If you are an approved user in a primary Arreya account with multiple subscriptions, you can now access media libraries for all your subsidiary accounts. You can either access these files from your primary account OR when you log into any other account as an approved primary user. This feature is only available to users in the primary account. Users from your other subsidiary locations or accounts do not have this access. If you want them to have this access, you have to add them as an approved user in your primary account.
Accessing Another Media Library from Your Primary Account
• Sign into your primary Arreya account.
• Navigate to the Media library.
• Locate the purple Accounts drop down bar in the top left corner.
• Select the account you want to access.
• You will now be linked to the Media library of that account.
• You can now edit, add, or delete any media from this subsidiary account.
• You can also add graphics and media from this subsidiary account to your presentation.
Access Via Signing into a Subsidiary Account
• Sign into the subsidiary account as a primary account user.
• Navigate to the Media library.
• To access your primary or another subsidiary account, locate the purple Accounts drop down bar
in the top left corner. Select the account you want to access.
• You will now be linked to the Media library of this account.
• You can now edit, add, or delete any media from this account or add media to your presentation.
Template Sharing
If you are an approved user in a primary Arreya account with multiple subscriptions, you can now access templates for all your subsidiary accounts. You can either access these template files from your primary account OR when you log into any other account as an approved primary user. This feature is only available to users in the primary account. Users from your other subsidiary locations or accounts do not have this access. If you want them to have this access, you have to add them as an approved user in your primary account.
Accessing Another Template from Your Primary Account
• Sign into your primary Arreya account.
• Navigate to the Templates library.
• Locate the purple Accounts drop down bar in the top left corner.
• Select the account you want to access.
• You will now be linked to the template library of that account.
Access Via Signing into a Subsidiary Account
• Sign into the subsidiary account as a primary account user.
• Navigate to the Templates library.
• To access your primary or another subsidiary account, locate the purple Accounts drop down bar in the top left corner. Select the account you want to access.
• You will now be linked to the Template library of this account.
Creating Presentations from a Subsidiary Account Template
• Sign into the subsidiary account as a primary account user.
• Navigate to Presentations, then click the New Presentation button.
• Select Templates
• Navigate to My Templates in the left sidebar. The purple bar above will contain your subsidiary account access.
• Select the subsidiary account with the template you want access. Click on that template and give it a new name. Click Finish.
• You have now created a new presentation from the subsidiary account’s template.