create Digital Directories and Wayfinding

Physical wayfinding and directories are critical for helping visitors navigate through buildings. Despite this, they are cluttered and confusing to guests, sometimes causing more harm than good. Also these types of signage cannot be easily updated when workers and locations are added. This leads to a constant flow of new signage being ordered and created, spending lots of time and money.

While welcome desks help fill that missing step for helping visitors, they can be costly to maintain due to labor costs. Furthermore these desks require stationed workers for full efficacy, preventing them from working on other tasks around the building.

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Digital Directories and Wayfinding Old Method        Digital Directories and Wayfinding with Digital Signage

Touchscreen digital signage allows for the usage of digital wayfinding and directories on screens throughout facilities. This creates a comprehensive navigation system that can be easily updated when offices or personnel change. Guests can easily access interactive digital signage and use it to locate people, departments, and locations in the building. Digital displays pair perfectly with physical wayfinding signs by adding an extra level of direction and affirmation. These displays also free up staff who would be directing traffic. This in turn reduces social interactions which is especially important in today’s COVID-19 world.

To go one step further, QR codes, beacon technology, and Progressive Web Apps allow visitors to view maps and directories on their phones. This means that companies can share directories with guests before their visit for clarity on parking, entrances, and a more streamlined wayfinding process.

A progressive web app or PWA is a website that looks and behaves like a native mobile app. It combines the features of web browsing with an app-like experience, without the barrier of visiting an app store and having to download an app.


8. Upgrade for Digital Donor Recognition

Aluminum and zinc donor plaques are a thoughtful way to recognize donors, but lack the ability to be updated. Over time these plaques begin to take up a significant amount of wall space, and look outdated. Plaques lack an actionable statement for collecting future donations as well. The displays are heavy, difficult to mount, and do not truly give donors with the recognition they deserve.

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Digital Donor Recognition        Donor Recognition with Digital Signage

Donor recognition with digital signage provides solutions for these problems as well leads the way for improving donor recognition. Unlike donor plaques, digital screens can display future donation opportunities, share donor stories, and promote what donations are used for. As these screens are interactive they lead to an increased visitor engagement helping encourage more donations. Digital integrations such as Google Sheets or List-Eez make showing full donor lists clean and easy. This allows for more frequent updates to be made from anywhere helping donors know that their donations are truly valued.

Displaying content on digital signage allows for content to be shared in more than one location, giving donors the recognition they deserve. Beautiful donor wall displays can be partnered with digital signage to provide an elevated branding opportunity and donor experience. All this reduces the wall space being taken up with plaques and saves money from being funneled into these cumbersome projects.


9. Upgrade for Unified Branding and Digital Communications

Creating posters, fliers, and even physical signage can lead to disjointed branding within companies. If your company is lucky, one team might put together all marketing materials for your location. If your company is not lucky, random members create wayfinding and posters in varying styles, leading to a lack of brand cohesion. Display boards are littered with designs, and company branding guides fall by the wayside in favor of thrown together promotional materials. This disjointed branding leads to a muddled and confusing customer experience. It is important to create a cohesive brand so customers feel heard, understand your company, and become repeat customers.

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Unified Digital Communications and Branding       

Digital signage provides a simple solution to enact unified branding across one or many locations. Digital signs can cleanly display company values, share enriching stories, and even communicate usefulness of products or services in daily usage. Show guests that they share values with your company by having a consistent digital communications network. It is proven that customers who share an emotional connection with a brand are likely to have a larger lifetime value (LTV). Encourage visitors and customers to work with you time and time again with a system they understand and appreciate.

Not only does digital signage show values and trust, but it is a way to show reliability and professionalism. Having a cohesive message to display with visitors leads to an elevated user journey. This is possible to achieve even across various locations as employees can quickly update digital content from anywhere. The ability to create templates of content makes it easy for users to maintain the rules from branding guides. Altogether digital signage offers a way to manage users and a unified brand across many locations with ease.


The Reason to Upgrade to Digital Signage

Digital signage is revolutionizing the way that advertising, branding, and digital communications are conducted. The countless integrations and features allow it to be a fit for any industry. Moreover with the versatile options digital signage offers, the limitations are only constructed by the imagination of users. Create a meaningful customer experience, maintain professionalism, and manage content remotely with ease by upgrading to digital signage today. Contact us for a digital signage demo or to learn more about the many benefits and use cases of digital signage.