Recommended Devices

Device Agnostic CMS Software

Use ANY Media Player with Arreya

You can use our software with any existing device that has an internet connection in a Windows, Linux, or Chrome environment. If you don’t already have a device, our team can recommend one. When it comes to media player devices, you get what you pay for. It’s important to choose a quality brand that has ample storage capacity, reliable performance, and can grow with your needs. 

We also offer White Glove setup on all devices purchased through Arreya for a plug-and-play experience. We will enroll, pair, and configure your device so it’s ready to go.

Supported and Recommended Brands

While our CMS software works with nearly any device, there are some media player brands that stand out from the others. We have a list of partner devices we recommend to our customers for reliability and life span. Our team can guide you to the best option for your digital signage program. Troubleshooting and support for these devices is included in our Arreya Care support packages. 

Video Wall And Screens

A special device player is necessary when linking screens together so they have the power to synch and display as one image in a wider format. Our Arreya team can recommend the right player for any video wall design. 

Google Enterprise Recommended

Arreya’s digital signage CMS software is Chrome Chrome Enterprise Recommended and is part of Google’s partner program for third-party solutions verified as meeting technical and support standards for Chrome OS.  Arreya was tested by the Google team of Partner Managers and Engineers and met digital signage suite CER requirements. 

Purchase software or bundle with a reliable media player.
Agnostic for In-Use Players
Use Your Existing Players

If you already have player devices in operation, you can still use them with your Arreya subscription. Our CMS software is device agnostic. However, we cannot guarantee reliability or playback quality for non-recommended devices, legacy hardware, or manufacturer discontinued players.